
In the Analysis I section brilliant games developed by Goldchess and by individual Goldchess participants are presented. The Analysis II section contains games by players from all over the world.

In order to be included in our prestigious, contemporary Genius chessbase, a game must include a dash of genius. Even a single move raising the game and the player who created it above mediocrity, onto our pedestal.

Genius throne of Goldchess

You can submit games from tournaments from all over the world. (Send a .pgn file to; type in -beauty- as the message subject).

If the game is included in the base, it will take part in a Competition for the Goldchess Most Beautiful Game of year.

Aquí tienes un juego especial de educación complementaria de Goldchess. No llegarás a ser gran maestro sin él. Con nosotros, aprenderás los secretos del ajedrez que no te enseñarán en ninguna escuela de ajedrez. Solo para ajedrecistas individuales.

Está prohibido descargar sin permiso materiales, partidos y análisis desde el sitio, con fines de entrenamiento en cursos o escuelas de ajedrez.