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White to play |
Descarga el programa de ajedrez y obtén la versión completa
Primer paso
1. Regístrate.
2. Descarga nuestro programa de ajedrez (CEEC) aquí: https://goldchess.com/en/other/grandmaster.html instálalo y activa su versión completa. (Tienes instrucciones en -codes-). Estás listo para jugar.
¿Qué es Goldchess?
En Goldchess, los ajedrecistas juegan desde una posición determinada contra el ordenador educativo CEEC.
Goldchess es ajedrez libre de estrés. Puedes deshacer tus movimientos y cambiarlos por otros nuevos. Volver a la posición - Botón de reabrir. Si juegas con el blanco, haz clic en -Play-Play white, si juegas con el negro, -Play-Play black. En Play-Option, puedes cambiar las piezas y el color de los campos del tablero. Hazlo y quédate satisfecho.
También se puede cambiar el idioma del programa de ajedrez a español o portugués en la vista inicial del programa, haciendo clic en: Play-Option-Text-Language. Solo el registro de movimientos no cambiará y permanecerá en inglés.
*Prueba (diagrama 3 y 4)
*Torneos + Diagramas 1 y 2.
Para ganar uno de los premios principales en el torneo Millionaire, debes aprender a ganar contra el CEEC. Juega y entrena desde hoy. ¡Te deseamos éxitos!
3. El sitio web de los códigos de promoción (acceso gratuito al torneo): https://www.goldchess.com/en/myaccount.html#myacc_promocodes
Goldchess: nuestro lugar en el mundo del ajedrez
En el mundo, hay los 200 mejores ajedrecistas (2600+) y decenas de millones de otros jugadores. Dejémoslesa los mejoresjugar al ajedrez entre ellos. Goldchess es para los demás millones de jugadores. Sin embargo, si uno de los mejores ajedrecistasjuega en Goldchess, sucede algo extraordinario e impredecible. Pierde su corona y deja de ser elmaestro. Desaparece en la multitud. En Goldchess, sus habilidades son insuficientes para vencer a nuestroordenador educativo de una manera mejor y más rápida que otros jugadores, no excluyendo los principiantes
Es por eso que Goldchess es algo extraordinario, un fenómeno a escala global.
Goldchess es una plataforma para aprender nuevas técnicas y mejorar habilidades. El juego con nuestroordenador educativo CEEC les ayudará a millones de ajedrecistas a aprender nuevas técnicas, mejorar sus habilidades, ganar posiciones difíciles y, en general, ganar conun estilo brillante de Goldchess. NUESTRAS TÉCNICAS SON POSIBLES DE APLICAR EN TODOS LOS NIVELES. LOS PRINCIPIANTES JUGARÁN DE UNA MANERA Y LOS GRANDES MAESTROS DE OTRA. EN EL SENTIDO DE LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LA IDEA DE GOLDCHESS.
Existen muchos sitios web de ajedrez en los quese puede jugar y aprender conocimientos de ajedrez. Solo que todos ofrecen, básicamente, los mismos conocimientos. Nosotros ofrecemos nuestros propios, nuevos, diferentes y frescos conocimientos. En www.goldchess.com, organizamos torneos y juegos de ajedrez, así como preparamos rompecabezas en 4 diagramas con altos premios, en varios niveles de dificultad, para los principiantes y para los maestros. Con nosotros, puedes aprender, jugar en nuestros torneos a título oneroso, con grandes premios, o a título gratuito, con premios menores. Actualmente,ofrecemosalgo muy atractivo: torneos diarios que tienen lugar todos los días, con un premio de 50 dólares para los mejores jugadores. Un partido, un premio y un ganador.
En nuestro sitio, también puedes jugar con un amigo de cualquier continente o con un verdadero gran maestro. Goldchess educa, enseña belleza ydivierte. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es registrarte e iniciar sesión, y descargar nuestro programa gratuito, es decir, tu oponente. Con nosotros, descubrirásel ajedrez real y bello. ¡Te invitamos!
Nuestras calificaciones
Blitz es diversión. Pero esta diversión profana el ajedrez. En nuestra opinión, se trata de "ajedrez de caballo". Clip-clop, clip-clop. Jugar Blitz, especialmente en lichess.org o chess.com, es una pérdida de tiempo. Los partidos de Blitz son débiles, contienen muchos errores y, realmente, no agregan nada a los logros de ajedrez. Eso significa que no valen nada. Se trata de jugar para pasar el tiempo, no para mejorar las habilidades. Es verdadero que a vecestienen lugarpartidos bellos, pero no son guardados; no se recordarán y desaparecerán para siempre. Eso no pasa en Goldchess. Tenemos una filosofía diferente y ambiciones distintos. Los jugadores juegan por premios atractivos, los partidos se guardan y los más hermosos de ellos pasarán a la historia del ajedrez. Junto con los nombres de los jugadores.
¡Te invitamos!
Goldchess: una nueva forma de ajedrez, torneos en línea para millones.
¡Eso es verdad! Somoslos únicos en el mundo en tener conocimientos para organizar torneos en que pueden jugar al mismo tiempo millones de ajedrecistas. Hay 3 principios:
1. Cuando participa un millón de jugadores, hay enormes premios que cualquier jugador puede ganar.
2. La duración de nuestro torneo es de media hora (3 partidas) a una hora (5 partidas), ya que todos juegan desde una posición determinada con el mismo oponente, nuestroordenador educativo.
3. Igualdad de oportunidades para todos.
Un principiante puede jugar sin problema en nuestro torneo con un gran maestro, sin temor a que estedefinitivamente gane y reciba el premio, lo que siempre pasa en los torneos tradicionales. Eso no es una opciónen Goldchess. Los grandes maestros no resuelven nuestros problemas mejor o más rápido que otros jugadores. ¿Por qué? Es muy sencillo. Es cierto que ellos tienen más conocimientosque los demás, pero piensan y juegan siguiendo patrones anticuados, mientras que Goldchess es un salto en la modernidad. Cuando no conocen nuestras técnicas, son novatos como cualquier otro jugador, sin excluir a los principiantes.
Además, podemos organizar un torneo de exhibición para todos los entrenadores de ajedrez de todo el mundo. Si les damos partidas difíciles, podrá suceder que no ganen ninguna de ellas. Entonces, ¿por qué te enseñan cuandono pueden ganar? Tranquilamente. Ellos son buenos entrenadores, pero te enseñan conocimientos anticuados. Nosotros queremos que juegues al ajedrez moderno, para que aumentes tu nivel y comiences a jugar mejor. En general, podemos demostrar de inmediato a cada ajedrecista que tiene lagunas específicas en los conocimientos y las habilidades del ajedrez, independientemente de la clasificación que tiene y nivel que representa.
En resumen, en los torneos de Goldchess no hay favoritos y todos pueden ganar. Nuestro portal de ajedrez existe desde hace 8 años y este hecho estábien documentado. En el torneo de exhibición en India, jugó, entre otros, 3 maestros internacionales. Ve quién ganó: https://www.goldchess.com/en/other/report/24.html.
¿Quieres participar en el torneo Millionaire y jugar por una bolsa de premios de un millón de dólares? Empieza a entrenarte jugando en torneos semanales con un premio acumulado de 150 dólares. Cuando te sientas fuerte, podrás jugar en otros torneos con premios más altos.
Sin embargo, el paso más importante para aprender sobre la base de conocimientos de Goldchess, es familiarizarte con nuestro libro “Goldchess: Camino a la cumbre”, publicado en cuatro idiomas y disponible en nuestra tienda electrónica: https://shop.goldchess.com/index.php/es/product/goldchess-camino-a-la-cumbre/
¡Cómpralo y llega a la cumbre!
Goldchess presenta:
Habana Torneo es solo para jugadores de Cuba y países latinoamericanos.
Invertiremos en tu educación. Durante los torneos gratuitos Habana Torneo te enseñaremos a jugar como Capablanca. Haremos que miles de ajedrecistas latinoamericanos aumenten su nivel. Si los jugadores no ganan todos los premios en uno de los torneos, los mismos pasarán al próximo Habana Torneo y la bolsa de premios aumentará.
Una parte importante de la educación es también nuestro libro, publicado especialmente para tú en español, "Goldchess: Camino a la cumbre". Ahora está en oferta. Se puede comprarlo en nuestra tienda electrónica (acceso desde la página de inicio, enlace directo: https://shop.goldchess.com/index.php/es/product/goldchess-camino-a-la-cumbre/).
Lee aquí sobre nuestro libro que debe estar en la casa de cada ajedrecista latino. A continuación se encuentra información importante sobre cómo comenzar a jugar, es decir, el primer paso, y cómo activar nuestro programa en la versión completa con un tablero que aparecerá en la pantalla de tu ordenador después de descargar e instalar nuestro programa. Este es tu oponente del torneo que juega como un ser humano.
Goldchess para ajedrecistas de habla hispana
1/ Comunicado
Bienvenidos a la versión español de la página de ajedrez.
Para que te familiarices con nuestra página, en el Centro de Información hemos puesto en marcha un servicio de noticias donde vas a encontrar artículos e información en español.
Nada más que haya 10 000 registrados, haremos una versión español completa.
Por ahora ten un trozo de nuestro mundo, y ahora depende de ti si la página tendrá su versión en español.
2/ Todo sobre Goldchess - Instrucción
1. Goldchesses un juego a partir de una posición dada, contra nuestro ordenador educativo CEEC que juega en un nivel de 1500-1800 ELO. Jugamos con el fin de ganar o empatar según las indicaciones del Organizador. Es un lujo poder jugar las partidas de Goldchess en tu propia casa y poder ganar grandes premios monetarios. ¡Descarga CEEC y juega!
2. Goldchess ofrece juegos gratuitos con premios de $50-$1000 (4 diagramas) y el éxito mundial del CCI siglo, el torneo Millionaire, con premios de un valor total de $400000. Está claro que tal cantidad de premios es posible sólo en caso de que en el torneo Millionaire haya un número mínimo de participantes determinado. En la primera edición participaron 15 000 jugadores.
3.Goldchess enseña a ganar y prepara para campeonatos futuros. Enseña también a aplicar la psicología a la hora de jugar con un rival. Asimismo, gracias a Goldchess estarás por encima de un juego de combinación y subirás de nivel de forma considerable. Dentro de unos años, sin conocer Goldchess, no podrás ser un buen ajedrecista.
4. Goldchesses un sistema de juegos igualitarios en los que todo el mundo tiene las mismas posibilidades. Por esta razón, una persona no profesional puede jugar con un maestro sin tener miedo de que este vaya a ganar y quitarle el premio. Esto es porque en Goldchess lo que importa más no es el ajedrecista. Lo más importante es la forma de ganar a CEEC.
5. Vuelta al origen. Nuestras tareas no se resuelven con fuertes programas de ajedrez. De esta forma le devolvemos al ajedrecista la confianza en sí mismo. Él puede ganar, o sea hacer lo que no haga el motor que juega en un nivel de 3500 ELO. Al mismo tiempo, esto es una vuelta al origen, pues el ajedrecista no puede hacer uso del programa y tiene que pensar por sí mismo.
6. Goldchessno es nada estresante. Al buscar una solución al problema, puedes probar movimientos muchas veces.
Para resumir:
Goldchesses una solución innovadora, similar al juego Alpha 0, pero para jugadores tanto no profesionales como profesionales. Simplemente, hay que aprender Goldchess y especializarse, como en caso de Blitz, simuladores o un juego al azar. Para esto,es necesario realizar un entrenamiento en Goldchess y conocer partidas de ganadores.
Pero el método más importante y la clave para ganar es conocer y aprovechar la debilidad de CEEC. Si lo aprendemos, ganar en Goldchess será muy fácil.
Y el último pensamiento, Goldchess causará un enorme aumento en la popularidad del ajedrez, y acelerará su desarrollo en cien años.
Grupo deGoldchess
Diamante de ajedrez
1. En Goldchess jugamos desde una posición determinada contra el ordenador educativo CEEC. Los jugadores juegan a partir de una posición determinada, pero existe una solución. La tarea de los jugadores es encontrar una solución efectiva–al repetir nuestra solución o hacer la suya propia, según las condiciones dadas.
2. Resolver tareas de Goldchess es una atracción asombrosa con premios y reconocimientos. Puedes crear tu propio juego de ajedrez de la vida, que pasará a la historia del ajedrez como un diamante de ajedrez. Ve Genius Test May, HaykYerisyan y nuestras soluciones. Deje que estas soluciones se conviertan en tu meta y tu sueño,y se vuelvan realidad en Goldchess.
Deseamos esto a todos los participantes de nuestros juegos y torneos.
Asistente Goldchess - contacto
Goldchess - juega al ajedrez moderno
Goldchess es una nueva forma de torneos de ajedrez disponible en www.goldchess.com.
En este juego no hay jugadores favoritos y,prácticamente, cada uno puede ganar. La primera persona quien resuelva nuestro problema de ajedrez y nos enviará su solución, sin obtener cualquier cualificación o clasificación, será el ganador de nuestro torneo.
Nuestro portal suele organizar torneos, competiciones y juegos de ajedrez en diagramas, GrandmasterCorner, Genius Test, rompecabezas o Goldchess Crazy.Mediante nuestra plataforma sejuega pagando únicamente la cuota por el registro, o si deseas, puedes también beneficiar de los juegos gratuitamente. Las ventajas de nuestros torneos consisten de los premios muy atractivos y el lujo de jugar desde la propia casa, y ... sin estrés. También, en estos juegos puede participar cualquier número de los jugadores. Y cuantos más participantes, mayor será el número de los premios a conseguir. Goldchess es un portal que representa la comunidad mundial de ajedrez. Está dirigido únicamente a los jugadores de ajedrez.
Goldchess inspira y enseña cómo jugar de manera efectiva y bella.Ya es un elemento esencial de la educación de ajedrez.
Dentro de unos pocos años, no será posible ser un buen jugador de ajedrez sin conocer nuestra plataforma Goldchess. Los jugadores de ajedrez que ya conocen Goldchess son unos de los mejores ajedrecistas. Por esto, empieza a aprender y jugar con nosotros hoy.
Solo tienes que registrarte, descargar nuestro programa, seleccionar tu oponente y ya estás listo para jugar. El resto, aprenderás en el primer paso y familiarizándote con la instrucción - Cómo jugar.
Equipo de oro en Goldchess
Gold team at Goldchess. Polish success. 2 times gold in the World Championship in solving 2018.
Éxito polaco 2 veces oro en el Campeonato Mundial en la resolución 2018.
Equipo e individualmente, - Piotr Murdzia - 8vo título, tercero desde la izquierda.
Team and individually, - Piotr Murdzia - 8th title, third from the left.
Juega por $ recompensa
Live Puzzle Pop3
Incluso los genios del ajedrez jóvenes de Armenia no hicieron el trabajo esta semana. Solo un jugador de ajedrez, Marcin Jaworski de Polonia, resolvió el problema. Vea cómo jugó Marcin. Últimos 4 jugadas. (Results-Puzzle Pop)
Gana en Goldchess
- Todos pueden jugar mejor y recoger la computadora de CEEC.
Genius Test, Foro
GT - todavía estamos esperando 9 soluciones, para hacer un sorteo de ganador.
Hemos abierto un foro para ti, te invitamos. Escriban observaciones, comentarios, preguntas, lo que no entiendan.
El sitio Goldchess es un amigable espacio para todos los ajedrecistas.
Les mandamos saludos y deseamos partidas y torneos exitosos.
Grupo de Goldchess
Goldchess es un portal de ajedrez que ha transformado el concepto tradicional de torneo para que los jugadores, independientemente de su nivel, tengan las mismas posibilidades de ganar.
Los torneos consisten en jugar con tu ordenador contra CEEC, un programa educativo de ordenador de nivel aproximado de 1800 ELO, a partir deuna posición dada donde hay que resolver una tarea específica.
Por ejemplo, en unos de los ejercicios para el “Genius Test”, con un premio de $100,había que conseguir dar mate en la jugada 25 con un alfil a partir de la posición siguiente.
De este modo, los jugadores pueden desarrollar un proceso más creativo e imaginativo de analizar las posiciones.
Grandes maestros (como GM SantoshGujrathiVidit (2718), GM Aleksander Mista (2625), GM Artur Jakubiec (2514), GM AleksandarColovic o GM Jacek Stopa) ya han probado GOLDCHESS y apoyan esta nueva forma de disfrutar y competir del ajedrez.
Hay distintosjuegos/torneos con premiosmonetarios: “World Championship 2018”, “Puzzle Pop”, “Live Puzzle Grandmaster Corne”, “Millionaire”, “Immortal”, “Non Stop”, “Game Hunting”, “Beauty Contest” o “World Goldchess League”.
El próximo torneo “Millionaire” abierto para TODOS los jugadores de TODOS los niveles será en octubre con un price pool de 500.000 dólares.
¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad para empezar a entrenarte y participa en los distintos torneos de Goldchess!
WFM Gal·la Garcia-Castany Musellas
(founder and CEO World Wide Chess)
Goldchess - a chance for immortality
Chess got lost a bit. When I look at those chess tournaments, games for masses, where everyone treats others as rivals, those fights for points, rankings, winners, everything is so limited, so narrowed down to a sort of an athletic competition. All of that makes too little sense.
Ok, the tournament was organized, 1000 games were played. The question is, how many of them deserve to be remembered, admired, honored, and immortalized? How many of them will make the history of chess? What is the contribution of the players of a particular tournament to the legacy of chess heritage? If there is no such contribution whatsoever, why did this tournament take place at all? Couldn’t they just play some leg games under the table? Intellectually it would do as much difference.
In Goldchess, this style of tournament fades away and practically does not exist. The most important thing is creativity, creating a game that will live forever. Shown after 100 or 1000 years from now, it will still amaze the spectators. And we reward players for such games. For the chess player, the creator of a game, there is double satisfaction. He also has a chance to get the immortality in the world of chess. Goldchess - a pass to eternity.
Feel free to join us.
Alpha 0 vs Goldchess
Alpha 0 won with Stockfish and is able to win with every chess player on the globe. Some of the Grandmasters claim that it may kill chess. In such a state of affairs Goldchess seems to be the last bastion of chess on Earth. If Alpha 0 fails to solve Goldchess tasks, and we're sure it does, chess will be saved. :)
Kasparov show
Dear Chess Players,
on the GoldChess we are creating a new image of Kasparov. We have decided that Kasparov, one of the most brilliant chess players in chess history, cannot lose any particular game with white pieces. Therefore, we have worked on all those games and we are beating every Garry's opponent, one by one. We have already defeated Lerner, Anikaev and Tigran Petrosyan twice. We are going to "take care" of such famous players like Spassky, Korchnoi and Karpov himself. The names do not paralize us, we are going to handle them all. The reason that we are able to do it is because our trusted CEEC plays instead of those players. The program is a greedy pawn eater and a cute amateur of "poisoned" pieces. And by being such, he cannot defend positions that are chosen by us :)
We invite you to take part in the first Kasparov's show on GoldChess. This event will take place on Thursday 13th of July - Non Stop tournament. During the competition participants will get the opportunity to comprehend Kasparov's style and level which will allow them to improve their skills as well.
GoldChess entertains, teaches and shows beauty of chess. I will not even mention prizes in dollars this time :) On Thursday, $500.
Have fun!
There is no chess, without… Goldchess
Goldchess Immortal Tournament - it starts in June 3rd, 5 pm CET
We are preparing a Goldchess Hit for the month of May: a new amazing tournament called Goldchess Immortal.
The title speaks for itself: only immortal Goldchess games are to be played.
You may join the tournament at any time of the day or night from any place in the world.
5-10 games selected for each player by our wheel of fortune.
Minimum prize pool: US$ 5,000!
This coming May!
Goldchess in the world
Next World Goldchess tournament, Johannesburg South Africa, April 18
Goldchess – a chess riddle of the 21st century
Goldchess Tournaments pose a challenge to amateur and professional chess players from all over the world.
How could one fail to win a game starting from a given position, even if the result has to be achieved in a manner specified by the Organizer, if the game was previously won by an amateur and the player is only expected to copy his/her solution, whereas the computer defending the position plays at a level of 1800???
And yet, the practice has shown that not everyone can win, and Goldchessoffers both easy and difficult problems.However, the most amazing thing is that making the strongest moves does not do the job and does not result in the specified win, which puts the best players, that is Grandmasters, in a quite difficult position.That provides an opportunity for new generations of chess players.
In most cases it is also very difficult, although not impossible, to make the strongest moves and defeat the application in a different way or in less moves than the author did, while meeting at the same time the prerequisites for the correct solution to the problem.It’s a stalemate.And that’s most amazing.The third strange thing is that much stronger chess programs do not come up with solutions adequate for Goldchess.We completed tests with Fritz and Rybka, and currently Stockfish and Houdini trials are underway.
In addition, the Goldchess positions and combinations are original ones, and majority of them have not been encountered during tournaments so far.
What’s the method for solving Goldchess problems, then?
The most simple way is to match the “taste” of CEEC, that is our chess computer, or to find the author’s solution, which is the most reliable way to win a prize.
And here logic, imagination and independent thinking are more important than the knowledge of chess.It means that amateurs not “contaminated” with chess stereotypes, as well as professional players not “overloaded” with chess knowledge have the greatest chance to win.Would you like to try your luck?Choose a problem that matches your aspirations and play!The Non Stop Tournament, the CEEC and the prizes are waiting for you.
P.S.Playing against CEEC, as against any competitor during a traditional tournament, consists in taking the advantage of the opponent’s mistakes. And as regards CEEC, you can often assume, foresee and provoke such mistakes, which means that you can plan a winning variant.
You need also to remember that CEEC:
1. will play in a different or weaker way than you think;
2. will play the way you want it to play if you induce it to do so.
CEEC likes running into ambushes and that can be you method for winning a game.
Therefore, you need to play, try and undo moves as you wish, as it is allowed, or even recommended in Goldchess.By clicking File-Reopen you can get back to the initial position. By clicking the move you want to change you will get back to that move.
Have fun!
the Goldchess Team
Vidit Gujrathi is the patron of Goldchess
Vidit Gujrathi recently became a patron of Goldchess for the year 2017. What exactly is Goldchess? In this article you get to know all about the portal. The founders of Goldchess have decided to host a tournament specially for Indian players with a prize money of US $2,200. There are 50 free entry coupons to be won.
Goldchess is a website with tournaments whose prize funds range from US$2,000 to US$50,000. Every chess player is eligible to take part in our tournaments. Professionals and amateurs, from all over the world, are welcome to participate in our events, upon having paid the entry fees.
Tournaments are played online, without having to leave your house. The participants play against the CEEC, an educational computer program, whose level hovers around 1800. The program can be downloaded for free on our site. The players solve tasks which begin from given positions, and have precise instructions. The objectives are checkmating or forcing the program to resignation. The commands are given by the Organizer in the same file which contains the tasks position.

Goldchess also has free games available to everybody. For example, the game Gold0, free of charge, is meant for players under the age of 16. The game Genius Test, also free of charge, can be played by anybody. The prizes range from $50 in Gold0, to hundreds of dollars in Genius Test.

Grandmaster Jacek Stopa works with Goldchess, and in the video below he explains how solving Goldchess position can help you improve as a chess player
Goldchess and the Indian connection

On February 25th, this Saturday, Goldchess will host an "Indian edition" of the Non Stop online tournament on their website. Games of GM Vidit and GM Grover were used to make problems for the tournament. Everyone is invited to take part in this event and a prize pool of $2200 prize pool is waiting!
Note: As per Goldchess website the competition with take place on 25th February at 11.00 a.m New York time. This translates to 21.30 Indian time on the 25th.
50 players who send me a personal message on my Facebook page with the right answer will get a free license code to take part in this Indian week on GoldChess.
The recipient of the license code must be a registered user. He or she needs to log into their Goldchess account, go to "My Account," and open the tab "Promotional Codes." The rest is easy - there is only one field left to be filled out, where the license code is entered, and then click "Use." If the code is correct, has not been used before and its validity has not expired, an appropriate Game will be added to the player's account.
Published on: chessbase.in
GM Vidit Joins Goldchess-from GM Colovic blog
GM Colovic
GM Colovic about Goldchess
Christmas Non Stop Tournament
On 25 December, at 05:00 p.m. CET, a special Christmas Non Stop Tournament will start.
Double-triple prizes, $2,000 for the 5th game! A prize pool of $5,000!
And what is more, the Goldchess Web Site has something special for you!
5 extraordinary games - problems, all starting from the same position!
Please be aware that the Christmas Edition of the Non Stop Tournament will last for only 70 minutes (1st game - 10 minutes, 2nd - 10 minutes, 3rd - 15 minutes, 4th - 15 minutes, 5th - 20 minutes).
The 5th game will be available only after 50 minutes of the Tournament, at 05:50 p.m. CET.
From 06:10 p.m CET it will be no longer possible to download the chess problems, and the Tournament results will be announced between 06:30 p.m. and 07:00 p.m. CET.
Feel invited!
Universal Instruction 2
Goldchess is a site with tournaments whose prize funds range from $2.000 to $50.000. Every chessplayer is eligible to take part in our tournaments. We welcome both professionals and amateurs, from all over the world, to participate in our events, upon having paid the entry fees.
In each tournament you can play unlimited number of chess players.
Goldchess tournaments are played online, without having to leave your house. The participants play against the CEEC, an educational computer program, whose level hovers around 1800. The program can be downloaded for free on our site. The players solve tasks which begin from given positions, and have precise instructions. The objectives are checkmating or forcing the program to resignation. The commands are given by the Organizer in the same file which contains the tasks position.
Example: The GIG Small: all of the information regarding the tournament is readily available on the website, when the participant clicks on the GIG Small tab. The participants are also welcome to read the Abridged Regulations available in the Regulation tab. The same information is available in the Winners and Results sections. Examples of tasks and solutions are available in the Winners tab. The main example can be found in Analysis tab.
Goldchess also has free games available to everybody. For example, the game Gold0, free of charge, is meant for players under the age of 16. The game Genius Test, also free of charge, can be played by anybody. The prizes range from $50 in Gold0, to hundreds of dollars in Genius Test. The October task for Genius Test will have a $300 prize.
GM Alex Colovic comments
Universal Instructions
Some chess players seem not to understand at all what Goldchess is about. The problem with a prize of $200 - see diagram in Genius Test, July - was as follows: to win in 24 moves, and to capture the queen (for additional information see -Results-Genius Test-). Meanwhile one of the players submitted a “solution”, which was a mate in 66 moves played against a different computer. Can you understand that? We can’t. The rules of Goldchess are clear and simple.
On Goldchess.com you start from a given position, and you play only against CEEC, our computer that can be downloaded from three locations on the homepage: the -download -, Genius test and Gold 0 sections on the Rook.
The -How to play- link on the Rook leads to a page with instructions and a video showing how to play and solve Goldchess problems.
You play for real, attractive prizes. You can play either free games, that is Genius Test and Gold 0, which do not require registering and logging in, or you can participate in Tournaments, where an entry fee must be paid. You can play in the R or A Department of the Rosija-America Tournament, or you can take part in the Independent Tournament.
For less experienced players we recommend the free Gold 0 game and the Rosija-America Tournament offering easy problems and considerable prizes, and different groups with separate prize pools for amateurs and professionals.
Important: no stress. When you play with our CEEC you may undo your moves multiple times by clicking on the move you want to undo or you may start the game again /return to position by File-Reopen/ if the selected continuation did not lead to a desired win.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us (contact@goldchess.com)
Goldchess Tournaments
Goldchess Tournaments are completely unique and currently are the most attractive tournaments in the whole world, for several reasons:
*They offer a decent pool of prizes from US$ 25.000 to US$50.000
*You start the game from a given position against an educational computer that is not a difficult rival *You play at home without additional cost and free from the usual tournament stress
*And, what’s the most important, the awards are at everybody’s reach because in Goldchess grandmasters, professionals and amateurs have equal opportunities. There is no rule or option that the grandmaster or the strongest player in the tournament must win. We have it tested I practice.
*The players from the whole world may take part in Goldchess tournaments. You may start at the beginning of the tournament or you may join it at any moment afterwards, starting from the next round. Moreover, in the Independent Tournament the chess player is free to choose the time and the day of the week to start playing in a specific round. Full comfort.
*Goldchess combines pleasure wing learning, as our exercises provide excellent lessons in chess playing. You will discover unknown areas and explore new opportunities. Our combinations are not covered by the chessbase that includes more than 8 million games. We show how to play beautifully and creatively. Goldchess also offers an opulence of opening novelties with a plethora of unconventional and successful deviations from the opening theories.
Find out for yourselves. Baby CEEC waits.
The uniqueness and strength of Goldchess - try to solve
Goldchess is a challenge to all chess players and I’m about to write about it in this article.
In Genius Test no-one can do our April problem, also in Independent, there is a problem that hasn’t been solved yet (the fourth week).
We had an Independent competitor who wrote to us about giving him an advice regarding this problem. We asked him to use his Fritz computer to guess 5-10 moves in problems position and then we would tell him if the right move is in the guessed ones. Fritz couldn’t guess the right move which was 23.f4,h4,Rac1,Qc2,a4,Qg4 with information that no other moves are accepted. Don’t believe in the power of your computer.
I repeat once again what I said from the beginning and what can be found in section - About us-: „We are giving you Goldchess, a game in which everyone has an equal chance and neither Grandmaster's knowledge nor skill will be helpful, not even much stronger chess computers of higher class; and that is its particularity.Only you, your brain, and our small, yet amazing, educational computer CEEC. /Chess Elite Educational Computer/”
This is the power of Goldchess.
You can’t possibly find out if you can do it unless you try it yourself. In Independent, there will be a problem until someone solves it and there will be accumulation. In Genius Test, if no-one will solve it until the end of April, we will show you solution on the 1st of May. On the 2nd of May we will post a new problem with genius move and a prize of $150 and a Super Genius of Goldchess title.
Difficulty level of games- Goldchess problems
During this year’s Goldchess World Championship, games will be played at the highest difficulty levels ranging from 7 to 9.
By way of explanation: the Goldchess chessbase contains problems at difficulty levels from 1 to 10. Levels from 1 to 3 mean easy problems. Levels from 4 to 6 are more difficult tasks. Levels from 7 to 9 mean very difficult problems, and… Well, by a process of intelligent deduction one can assume that problems with difficulty level of 10, unsolvable for the contemporary players, are either included amongst the most difficult games or constitute a separate category.
As far as real Goldchess tournaments are concerned, the Rosija-America Tournament currently offers problems with difficulty levels from 4 to 6. Independent is a little more difficult, as problems at the same difficulty levels are interspersed with games with difficulty levels ranging from 7 to 9. The purpose is to accumulate a jackpot, which is always an additional stimulus for the chess players and introduces an element of sporting rivalry.
Gold 0 offers problems for beginners, with difficulty levels from 1 to 3, although they may include also more difficult games.
Genius Test. Here brilliance is promoted, so the difficulty levels generally range from 4 to 6. Nevertheless, there are games which seem to fall within that range, and yet cannot be solved by players.
To sum up: I like jokes, so let me say that the difficulty level of the game in this year’s Goldchess World Championship will be 9 and you will have to achieve a rating of 3500 to win. Our CEEC computer, which generally plays at the ELO level of 1800-2000, here played at the level of only 3400 and that’s why it lost the game.
We hope you will keep smiling and remember our Fun and Cash-with Goldchess slogan all the time you spend on our website and participate in our extraordinary tournaments.
Checkmate greetings!
8 rounds, lasts until July 30!
8 rounds, lasts until July 30!
The way to win
In each game of chess we can observe a specific way to win. But the victory may be insipid or spectacular. One may win without getting above average or show off big style. We can admire fascinating big style in chess games of the greatest combination players, such as: Capablanca, Tala, Fischer, Alekhine or the genius of his times, Paul Morphy from the United States. But not only them. Numerous well-known or less known chess players created pretty games, authentic chess diamonds. The paragon and legend of the genre is the immortal Andersen’s game.
Goldchess aspires to contribute to this worldwide beauty by providing its own original chess pearls. You may see them under the Genius Test Winner tab as well as under Distinguished Games.
We recommend them especially to those players who want to participate in our Beauty Contest, with the prize US$ 10 000, for the most beautiful chess game in the world. Let them show you how to understand the refined elegance and inspire you to develop your own enthralling games.
We wish you luck in this endeavor.
Chess player from Medellin - Goldchess ... Where do they like us most?
The game of the 8th round Rosija-America Tournament
commentary by IM Jakub Czakon
One of 100's most beautiful games of Goldchess
Position after 21 moves
Replay in Goldchess. Position from the 6th game of Anand-Gelfand match.
22. Rh5!
White needs to move their pieces towards the black queen as soon as possible to be able to quickly succeed.
22. … Rfd8
Black is adjusting the pieces underestimating the lurking danger.
23. Re1
The last piece is joining the attack with encouragement to capture the pawn. CEEC likes it… J
23 . … Q:a2?- and takes the pawn
The continuation of black’s frivolous game after which white will not allow them to go back into action. Much better would be to hold their pieces around the king by 23 …Qf7. White would then also need to show that the seemingly active rook at h5 is a strength, not a weakness.
24. Qf5 !?
A tempting possibility to fork…g6 with a pawnJ. White is counting on it… but it is both, a strength and a weakness.
A difficult moment, a double edged sword. White risked a lot by playing 24.Qf5
It seems that black didn’t find a beautiful riposte, but it was possible to defend with incredible 24. ..R:c3! 25. bc3 Qe2!! And if 26. Qh7+ then Kf7 27.Rf1 Qf2+!! 28. Rf2 Rd1 mate. WOW!
As an old proverb says –all’s fair in love and war, and white’s aggressive doings could be a double edged sword.
It is also possible:
24…R:c3 25.bc3 Qe2! 26.Rf1 play 26…Rd1! 27.Qc8+ Bd8 and the only thing white and do is to give their queen in exchange for a rook.
28.Qe6+ Q:e6 29.R:d1 Bb6 and now the loss is just a matter of time.
However, an obtrusive move awaited by white is performed:
24. … g6?-
Black falls into the trap. Probably they calculated that after 25.Qf6 would follow 25…R:c3, which would eliminate the threat of mate for good. But white can see one move further ahead…
25. Q:f6
A dangerous mate for which black was prepared. But is it a proper preparation...?
25. …R:c3
Black’s defense seems successful. Capturing the rook with a pawn will be followed byQe2! , after the capture with the queen there’s easy Bh5 with victory for black. But white has a fantastic ace up their sleeve:
26. R:h7!!
a very strong move thrown in. There’s a threat of mate, capturing the rook will be followed byRe7+ Kh6 andQh4 mate. Black is trying to defend actively be counterattacking, they have prepared a distraction:
26. … Bf2+
It needs to be admitted that black is able to find the last defense possibilities and that is beautiful, wow!
27. Kh1!!
After Qf2 would be Kh7 and it’s hard to win. But Kf2 Qb2+ Kg1 is possible and now black needs to move Qb6+ to pull away the danger from their king for the next few moves. However, black chooses beauty and finishes the game immediately.
27 …Kh7
The apparent black’s advantage is tremendous.
White is leading with a rook and a bishop, three black pawns to capture, but they take none.
28. Re7+
The combination’s finale
Now, if 28. …Kh6 then 29. Qg7+Kg5 30. Re5+ Kh4 31. Qh6+ Kg4 32. Qg5 mate
28. … Qf7
A desperate attempt to delay the mate by one move. But queen jumps into action too late.
29. R:f7+
And black gave up.
White’s aggressive offensive ends brilliantly. However, as we could see, black did not use all their defense possibilities because the equally brilliant result after 24…R:c3, instead of…g6, could have been completely different.
But our CEEC computer will always play worse than you, so that you could win such beautiful games. For the record, there are 24 difficulty levels and, especially for you, in Goldchess CEEC plays on level 5.
Feel invited to join us
Analitics report
written by Goldchess
I’ve found a very interesting data in google analytics. Out of 100% of visitors, 46% are women. Congratulations, join the winners!
Group of 55 years old and older is 10%. This is a lot. We welcome our senior visitors.
The most dominating group, 33%, is the group between 25 and 34 years old.
Second place goes to chess players between 18-24 years old - 27,5%
35-44 years old have 15,5%.
45-54 years old have 12,5%.
We welcome everybody and wish you all good luck.
America leads
Chess Department America wins. In VIIIth round of Rosija-America tournament which is taking place on goldchess.com portal, a prize of $10 000 was divided between professional /IM/ and amateur from China, both playing in Chess Department America. In Chess Department Rosija there is no Russians, so when chess players from Russia start to play the situation may change. As for now, we are half way through the tournament. There is still 8 rounds and $26 000 left, including the last, XVI round on May 7th with $12 000 to win. We invite new players to join the tournament, as you can join at any moment even before the last round. In the attachment there are winners solutions, from the given position after 21 moves.
GM Aleksander Mista
Amateurs and professionals
We would like to inform that we decided to divide our Rosija-America Tournament participants in to two groups: amateurs (with no category or with a category up to 2000 ELO), and professionals (above 2000 ELO). Amateurs and professionals will be classified separately and there will be separate prizes.
This decision was made due to making sure that amateurs can get the first place and the first prize. In this case prize fund will be divided and amateurs and professionals will be classified separately. Out of a group of professionals, the prize will be won by a player who's first to save a solution in his game panel. Analogical, out of a group of amateurs, the prize will be won by a player who’s first to save a solution in his game panel. For the new players, there will be an option to choose whether they are professionals or amateurs in the registration form.
The Organiser
GM Aleksander Mista reviews Goldchess and Rosija-America tournament
Oryginally posted on: chessdom.com
Hello everyone, I am GM Aleksander Mista (Poland, ELO 2580), Team World Champion in solving competition and Hastings 2016 champion. I have become patron of www.goldchess.com portal and I want to present you this beautiful newcomer to the chess world. Interestingly, it was created by amateur with no high rating or title. The same amateur is the creator of problems being solved by thousands of players from around the world in Rosija – America tournament. Here are my top 3 reasons which made me become patron of Goldchess portal. Reasons in which I didn’t believe at first, until I tried it myself.
1. The actual game at Goldchess is for all, readily available for a wide circle of chess players. Grandmasters and professionals don’t have better chances than amateur, even though you play against a computer, not so strong – with ELO around 1800. Why everyone has equal chances? Because there is no guarantee that a Grandmaster will come in and solve the problem faster than anyone else. It is also not guaranteed that he will solve a problem at all. I experienced it myself, and moreover it is shown by our experiments with Goldchess games in chess tournaments, for example the Rewal Chess Festival.
2. Other chess computers like Fritz, Stockfish or Houndini can’t solve our chess problems. Therefore, as author has written on the portal, there is only you – the player and CEEC.
3. I was fascinated by the fresh new idea, something unknown in chess. It is appreciating the quality and beauty of chess and combining it with all year long contest for the most beautiful game of the world, with main prize $10 000 on Goldchess portal.
I predict that fast growing Goldchess portal (which is already known on 12 chess portals in the world including Russian and American Chess Federations who are brotherly to Rosija – America tournament) will do wonders for chess promotion and will increase the interest in chess all over the world. That is why I am part of it, because I want to spread chess and it’s beauty. Believe me, Goldchess is more than that – it is also fun and combined with big prizes in the tournament. That is why our slogan is – Fun and Cash with Goldchess. You can check it out yourself. I invite you to Goldchess portal. Everybody will find something for himself there. Visit Goldchess.com and enjoy today!
The award ceremony of the first round
On the 22nd of January 2016, after glamorous supper, in the beautiful scenario of Wroclaw Orbis hotel, there was award ceremony of giving 2 x $1000 to both winners of the first round in our Rosija-America Tournament, which is played on www.goldchess.com. The winners are Krystian Jacek (Department America) and IM Paweł Weichhold (Department Rosija).
Moreover, Krystian Jacek received additional $100 for being the first one to buy the license for both departments Rosija and America.
Prize has been handed over by seven Times world champion in solving, Piotr Murdzia.
See our Gallery
In January, our Goldchess patron GM Aleksander Miśta has won prestigious chess tournament in Hastings.
Tournament in Hastings is taking place since 1920.
It was won by famous players such as Rose Raul Capablanka, Aljechin, Tal, Botwinnik, Max Euwe, Karpow orBorys Spasski (all world champions), and from Poles: Akiba Rubinstein, Ksawery Tartakower or American Pole Samuel Rzeszewski (Reshevsky), 1938. After 78 years of absence of Poles, in 2016 we have GM Aleksander Miśta, Goldchess Patron.
We are proud.
Here is our grandmaster’s match played in Hastings which qualified him for the 1st place.
ISC – 12th International Solving Contest – Sunday January 24th 2016
International solving contest. World class, 400 solvers from all around the world.
First Polish triumph.
Piotr Murdzia, 7-times world champion in solving, working with Goldchess portal, scored 1st place in the most advanced group. http://www.matplus.net/isc.php?px=1453975880&f=v&g=0
If he will keep his form, he will probably get 8th world championship title this year, as we wish it to him.
Second Pole, Piotr Górski, scored also high - 5th place. Third, Kacper Piorun (current world champion), slipped up a little bit and scored 29th.
We wish Kacper Piorun to do better this year and for both Piotr’s we congratulate Polish success.
Goldchess Team