
人工智慧 GPT-4 關於 Goldchess (簡略)2024-10-23
認識 Goldchess,一個提供無數機會讓玩家磨練技巧,並從全新角度享受這個經典遊戲的創意平台。
Goldchess 將學習機會與身歷其境的遊戲方式獨特地結合起來,徹底改變了國際象棋的練習方式,並將成為一種全球性的現象。
PS. 來自 Goldchess
Goldchess 也證明了人腦在象棋上的創造力是無可比擬的,比起 Stockfish 和類似程式的象棋推演。
快來看看吧。和我們在一起,您會比 Stockfish 更出色。
Goldchess 的真正目的是什么?
第二步 我们展示如何赢得局面。
也许最重要的是 金棋是所谓的轻棋。没有压力或脑力负担。完全放松。在我们这里,您不必计算可能会让您精疲力竭的变体。只要凭直觉选择正确的游戏计划就足够了。此外,在我们这里您还可以回溯您的棋步。如果您没有马上找到所需的解决方案,您可以回到棋局(文件重开)并重新下棋。没有压力。身心舒适。欢迎您的到来。
我们没有垃圾比赛,在这些比赛中,棋手们 "制造 "了一些没有价值或没有机会载入国际象棋历史的游戏。好吧,也许几千人中有一个。此外,那里的比赛往往是没有记录的,棋局也是简单的丢失。我们的想法是不惜一切代价,无论如何都要赢,但是要赢。 我们没有这样的比赛,我们也不希望有这样的比赛。在我们国家没有这种 "时尚",因为事实上这种比赛扼杀了真正的国际象棋。
我们有我们的原始游戏和锦标赛,从给定的位置对 "教育者",即我们的教育计算机,其中,是的,你也必须赢,但在一个特定的,通常是辉煌和令人印象深刻的方式。这就是我们所喜欢的,也是我们所教的。我们不奖励只是获胜和平庸的游戏。
当然,当我们有数以万计的玩家时,我们将举办金棋世界公开赛,奖金在25万美元左右。 而且还可以更大。
棋手们似乎不明白我们的想法(他们很难理解),我们似乎在不同的波长上。我们的看法是,我们(黄金棋)处于21世纪,在22世纪的门槛上,而国际象棋选手则处于中世纪。也许在棋手的脑海中深深地扎下了目前固定比赛的现实,在这些比赛中,平均有100名棋手参加,300-500名已经是一个启示,而1000名则是轰动整个世界的。而这里突然有一百万。难以置信! 一个空想。不幸的是,没有。但我们理解它。陆上比赛的局限性,房间里的座位数,游戏系统不允许一百万棋手参加比赛,因此不相信。但在我们这里,是的,这是有可能的。我们是世界上唯一能够在一小时甚至半小时内为一百万玩家组织一场在线比赛的人。然后,不谦虚地说,奖金池也将是几百万。 而且任何人都可以在我们这里赢取奖品,因为赢家是首先找到赢的方法的人,而不是排名更高的人。这就是为什么我们坚信,我们的想法最终会在国际象棋界发芽,并有一百万玩家与我们在线对弈。我们目前正在建立第一千名球员。他们将获得特殊的特权。
请访问 .
这是可能的,因为在我们不限人数的锦标赛中,每个人都有相同、平等的机会。 这是由于一个简单的事实,即我们的解决方案不为一般棋手所知,无论是顶级棋手、中级棋手还是业余棋手。因此,每个人,无论排名和棋艺知识如何,都是从一个级别开始的。赢家是首先找到与我们的教育计算机对抗的胜利方式的人。这种安排也保证了所有弱小球员的安全。他们不必担心一个更强大的棋手,一个高排名的大师,会下棋并获胜,夺走他们的奖品。在我们这里,没有这样的选择,没有发生这种情况的机会。
黄金棋很有趣,发展想象力,学习一种出色的游戏风格和... 大奖。
Chess is the beauty of rivalry.
*In traditional tournaments, the rivalry is to win against as many opponents as possible.
In our online ones, it's about winning a position against an educational computer faster than others. There is a powerful dose of adrenaline, but without the stress. Those who do not achieve the victory specified in the task the first time, can undo their moves and look for a new way to win.
*We are innovative. In traditional tournaments out of 100 players there are always 2-3 favourites, the best, and they usually win. The other 97 are the providers of points, or in other words, the boys to beat. In ours there are no favourites. Everyone has the same chances. Are you not among the favourites? Ok, come to us, play and regain your self-confidence.
Our online tournaments do not interfere with land-based tournaments, they complement them. You can play here and here, enriching your chess potential.
*In Goldchess we focus on beauty. With us you will learn to play beautifully. We mean innovative concepts, new techniques and visions of attacks, modernised openings. Intuitive play in debuts. We teach how to play effectively and how to win difficult positions, we teach creative, modern thinking.
*Generally anyone who learns and masters our techniques will be far superior to existing opponents at his level. So welcome to our Training Box and our tournaments.
Learn, play and be better.
Goldchess team
Goldchess不是国际象棋初学者的门户。但他们可以在这里学会下好国际象棋。我们为他们准备了疯狂图和我们的教育角--训练箱 Training Box。当他们学习并掌握了那里的技术(100盘),他们实际上可以在任何比赛中成功下棋。在我们的比赛中也是如此。
在每个Goldchess任务中,都会显示一个位置,该位置必须按照指定的条件,也以一定的走步次数而获得。您也可以尝试通过与我们的比赛方式不同或更强大来赢得比赛。仅有一个规则:获胜。在给定的位置上,获得最快胜利的步骤不一定是最强的。它必须有效。它是游戏计划的一部分,也是从给定位置组合的开始。再说,国际象棋组合有自己的规则。通常,这第一步貌似很反常或更弱。但是,正是这一走步决定我们计划的游戏结局。像在传统国际象棋中差不多。从某些位置进行的大多数组合都不是从最强的步骤开始的。意思是,在组合中这不是最重要的。更重要对手的反应如何,按照我们期望而走一步吗?反而,如果有人认为在Goldchess从给定位置走出最强的第一步而没获得所需步骤的数量,但后来有,这也可能意味着他对最强步骤的评估和定义是错误的。在这一点上,他应该考虑自己下棋水平和比赛的力量。问问自己为什么他与在普通业余水平下棋的计算机而没有获胜 (CEEC有23个难度,玩家在5)。然后考虑填补自己国际象棋知识中的空白。当然,和我们在一起。再说一次,就是与我们计算机——棋手的对手——您必须获胜。并不要有主观的,虚假的遗憾-我走了一个最强的步骤,但没有获胜。只有独立最强的走步,而没有任何具体远景,这就没有任何意义。这种步骤之后,必须有一个有效的比赛计划和对手不可预计的组合。这就是国际象棋中的情况,而在Goldchess中也是如此。
Why is Goldchess a revolution? (renewal)2021-03-03
此外,国际象棋棋手可免费使用带有100个教育游戏的Training Box。还有我们书《通往巅峰之路》,之后他的象棋教育将完成。还有我们书《通往巅峰之路》。看它之后棋手象棋教育就完成。
Goldchess是国际象棋的新纪元。我们在Training Box有自己的chessbase (棋库)和GoldchessChess School。我们的第一名是带有奖品累积,从指定位置进行游戏,为所有参与者的对手有我们的教育计算机CEEC的新一代国际象棋比赛。这公开新门路。每次比赛都有成千上万的棋手参加,没有限制。它们还有其他2个优点。凭借我们的专业知识,我们所定义的最强大的计算机无法赢得我们的位置。最强大计算机没法以本方定义方式赢得我们的位置。因此,不存在有人会使用强大计算机来解决我们任务的可能性。我们的职位不会比其他大师级的更好或更快。也没法棋圣,比其他棋手更快而更好地,赢得我们的位置。这两件事使我们的在线比赛对参与者而言是安全的,在Goldchess没有可望取胜者,因此没有人可以作弊,每个人都有相同的机会。这就是几乎每个参与者都能获胜的原因。此外Goldchess激发了灵感。进行我们比赛,您可以创建自己出色的游戏并获得国际象棋不朽的成就。
发件人:Goldchess 2020-07-25
您赢得某次比赛的事实并不重要。重要的是您在游戏中展示了什么,取得了什么成就。您的创作。下一代的国际象棋棋手从它们上能够学习到一些东西吗。一段时间后,许多国际象棋棋手得出的结论是,实在他们下棋比赛并未为国际象棋做出任何贡献,只是快棋的垃圾。平庸。如果在普通的,总有2-3可望取胜者的比赛中您只是“替罪羊”和积分供给者,那来Goldchess。我们邀请各位,无论强弱,与我们一起达到自我实现。Goldchess是数百万人的国际象棋,并确保每个人都有平等的机会。在这里,您可以重新发现自己,发展个人才能并学创造自己棋之美。并且由于我们方法,您将自己能够发现它。这是我们给您的礼物。因而,加入我们并按古巴高手Yuri Gonzalez Vidal在Goldchess漂亮写的评论中:”把Goldchess成为您生活的一部分“。这就是我们被创建了, 我们存在的原因。为您,为西洋棋。欢迎来到我们国际象棋的世界。
GOLDCHESS – 一种新的国际象棋方式, 在线比赛为万百参赛者。2020-05-19
最强举动理论 The Strongest Move Theory2019-11-10
In the today’s article I would like to discuss 2 issues. The current level of chess knowledge, and the definition of the so-called strongest move in a given position.
1. The today’s level of chess knowledge and skills oscillates somewhere around 60% of total chess knowledge. This means that the contemporary chess players do not know everything yet, and the game of chess is facing some serious evolution. How should we reach 100%? Goldchess will add 10%, 20% will come from Alpha Zero, and the last 10% will be developed by chess geniuses who will turn up within the coming decades. The geniuses can only be seen on the distant horizon, Alpha Zero has been taking its first steps, but Goldchess is ready to immediately deliver its 10% to contemporary chess players. Whoever will be the first one to master our knowledge and to gain 70% of total chess knowledge, will reach the top. This concerns players on all levels, as Goldchess is available to everyone, and any player, from any level, can learn our techniques and include them in their repertoire. Goldchess aims at creating beauty, which means that apart from improving his or her level, a chess player will also learn how to play beautifully, using beautiful combinations. Goldchess is a model, as it teaches not only how to play efficiently, but also, or maybe rather first of all, how to play beautifully.
2. The definition of the strongest move will change thanks to Goldchess. Let me give you an example. A chess player says: ‘I have a Goldchess problem here. I’m making the strongest moves, and still I’m unable to win faster than Goldchess. Something’s wrong’. Indeed, something is wrong. Our computer, developed by programmers from India more than 20 years ago, plays exactly according to the rules of chess. So, if the chess player makes the first and further so-called strongest moves and is unable to win in 30 moves, as specified in the Goldchess solution, but wins only in, for example, 34 moves, a logical question arises: are his moves actually the strongest ones? Of course, they are according to the current definitions and standards based on… 60% of complete chess knowledge. So, can they be entirely reliable? The games - solutions from Goldchess prove that they cannot. The definition of the strongest move will be transformed. Goldchess is taking the first step in that direction. We have been introducing different techniques and new ways of playing, as well as improved, modernized variations of chess openings, a great number of opening move novelties. We have thousands of games, including ca. 500 of our own, so-called immortal, beautiful games. The enthusiasts playing with us will create further thousands of games. We can hazard a guess that Goldchess will leave as a legacy more beautiful games than all the world champions taken together. This is already something, an impressive output, particularly in the light of the fact that all our problems, the most difficult of which can bring the best chess players in the world to their knees, have been developed by one man - an amateur playing actually on the 2nd category level. Our chess problems teach how to win, but also how to be humble. Humble in the face of the 40% of knowledge we do not have gained yet. We offer you 10% of it, ready for use. Master it and become better. Join the world of Goldchess.
Learn chess with Goldchess2019-07-16
Goldchess problems are not difficult. They only require the use of playing techniques that differ from the ones known to date. Learn them and win. Goldchess is a new way of playing and marks a new era of chess. Teaches new techniques, and shows how to win. And the most important thing: In Goldchess there are no front runners or favorites that are bound to win. Everyone has equal chances, and actually the one who first solves the problem presented by us is the winner. That's why chess players of different skill levels can easily play in our tournaments, without fear that the stronger players will necessarily prevail. Because anyone can win. The world of Goldchess means brilliant problems to be solved, intelligent people and attractive awards. Join us.
Goldchess means modern chess unknown to Houdini, Stockfish or Fritz. Therefore, these computers do not solve our problems and will not help you. But this is a huge chess positive. At Goldchess, you'll learn to think independently.
Solving Goldchess problems is an amazing entertainment. You can create your own beautiful game that will make a history as a chess diamond. See the Genius Test solutions from May, those provided by Hayk Yeritsyan and ours. Let such solutions become your goal and dream. Dream that will come true at Goldchess.
Summing up, Goldchess is an excellent tester of player’s level and skills, and at the same time an indispensable source of chess knowledge components. If you don’t know our techniques, you will never be a good chess player. I’ll say more.
In a couple of years, those who know Goldchess will be better than others... You want to be better? Get to know Goldchess.
关于Goldchess的一切信息 - 指令2019-04-04
2. Goldchess是免费比赛,奖金$50-$100,Live Puzzle GC, GT,Pop, 还有数万美金的国际象棋将表赛, 例如Non竞标赛奖金$10 000,而二十一世纪的最受欢迎的Millionaire,奖金$500 000。Of course, such a prize pool is only in the case, when there is a minimum number of participants in the Millionaire tournament, determined by us. In the first edition, it was 15,000.
3. Goldchess is a great teaching aid. 90% of impressive combinations can appear-exist in the real tournament game. Of course, at the level of average students, but in many cases also at grandmaster levels. That is why it is of great didactic importance because it teaches and teaches that which is not found in chess textbooks. Goldchess solutions and variants are also missing in a collection of over 8 million games - chessbase.
4. Goldchess教你如何赢棋,并准备你作为未来的大师。还教与对手下棋使用心理学技巧。Goldchess让你掌握组合下法,并显着地提高你的水平。几年后,不认识Goldchess就不能做很好的棋手了。Chess players knowing Goldchess will be among the best. And the best of them, unbeatable.
5. 回归自然。世界最强的国际象棋电脑,不见的能够解答我们的棋题。这就是为什么我们能够使棋手重新获得资信。他可以赢,做3500 ELO级的电脑做不到的事。同时这也是回归自然,因为不能使用电脑,棋手必需自由思考。
6. Goldchess让大家都平等,使大家都有平等的机会。业余爱好者可以和特级大师一起参加,不用担心一定会输的。
7. Goldchess是零壓力。 當您在尋找任務的解決方案時,您可以多次撤消和更改動作。
Goldchess Challenge ... iron logic of chess2019-03-03
We’re a creative web community. There are thousands of games in our database that were played against our educational computer. The goal, that players have to achieve, is to win those games from a given starting position, just like we did, or with one’s own variant. Our variants are something completely unknown to the modern chess, they’re innovative and, additionally, we demonstrate new ways of playing debuts in them. So, Goldchess not only teaches but also entertains – it’s a great, stress-free intellectual entertainment. However, in order to win our games, you have to get to know them and study the Goldchess style. A regular training is a must in this case and solving chess problems in diagrams and playing tournaments are also vital for the success. Everyone has the opportunity to train in our community as playing for free is also an option. The only thing that you need is a working computer and access to the Internet.
In order to play in the tournaments and win prizes that consist of real money, you have to pay for the registration fee.
To sum up, Goldchess is not a game for the elite. It is a game for a wide audience, for millions of chess players as almost everybody has access to a computer and the Internet, while the registration fees for the tournaments, which cost about $ 9-10, are not that expensive. If you’re not able to pay, you may just play for free. Goldchess is open and welcoming to everybody.
Feel free to join us!
Goldchess – Free to Play2018-12-08
In order to play our tournaments and win attractive prizes, you have to pay the registration fee, but you can also play for free.We give talented chess players from less wealthy countries a chance to play our game and win prizes.
You have the opportunity to win prizes in dollars or tournament registration feeswhile playing the diagrams. You can also play for free in any of our tournaments (information in – step 1) and win a registration fee to the next tournament where you will be able to play for real, cash prizes.In order to win an entry fee, you have to be the first or the second.And it's worth playing, even if only for the sake of learning something new, checking your abilities or raisingyour level.
Feel free to join us!
Goldchess – the Art of Imagination – Part II2018-10-14
In order to succeed in the Millionaire Tournament to be held in December with a prize pool of $400,000 and to win one of the main prizes, you need to get prepared to beat our educational computer. For that reason we recommend that everyone, without exception, train by playing free games - diagrams and Non Stop Mix-free. The final exam for each player will be the Claudio Boschetti Challenge on December 1st, 2 weeks before the Millionaire Tournament. The problems in the Tournament are based on positions from the Claudio Boschetti - Aeschbach game. The most beautiful, and at the same time the most difficult problem No. 3, with a modest prize of $1,000, is the key to success in the Millionaire Tournament.The players who solve the problem will have a great chance to win the Tournament. We will let you in on the secret. All the 5 games - problems in the Millionaire Tournament are based on positions from games played by our Goldchess Ambassador, Grandmaster Timur Gareyev, and are not more difficult than the Boschetti 3 problem.
Let us now remind you of 2 important rules of the Millionaire Tournament.
1. The total prize pool of $500,000 is guaranteed already when only 20,000 participants sign up for the Tournament.
2. A beautiful A-Class Mercedes Benz will be drawn even before the Tournament, amongst the first 10,000 participants who pay the entry fee.So, it is a good idea to pay the entry fee already today in order to be included in the group of players who will have the opportunity to win the car.
We hope numerous players will become interested in
Goldchess – the Art of Imagination – Part I2018-10-12
The odds of winning at Goldchess
1. Amateurs and players with ratings of up to 1500 – they are the black horses of every tournament. Here the odds are 50/50
2. Ratings 1500-1800, about 60% of population have the chance to win
3. 1800-2200. The group with the greatest chances. Particularly amongst young, intelligent, imaginative players. 80%.
4. 2200-2500. International Masters’ group. Almost excellent and unpredictable players. With greater chances than Grandmasters.
5. 2500-2600. If routine has not become a standard in your case, you will win.
6. 2600-2700. Would you like to match those with ratings of 2800? You will. Just learn and master the chess techniques of Goldchess.
7. 2700-2800. The members of this group already know everything. Or almost everything. Except for how to win at Goldchess.
8. 2800 and above. With all due respect for the titans of chess - do you really think you are great? Check it out here. Come and play. Goldchess is a test of truth.
Win at Goldchess2018-08-02
Goldchess makes the world beautiful2018-05-10
Funny as it may seem, but Goldchess is a game for the elites. You need to own a laptop, or at least have a desktop computer today with an Internet connection available at home. Whoever does not, is an outsider. In Europe and in the USA that is not a problem. But there are countries falling behind our “great world”, such as Indonesia, Pakistan, or even India, where only one in ten or even one in one hundred chess players owns a computer. A laptop is owned by one in a thousand players. And even though the Goldchess tournaments with high prizes are very attractive to the players from those countries, they will not take part in them until the situation improves. And India together with the adjacent countries are populated by ca. 1.5 billion people with an estimated minimum of 100 million chess players amongst them. An army of people that need assistance. And that’s what we are planning to do. If we reach a price agreement with the manufacturer, no later than in the next year we will place on the market the least expensive laptop in the world - a Goldchess laptop only for chess players, with our CEEC application preinstalled, for an amazing price, ready for participation in the Goldchess games and tournaments. The computer will be sold and distributed mainly by chess federations and clubs. We currently need an investor, but if one million players eventually take part in the Millionaire tournament, we will do that for our own money plus your contributions in form of revenues from the paid entry fees. Therefore, we invite all the chess players, particularly from the developed countries belonging to the 1st GDP segment, to take part in the Millionaire tournament in October, and in other tournaments held by us. By playing in the Goldchess tournaments you help us to make our chess dreams come true, and you support the development of chess all over the world.
Feel invited to join us!
在100名参赛者的传统比赛中,总是有2-3名最佳球员,他们通常会获胜。 这在Goldchess中不会发生。
Why is Goldchess a revolution? (in chess)2018-03-01
Grandmaster A. Colovic wrote in the article "Level of precision", (February 22, 2018), that the level of chess has decreased and is worse than 20 years ago in the Kasparov era. This idea was expressed by none other, but former world champion Vladimir Kramnik.
The article argues that the reason for this is mainly chess engines, since when chess players are using them they limit their own thinking.
In addition to this, using engines the players are playing openings at 3500 level, and psychologically, the engine became a God for the chess player.
Goldchess expunges "gods" with a resolute change in the aim of the game.
In Goldchess the engines do not have much to say, they do not exist. Goldchess is a return to nature, a crystal clear formula in which a chess player can only count on his brain. The main idea of Goldchess is to win as soon as possible from the given position. We have examples and evidence, for example, that in a particular position Fritz has selected 6 moves, he has not seen more, and among these moves there was no one leading to the fastest win in the game. There were also tests with Stockfish and Houdini and they both failed. The most interesting is that they formally played against a much weaker program, however, playing correctly, according to chess canons, they did not win. It's also because in Goldchess you have to win according to the Organizer's instructions, that is, the game-tasks are conditioned. For example, the mate with the pawn, or with the sacrifice of the queen and with such instructions the engines are doomed to fail.
The question arises, what level of strength is needed to solve Goldchess tasks? The answer appears alone. All tasks are easily done by the unrated amateur, playing at the level of cat. II, meaning Goldchess is within the reach of every chess player and for everyone.
With us, we restate for chess player the faith in ourselves.
He can win, or do what the engine cannot do.
In Goldchess, ingenuity counts and the use of psychology against an opponent. With us you improve your skills in using psychology in the game and you will raise your level by activating your own thinking.
Goldchess, return to nature
Veni, vidi, vici // I Loged, I played, I won2017-08-16
Goldchess revolution2017-08-01
女士们,先生们,23个世纪以来,国际象棋并没发生什么重大变化。大家就是下棋而已。一切都变得好预测。 比如,要是针对2500 Elo棋手的比赛,有2700 Elo 棋圣参与,他一定会赢的。当然,说23个世纪以来国际象棋中没。在理论、比赛能力、教具、象棋电脑方面,国际象棋有了很大的发展。需要做象棋、位置分析的棋手,叫Fritz、Houdini、Stockfish等帮忙,自己去喝一杯咖啡,回来之后,任务就完成了。是啊......正是这样...... 在Goldchess出现之前。目前,至少在Goldchess,这已不再可能。
第二种情况也一样。没有任何保证,参加Goldchess竞标赛的2700棋圣,和1500棋手比赛一定会赢。反而,他也许任何一个Goldchess的棋题都解答不了。这归结到我已经多次提过的问题。参加Goldchess的每一名棋手,必须把自己的称号和级别留在更衣室里,并以平等的身份,平等的机会和大家比赛。让我在这里引用典型的例子:在印度进行的Goldchess锦标赛,有几位国际大师和级别很高的棋手,但赢得却是12岁的Krish Butala,级别只是1363!:) ( ).
为什么我们对非原创的解决方案评价不高? - (最多获得一半的奖金,也可能不会获得奖金)。原因很简单。我们不知道,也不能确认,所提供的解是由玩家一人独立完成的,或者其他象棋程序提供了帮助,这样的“解决方案”我们是不会提供奖励的。 对具有版权原创的任务,一般没有更强大的象棋程序能提供帮助,因此可以被毫无疑问的接受。但总可在原创版权和更好的,或者优秀的但不是原创的解决方案之间平分奖金。
国际象棋作为赌博吗?- 谷歌的全球抵制2016-04-02
谷歌阻止/边缘化我们www.goldchess.com网站通过Home.pl进行的AdWords广告活动,将Goldchess Rosija-America竞标赛归纳赌博(或与赌博有关的)游戏系列。
Basia Leś
1. 我在此引述:“获赢者有奖金支付或其他奖励的赌场之外的游戏。”此引述段代表谷歌的立场,那么,我在问:世界上哪一个赌场,除轮盘及其他赌场游戏之外,还有“赌博国际象棋游戏”呢?因为,根据我的理解,我们被归类原赌场里的游戏,或赌场失控的游戏,现非法“在外面”运营,并进行自己的赌博活动。简直可笑!
2. 继续引述谷歌的回复:Basia Leś女士/:“AdWords不仅限制赌博,也限制赌博有关的内容,包括网络国际象棋竞标赛,如果其中的参与者为了能够获取奖励必需要付费。”
3. 此外,世界上所有的国际象棋竞标赛都基于同样的原则:要参与任何比赛,参与者必需先支付 -报名费-,这情况就和我们一样。但没有人声称国际象棋比赛是赌博,因为这样会被人笑的。
首先,在我们Goldchess Rosija-America将表赛,你不可能赌输你的房子和老婆等。
棋手支付报名费 $ 30,并参与16轮比赛,奖金是 $ 50,000。
4. 因为这些逻辑解释让谷歌无话可说。
谷歌是个大企业,但如果它不愿意改变其原则,不能适应市场的需求,被淘汰是早晚的事...... 毕竟,恐龙曾经也是巨大的。顺便说,这就是它们灭绝的主要原因。
Solving Goldchess problems.2016-03-19
On the one hand, Goldchess has a lot in common with the discipline of solving chess problems in that the competitors look for precisely defined solutions. It is, however, a truly modern form of solving, as it involves playing against a computer engine, the CEEC (Chess Elite Educational Computer).
On the other hand, Goldchess is a mirror image of a practical game of chess: you need to beat an actual opponent. Even though the CEEC is not very strong, its strength roughly corresponds to that of an 1800 FIDE-rated player, it does pose difficulties to competitors pursuing the solution. Not only does the player need to uncover the engine's weaknesses through persistent interaction, but he/ she also needs to find the solution faster than other competitors to secure the prize.
Solving Goldchess problems is creative in that the competitors need to meticulously search through a large number of new positions (unlimited takebacks allowed), evaluate them and estimate the chances that the problems' instructions are satisfied. Precise border conditions allow the competitors to show their adaptation skills and promote those who operate the fastest.
Finding solutions different from those intended by the author is fair game as long as all the conditions are satisfied. Experience shows that this situation is not uncommon. For example, at this year's Goldchess Polish Championship, none of the three medalists found the author's solution and yet managed to satisfy all of the problem's requirements as specified by the author. In the 8th round of the Rosija-America tournament at, two players succeeded in finding the author's solution (one of the conditions in this particular case was that the exact solution be found).
One may develop an edge in solving Goldchess problems in multiple ways. Being a very strong chessplayer is definitely helpful, but it does not guarantee a win. There have been multiple cases already where an amateur competitor managed to beat strong opposition of professional chess players.
A notable advantage of Goldchess problems over solving regular chess problems is that the former do not lend themselves to being cracked by the strongest engines. Tests with Rybka, Houdini and Fritz have all shown that one cannot simply load the position and let a top engine deliver the required solution. The engines do not satisfy border conditions of, for instance, a checkmate on move 30. This, in turn, confirms that having a high chess rating is not necessarily advantageous.
Goldchess is a new type of quality chess problem solving. It is a “new way of chess.”
Feel free to visit our website We have a Contest for the most beautiful chess game (everybody is welcome to submit their games), a Genius Test with prizes of $100, a free game Gold0 with a weekly prize of $50, as well as the revolutionary America-Rosija Tournament with a $50.000 prize pool!
The 1st edition of the America-Rosija Tournament is a replay of the Anand-Gelfand World Championship Match. The problems' positions are taken from the actual games of the match. The 2nd edition will have positions taken from the first match Anand-Carlsen! The entry fee to take part in the tournament is $30. Anybody can join the tournament at any time and compete for the prizes.
New way of chess.