Information about games results


Gold Immortal 6 April
Yesterday we held an online charity tournament, a fundraiser for a seriously ill Polish woman whose story touched us greatly. The tournament was a huge failure. The chess players, especially the Polish ones, gave a blunder here that we don't even want to comment on. Only two chess players played, one from Armenia Arman Ghevondyan and the other from Poland, Jan Krawczyk, chess category II. Two people with big hearts.
The tasks were not difficult, but they proved challenging for both players. Once again, the principle was confirmed that in Goldchess traditional chess preparation is not enough to win. This is because Goldchess goes beyond the chess patterns, game techniques and game plans known today. In short, our style and way of playing is the near future and every chess player who wants to be in it and not stay in the previous era should come to us for solid training.



Gold Immortal 6 April
Yesterday we held an online charity tournament, a fundraiser for a seriously ill Polish woman whose story touched us greatly. The tournament was a huge failure. The chess players, especially the Polish ones, gave a blunder here that we don't even want to comment on. Only two chess players played, one from Armenia Arman Ghevondyan and the other from Poland, Jan Krawczyk, chess category II. Two people with big hearts.
The tasks were not difficult, but they proved challenging for both players. Once again, the principle was confirmed that in Goldchess traditional chess preparation is not enough to win. This is because Goldchess goes beyond the chess patterns, game techniques and game plans known today. In short, our style and way of playing is the near future and every chess player who wants to be in it and not stay in the previous era should come to us for solid training.



Immortal 30, March 30



Immortal 10 - Tournament postponed until 3 June

Immortal 8, January 21. 
There is no winner. Jan sent nothing, Damian 'fell' on the first task. He sent the win with the capture of the queen a move later. Noteworthy was his 3rd solution, 3 moves faster than us and a virtuoso finish. See


A tournament in which it is enough to win 3 games to become the winner and get the top prize.

October Immortal 2022 - open all month. The first game has not yet been solved.

Gold Immortal is already a serious tournament.
The parties of the first edition are the showcase of this tournament and the Goldchess style.
Those who have not understood it so far will now understand what it is and what beauty Goldchess brings. See for yourself. (in –Winners-Immortal)

Temporarily closed
The Gold Immortal 1 tournament has been moved to 25 September due to technical reasons. Apologies.
Gold Immortal 2 - September 25 - 17:00 CET (11:00 am Saint Louis time)

Who will beat Armenak in this tournament? In Fide Armenak is the IM, in us, Goldchess GM.


October Immortal 
The first game has not yet been solved

Temporarily on hold
Gold Immortal 3, September 18. 1 million US dollars prize pool.
No 100,000 players? That is not our problem. We will move it to the next date.

Gold Immortal 3, August 21
2 participants... 100,000 is still some way off. We'll wait...

Gold Immortal 2, June 12

The Gold Immortal tournament took place. With only one player, ($10 pot collected), but we wanted to show you our unusual variations and game plans.  Every chess player can learn a lot from us. This tournament in our ambitious plans to reach one million prize pool. Today we were short of 99,999 players to reach such a pot. But we are of good mind. We will gradually reach the million dollar prize pool.
 Task 1, mate in 31st Armenak played simply and effectively. But, see the Goldchess variant. Armenak's second solution is also different from ours. We show both. Task 3. Armenak to the pain effectively and... 3 moves earlier than us! And good quality, mate with a bishop But our solution also has its charm 22.Bf6, the untouchable bishop. We invite you to the next edition of this tournament in which, we repeat, the prize pool is created by the players themselves. 100 players means $1,000, 10,000 players means $100,000! You decide the amount of the prize pool yourselves.


The 1st World Open Goldchess Championship, with a prize of $100,000
Anyone can play. Entry fee $15. 

The next Goldchess World Championship will take place in the 2nd half of 2025.
Attendance disaster. 4 participants, instead of 4 million. And realistically we were expecting in the region of 1,000. The players were disappointed. We see that doing a global promotion is already an absolute necessity. No one sent a set of correct solutions, so the title of Goldchess world champion remained with us. The prize, of course, was reduced a lot, but I will not say how much it was. I will only say that it was worth playing and winning.
In 2025, after the promotion, we will organise another Goldchess world championship.
Communication 7
The Goldchess World Championship 2024 will be held on 28 December, regardless of the number of participants. The amount of the prize will depend on the attendance. 


Communication 6
25 August, 3 participants are signed up. It is clear that if thousands of participants have not turned up by 31 August, the championship will be postponed, probably to December.

Announcement 5
The deadline for registration for the indoor tournament was 31 July. Due to the fact that 300 applicants did not sign up, the indoor tournament cancelled.

Announcement 4
We have prepared 10 sets of tasks, but it is most likely that participants will play positions from the game of world champion Ding Liren.

Announcement 3
Entry fee is open!
We have a surprise bonus for the first 100 participants.

Announcement 2

We would like to inform you that we are resigning from inviting the top 10 chess players in the world to the Hall Championship.
After consultation we have found that their financial requirements are unacceptable to us.

The top 100 chess players in the world will be able to play for free or paid online, in both cases out of competition. This means that they do not formally play for prizes, and if they are among the winners, they can only receive a prize if there are no winners from the group of other chess players, conventionally referred to here as ‘the rest of the world’.

Therefore, the tournament in the hall (in Krakow - Poland) will be held without champions and only if there is the required number of participants, a minimum of 300. With a full complement of entrants, they will play in a $10,000 prize supplementary tournament, which will take place before the main tournament.
Please send your applications to , by the end of July.

Announcement 1
We will invite the world's top 100 chess players to participate. We will invite the top 10, including the 4 world champions, Ding Liren, Carlsen, Anand and Kasparov, plus a few honorable mentions (Hans Niemann, Vidit Gujrathi, Aronian and others) to the hall. We will also invite 10 chess players from each country (online) selected by their national Federations to the championship.

The tournament will be held simultaneously online for an unlimited number of participants, and traditionally in the hall in Krakow (400 seats, registration for the hall can be sent already, by e-mail All players in the hall will receive a free 2-day hotel stay. They will also play in a $10,000 prize ancillary tournament that will take place before the main tournament.
Registration for the hall is open until 31 July. After this date, registration is possible (as long as there are still places available), but we no longer provide hotel accommodation. The participant will have to organise the stay himself.

A seat will be available at each champion's table. The one who offers the highest amount during the auction will be seated. The bidding will start by email (, once the 4 world champions have confirmed their attendance. We will inform you of this here.

The final will take place the day before the championship, directly in the playing hall.

In addition, the person will be able to play a game with the champion after the championship.



Due to the planned World Championship, we are suspending the Top tournament until further notice.

Top 131 Last Top tournament. Mate in the 32nd move with sacrifice of the queen. This combination is possible because CEEC does not accept the sacrifice of the knight, maybe it thinks the knight is "poisoned". We show the solution.


Top 129, 16 September. Content of the task - winning on the 41st move with the capture of the queen. Pavel sent a strong win in the 36th move, but with exchange of queens, therefore off topic. 

Top124, August 5. Our original solution was sent in by Wojciech. Congratulations. There seemed to be no other way to mate in the 39th move. Solution sent after time, so prize entry fee for next Top tournament. 

Top 123, 29 July. We have a dilemma. Damian sent a different variant, and Paul sent an authoritative one, only that it was after time.
As there was not a set of participants, we will treat this as a game and as prizes both receive entry fees to the next Top tournament.


Top 120, June 17. A brilliant solution. Who will find it? --- We are amazed, no one has sent a solution. Decline or decay of form in participants? See solution.

Top 119. No one has solved.

Top 118, June 3rd. The players didn't understand or didn't read the full content of the task and sent draws in 40 moves. And this is not the correct solution. When downloading the task the full content was shown, a draw in the 41st move - stalemate.

Top 117
We have a winner, Henryk Peszko, an amateur from Poland. Time 9 minutes, he sent a draw in the 40th move, a move earlier than us. This was something we had not anticipated. Our solution was witty and in the 41st move. Ok. As there were not 10 participants, the prize is symbolic, $5. Congratulations.



Top116, May 20. We played a poor debut and have 2 pawns less. How do we get out of this predicament and win?
Win on the 43rd move.
Our solution is Goldchess-style, very spectacular, but we didn't give conditions, out of curiosity as to whether the players would find them. They didn't. Paul sent the win on move 42, a move earlier, but this is no revelation, as in this continuation we have v37, 5 moves earlier than Paul. In this situation he receives only an honourable mention. In the next Top 117 a remarkable story and game. Please visit

Top116, May 13.  No one has solved the task. We are repeating the tournament. Players who are on the list will be allowed to play again.

Top 114
We are sorry to say that no one has sent a correct solution, winning in 6 moves. We show the solution in -Winners.


Top Results
*Goldchess is a game of equal chances and anyone can win. Look:

2023-02-25 Top113 
From December 10
The match between Carlsen and Nepomniachtchi in the Goldchess version
In our version of the match we show different chess than that presented to us by the two best chess players in the world. First of all it is spectacular, full of new concepts and techniques that both masters would be proud of. We extracted everything, or almost everything, from the same positions, and certainly what the masters who presented the style of mathematical chess logic could not show. And we hope that our official replay match will also go down in chess history. Our chess is an element. See for yourself.

Top113 - December 17 game4. Entry fee $10 - access for 3 days. 17,18,19 December, games 4,5,6.
Game 4. 
Position after 14 moves. Carlsen's move 15.Qb5, after black's easily predictable reply 15...Qd7 with exchange of queens is not good. Carlsen practically eliminates the attacking power and the white attack itself. Our conception of the game and attack according to Goldchess is different. Our variant is winning in 28th move. In this game we rub shoulders with Capablanca's genius. Everyone who discovers our solution will feel the same. Black surrenders in the 28th move, because after 28... Kh8 there is a threat of 29.Qf7! Here I will add that after 24...Q:a2 black also loses. We will show our variant later.
Report: Armenak's fantastic game. Title: Gold Top Hero. See. Learn how to play from Armenak.
Game 5. The original position after 14 moves. In our case, after 24, we showed 10 solution moves. Win 32.The pawn sacrifice wins the move earlier. Again Armenak, $10 prize. Congrat

Game 6 December 19. Black draw. Goldchess is like Wikipedia. We have built Goldchess, the players will build up a second set of brilliant and unusual games. An example is today's sixth game of the match, lost by black. From the position in the original match game after white's 51st move, we achieved a draw on move 65, Armenak in a much simpler way on move 61. Armenak has a beautiful Talovian mind and although he is only IM in Fide, Nepo could learn a lot from him.
ps. Vitaly sent in a draw in 63 after time, and we shortened his variant to a draw in 60.
See all solutions.

Top112 - December 12 game 3. In our case, mate 27 and a virtuoso, very strong attack.4 beautiful solutions. Grandmaster Yuri Gonzalez Vidal mated in beautiful style in 25, 2 moves earlier than us! His sacrifice of the bishop was a trap. Black's consummation of it ended in a mate. The author's mate was sent by Damian, one minute after time. Vitaly, an amateur from Russia didn't get the mate, but won in 25th move. For Yuri $15, for Damian and Vitaly buy-in to Top113,114,115. On Friday $10 buy-in for 3 days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, match games 4,5,6. Enjoy
Top111 - December 11 game 2. In this game we show chess with a capital "S". White, after move 19, has led to a situation in which they have to play forcibly 20.Rb1, which still does not solve the situation, because they lose quality. Goldchess shows another way to win, and your task is to find it. A Goldchess game in the good style of Tal from his best formative years.
Report - great emotions. 
A sensation! Nobody has solved our task, the 2nd game of the match, nobody has found our, winning variant. But we are not surprised. Since it was not discovered by Carlsen himself. Well, yes, but Carlsen the moment he made the idle move 20.Rb1, he no longer had a chance to find this game plan. So see how the second game should have been played from the position after 19 moves to win it with Nepomniachtchi. Tomorrow the third game. You are welcome
After time our GM Armenak sent instead of a win in 29, a mate in the 30th move. Nice concept. we show both solutions. Also Vitaly sent after time v29, a different solution than ours. See in Top Winner

Top110 - December 10. Replay of Carlsen Nepo match in Goldchess, game 1st. Feel invited
We changed the 14th move and in the 15th we made an inaccuracy, which black takes advantage of by playing 15...Nb4 and we lose a pawn. But black in the 24th move retaliates by repeating the famous mistake from the 1992 Fischer - Spassky game. 

Today one of the best Goldchess players, Lukasz, came back to us. He sent 2 solutions, mate in 32 and win in 35 with fulfilling the conditions, i.e. getting all figures. Alex, our GM as a third player sent a win in 39, but different variant than ours. In the solution mate 32 our computer underestimated the strength of the game and the possibilities of the knight-rook duo.
They both deserved their prize, out of a pot of $15 Luke $10, Alex $5.
Congratulations. Tomorrow, game 2

Top109 - No one solved. The task was mate on the 29th move with the condition - without/no queens. Please read carefully the hidden content of the task, available when downloading the item. Thank you for your participation

Top108 - Only 3 players managed to solve this problem. But the solutions are beautiful. First Arman, 2 solutions, mate 27, time one minute and 23 seconds, second solution mate 29 with pawn, almost 4 minutes. Third Vitaly, but not mat only v24, and later m27 the same one what Arman sent, but he downloaded position after the tournament time. Armenak sent as fourth m27 with sacrifice of queen by.... black. On the other hand no one sent an author's. We'll award Arman and Armenak, both $5. Congratulations, exemplary games. They will go into Goldchess history.

Top107 - Today the players sent in some remarkable, brilliant solutions. The first Armenak, v26 with the sacrifice of the queen. We will add to the remarkable Goldchess games. Arman's two solutions (2 and 3) also outstanding. V24, 2 moves earlier and v25. Both showed world class chess today. The next one, Damian, sent the author's. Today they all deserve high prizes, which unfortunately there are not due to too few players. We hope that by the end of the year the turnout will improve and players will be able to win big prizes. The rest of us didn't send anything, but we thank everyone for participating. As for the prizes, we add $5 and everyone gets $5 each. Congratulations, you are playing spectacular and real chess. Bravo!.
ps. The solution v25 was sent last by Vitaly. Also an honorable mention.

Top106 - Paul's brilliant solution. 2 moves earlier than us. Congratulations.
Armenak sent v26 different to ours and after time. Thank you for your participation.

Top105 - Only Armenak sent the correct solution. Their own variant, different from ours. Pity it was two minutes behind schedule. But the prize is there, entry fee to Top106. Congratulations. We show both variants.

Top104 - Today in Top the best Goldchess player played alone. 5 moves, time 5 minutes. Armenak sent the solution 40 seconds too late. But he sent a different one than ours, in Armenak's style, nice, but without winning the queen. However, we will reward originality with an entry fee to the next Top tournament. Congratulations

See both, Armenak style and Goldchess style. Position after white's 31st move. We play with black.

Top103 - Winning and mate.Armenak's best time was 1.42 and he is the winner. $10 and congratulations. Thank you all for participating.

Top102 - We have 2 effective but simple solutions for moving faster. The first Armenak $5, the second Damian, $5. Obviously both not authored. However, this is not Goldchess. Our solution although a move later is really nice. Not without a reason we wrote in the text: the art of matting. But congratulations to the winners.

Top101 -  It was possible to win on move 51 in 4 ways. 2 correct, different solutions were submitted (45.Ra3, 45.Rc2). Our 2 variants still different. Arman wins, time 5:25. Ellina showed the winning position after the 51st move, but there is no computer pass (resigns). Thank you all for participation.

Top100 - It was a Daily24 task, only more difficult, the mate with bishop. Nobody solved.
                  We show it in Winners. Welcome to Top101.

Top99 -  Position from the 27. 27… Qe5 it is weak move. After 27… Kh7 black wins. Today, faster solutions than ours.                           Armenak, 2 moves, mate 35, second Arman, 2 seconds later, 3 moves faster, mate34. We split the prize, Armenak                  $5, Arman $5. Third Vitaly, also mate34. Congrat to all.

Top98 - Nobody solved our task. We invite to next Top tournament.

Top97 - Only 3 correct solutions. Armenak, mate 19 and 20 (the winner, $10 prize) , and Vitaly, mate19. Zawo and Pavel, sent mate 22, move later. Additionally Vitaly wins the entry fee to the Win Faster. Thanks to all participants.

Top96 - Today the first is Armenak, mate 36, move earlier, $10. Second Zawo, third Jan Temel. Zawo (Жавохир) won the entry fee to Win Faster. Thanks to all participants.

Top95 - one winner - Armenak, $10 the prize Regards to all


Top94 - This week's emphatically won Жавохир, a 13-year-old from Uzbekistan. Congratulations. Thank you to all the participants. 

Top93 - 2 winners.Armenak, $10 for v33, a move faster, and Vitaly for mate 32, he receive a distinction, an entry to Top94.

Top92 - July10. The idea of Goldchess was to allow black to make up the second queen and win, (give mate) with two black queens (on the chessboard) The problem was best solved by Damian and Armenak capturing both hetmans. In our solution the 2 black queens stand idle while we mate forcibly. Today the winner is Damian who sent his solution earlier than Armenak. Congratulations.

Top91 - July3. Goldchess and our players are changing the face of chess. Today, Armenak's brilliant game and mate move faster. We will put Armenak's game in the most beautiful games of Goldchess.
See for yourself. Congratulations and a prize. Nobody has found our variant. Other solutions, - Vitaly sent the win, Zawo mate 32, move later. Thank you all for your participation


Top90 - June26. No one has solved

Top 89 - June 12. Today in Top the fierce competition of the best Goldchess players. All sent correct solutions. The best third Armenak, mate 25, move earlier, and eighth Arman, also mate25. The $10 prize is won by Armenak.

Top88 - June 5. Today there were only 4 moves to be made. Vitaly has sent a mate. Arman and Armenak have solved in concert way. Both receive an entry into the Top 89. Congrat

Top87 - May 22. Problem from previous edition. New position, a move  more. Only Armenak solved, congratulations and $10. Our variant, but the move faster. He played more efficiently, we played nicer. See both solutions. They differ in the ending.
Top86 - May 15. A chess diamond to discover. A mate in 33 with the capture of the queen. Please visit. You are welcome to participate. Armenak plays Goldchess style, often at a better level than us.  Today he did the mate 3 moves faster than we. Very nice solution to the this position problem. Our problem goes to Top87 with a new position.
Top85 - May 8. Tournament cancelled due to incorrect position. 
Top84 - May 1st. Today's task could be solved in 20 seconds. First Lukasz, a variant move faster, 3 minutes 15 seconds. Lukasz's second solution, the author's, after time. As well as further, sent by Armenak and Vitaly. There was no minimum of 10 players today, hence the symbolic prize, $10 for Lukasz. Congratulations. We show both solutions of the winner.

Top83 Saturday 10 -
First Damian, not correct, m35. Second Yuri, author's, $50. Great congrat. After time Armenak sent an interesting solution, distinction. Thanks to all participants.
Top82 Saturday 3 -  The Hero of the day is Damarka. She sent the correct solution with a queen sacrifice as much as 3 moves faster than us (mate22). $35 and the title of Gold Top Hero. Second Yuri, mate23, $15. Vitaly mate move later and out of time. Happy Easter to all our players

Top81 Saturday 27 -   
First Yuri second Armenak. Both sent the same variant. An effective attack idea. But, not the author so half the pool to share. Yuri $15, Armenak $10. We will show the author's solution to the problem. Thank you all for your participation. Ps. Yuri sent also m31, 2 moves earlier, we will show it, Armenak m32- one move faster. Thanks to both.
Top80 Saturday 20 -  In the tournament first Vitaliy, mate 21 with queen capture, $15. Second Armenak, mate21, $10. Third Damian mate22 with queen capture, $5. Only after the tournament Damian sent mate24 with queen sacrifice. This mate will go down in Goldchess and chess history. Congratulations to all.
Top79 Saturday 13 - No one sent in an author. We show in Winners. Today's winners: Armenak and Alex $10 each, both sent the same solution. Damian otherwise finished third, $5. Congratulations
Top78 Saturday 6 - The task from the previous Top tournament. New position. Who will find our variant? - We can't believe it, but Armenak sent an authorial solution. A big round of applause! And $50, of course. Important.  See the Top78 game in Winners. The position after 20 moves. On the 22nd move black could have taken a rook or a bishop. After taking the bishop white would have been left without compensation for the lost figure. However, the computer, following mathematical logic (rook 5 points, bishop 3), took the rook. In his excuse we can say, that at this moment white's mate combination was not visible for him. --- White was obviously taking a risk, but in Top 77 you can see the same game won convincingly.

From today only on Saturdays at 18:30  with a specific duration

Top24-16 (77)Wedn.3 - Today Armenak took all. 2 solutions, m28 and m27, $25 for him. For Alex entry fee to next Top, he has sent correct solution, but after time.
Top24-15 (76)Tuesday2 - 
Today Alex is the winner. He found and sent our mate 23. $25 and great congrat
Top24-14 (75)Monday-March1 - 2 moves to do. Only 2 moves to make the computer give up, but it's not that easy. Check out on screen the  times of our top players. Alex's best time, 1:33. Today 3 winners. Alex $15. Yuri $5, Armenak $5. Thanks to all participants.
Top24-13 (74) Saturd.27 - 
Mate with the sacrifice and capture of the queen. A modified variant of the win, sent earlier by Armenak and Sargis. We have 2 others solutions. Which will find players? Nobody found. But, chess is unfathomable. We have 2 variants, Sargis showed the third. $20. Armenak sent a variant with only sacrificing the queen, $10. Big applause for both masters from Armenia. On Monday victory, only two moves to do. Who will solve-sent first?

Top24-12 (73) Friday 26 - No one has sent an authorial solution. Armenak's best, m23. Only, in this variant we have mate in 22 and only such a solution could win today. Therefore, today, no winners and no prize.
Top24-11 (72) Thursd.25 - It turns out that from a position after 18 moves winning was very easy, even 5 moves faster, while after adding 6 moves and from a position after 24 moves, very difficult. Only Armenak did one of the two tasks, but after time. Consolation prize, entry into Top24 .
Top24-10 (71) Wedn. 24 - The idea of Goldchess was 19.R:f5. All players played 19.Rc1. The best solutions in the 26th move. But in the variant 19.Rc1 we have a win in the 25th move. Therefore today we will not award anyone. The prize could have gone to the v25 solution. Tomorrow a new chance. Thank you all for your participation.
Top24-9 (70 Tuesday 23 - All prize for Sargis. He is first and won 2 moves earlier. Congrat. Other players sent in their solutions after the time.
Top24-8 (69) Monday 22 - Today we have two winners. Alex and Armenak. Both at $12,50. Congrat from us.

Top24-7 (68)-Saturday 20 - 
Only Sargis sent 2 correct solutions, $25. Alex for one, $5. Congrat
Top24-6 (67) Friday 19 - Today only Armenak and Alex solved the problem. Armenak first, but Alex solution, 2 moves faster, better. Both at $12,5.  Congrat. 
Top24-5 (66) Thursday 18 - All players found other variant. Dear players. In your variant there is mate28-f5. Only Przemek sent this solution, $15 for him. Sargis and Armenak consolation prizes 2x$5. Thanks for all participants. In Top24-6 the same game with new position (+2 moves)
Top24-4 (65)-Wednesday17 - Today among the top players the best Armenak, time 10:37. Armenak $15, Sargis $10. Third, Alex’s solution, timeout. Congratulations

Top24-3 (64)-Tueesday 16Only Sargis found our variant. $25. Great congrat

Top24-2 (63)-Monday, 15. Who will win?Unbeaten Armenak found our solution today. $50 and congratulations

Top24-1 (62) Saturday, Febr.13 - Game of month. Sargis Manukyan's brilliant solution wins. Simple, effective moves, that's what genius in chess is all about. A different solution from ours. However, in this case we will break our rule, half prize for a solution not authored. Sargis receives the entire prize, $50. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig congratulations!

January 16

Top 61 Hiper - $250 prize. It was hot! Only the players from Armenia showed a high level. But, 6 solutions and none of them original. Armenak sent 3 solutions, Alex 2 in the allowed time. Alex's mate on move 28, a late move and sent after time, we will show in the winning version. Brilliant! In task 2 Alex knocked out CEEC, he gave a mate in 22, 4 moves faster!

Armenak's task 3, did the opposite, first sacrificing then capturing the queen. Also brilliant. So half a pot to share. Armenak $80, Alex $45.
January 9
Top 60 Hiper - $250 prize. Tournament postponed to next Saturday, 16 January. 

January 2nd
Top 59-Hiper-$200 prize. A brilliant mate with sacrifice and getting a queen. We also require the reverse variant, with sacrifice and capture. No one has sent 2 correct solutions, no one receives a prize.  See our solutions for $200.

Christmas Hiper Top tournament with $300 prize (for 3 correct solutions. For two solutions or one, a prize at Goldchess' discretion). We will award 3 players. If two players send the correct solutions, $175/$125. If three, $150/$100/$50.

Top 58 Saturday 26 - $300. 3 tasks from one position. 21 minutes for solve.  Again, as in the Daily, faster than us. Winning 1 move, and mate 2 moves earlier. But nobody sent 3 solutions for $300 prize. Nobody sent original solutions either. In that case, only the consolation prize for Armenak, $40. The third task proved too difficult today. Welcome to Hiper Top on New Year's Day.


Next // Editions 52-57 –November 23-28
Individual winners:
Monday –       $100 - Task not solved earlier. Nobody found our first move, we show it today. 1st Yuri, authorial, $80. 2nd Sargis, m23, dist. and $5, 3rd Arman, after time, but authorial, $15. Congrat for winners
Tuesday -       $100 - No one has discovered the author. Almost all players sent mates in 26, 2 moves earlier from us. We will show authorship. Today they were awarded: 1st Sargis, missed, m27, $10. 2nd Armenak, m26, $20. 6th Arman, another m26, $20. Thanks for all.
Wednesday - $100+$50 for the player who first will send a solution for a move earlier. Wow! No one has won $50 an additional prize. No one has sent a solution with the condition, to get the queen. We will award and reward the best, v19 by Armenak, $20. Plus Alex, $20, Yuri, $10, armenak $10, Sargis $10.

Thursday-      $100  Authorial there is no. 1st and best by Armenak, $35. 6th by YUri, m26, $15.
Friday-            $100  For heroes. Precise playing. I don't believe it. Seven moves. No one has solved. Armenak nicely cheated the computer. $15
Saturday-       $150 - On Saturdays, a higher prize. Nobody solved with sacrifice a queen. Without prizes. Pause for 2 weeks.

Weekly countries ranking  
1. Cuba      1,5
2. Armenia 2         
3. Poland   


Editions 46-51 –November 16-21
Individual winners:
46-Monday –      $100 - After the euphoria in the Daily, sadness in the Top. No one has found an option with the queen's sacrifice. Distinctions and symbolic awards for the best solutions, by Yuri, m31-$10 and Armenak, m31-$10.
47-Tuesday -       $100 - Noone sent author's. But, there are beautiful solutions. Yuri sent the mate 27, 6 moves faster! He wins, prize $50. Armenak, m33 and m32, $25. Great congrat!
48-Wednesday - $100 - Nobody sent authors. We will show in Winners. Today 2nd solution by Alex wins, $50. 3rd Yuri, $25.
49-Thursday-      $100 - Chess is an art. It is not enough to simply win at Goldchess. Nobody has found our variant with all black figures. We will award the first and best m32 by Armenak. $25.
Others have also sent the same solution, but we do not reward two of the same, except the original one.
We show our solution

50-Friday-            $150 - Jubilee. Who will win? Nobody sent correct solution. Tomorrow the same task with new position.
Today awarded: 3th Armenak, $35, and Alex (sent out after a time), $15
51-Saturday-       $150 - Position18. 2nd, Armenak sent mate with sacrifice a queen, $25. Rest for great today's winner, Alex, $125 for author's solution. Great congrat.

Weekly countries ranking  
1. Armenia  2,5
2. Cuba      1,5    
3. Poland   

Editions 41-45 –November 9-14

Individual winners:
41-Monday –       $100 - Nobody sent an original, so the 2 best solutuions win. 2nd by Arman, v37, $25, 4th Armenak, $25.
42-Tuesday-        $100 - Find Goldchess variant! Nobody sent author's. That was yesterday's position. Yesterday everybody played 12.Rb3. Today only Yuri played 12.Rb2, so $25 for him. Second Armenak, m21, $15. 3rd Arman, m22, $10. $50 we add to Saturday's prize.
     Wednesday - $100  We celebrate in Poland. In the Top Daily tournament - rest day
43-Thursday-      $100  Today was the task mate22Rb8, without get Q. Nobody sent author's. Winners: 2nd and 4th Arman, $35. Both mates in 22. 1st, Armenak, m22 but with getting a queen, $15. 
44-Friday-           $125 1st Armenak, m19, $25. 2nd Yuri, author's, $50. 3rd Alex also author's, an also $50. Great congrat!
45-Saturday-      $150 - Meet Goldchess techniques. 3 solutions only. $150 prize, but difficult task. Nobody solved. The content of the task was: from position 11, mate 22.Rb8 with getting a queen and don't play 12.Rb3, 12.Rb2. Yuri played 12.Rb3, we do not accept. Armenak's second solution is mate 1 move earlier, 21.Rb8, but with exchange queens, not getting, $50. For everyone, a nice weekend, until Monday.

Weekly countries ranking  
1. Armenia 6 
2. Cuba      2
3. Poland   


Editions 35-40 –November 2-7
Individual winners:
Monday–       $100 - On Saturday, the players sent in a variant with the exchange of queens. Today, as a task, there is such a variant. Nobody solved authors, so $50 goes on tomorrow,  New position and $150. Today, the best correct -Arman's, m37, but after time, $10. 1st, Armenak, mate 38, $25. 3rd correct, by Yuri, $15. We invite for tomorrow.
Tuesday-       $150 Today 5 Top Goldchess players .  Nobody sent authorial. 1 solution in given time . Armenak, $55. 2 distinctions, for other solutions after time, Yuri, $10, Arman, $10. Tomorrow the same task with new position. 
Wednesday- $75 - Another philosophy of the Goldchess attack.  Who will discover our variant? Arman found only, but after time. So half of the prize, $37,50. It was 3rd day of this game. More move in position, more difficult to solve. It is Goldchess.
Thursday-     $100  - No one has sent mate 26 with pawn. There are no winners today. 
Friday-           $100 - Today a beautiful sporting fight. 4 solutions within the time allowed. Sargis returns to form and leadership position. 1st, mate 35, less than 2 minutes, $50. 2nd and 3rd, Alex, $35. 4th Yuri, $15. The top three players Armenak, Arman and Damian sent after time.There is an interesting solution by Armenak, mate 35, the fastest one today. Thank you all.

Saturday-      $100 - Saturday Night Fever smiley A lot of conceptually nice solutions. Thank you all. Today we awarded: Yuri $50 (v35, v32). 5th Armenak $35, 6th Damian $15.

Weekly countries ranking  
1. Armenia 4
2. Cuba      3
3. Poland   0,5

Editions 29-34 – October 26-31
Individual winners:
Top29-Monday 26–      $100 - The task has proved difficult. Yuri, 7 seconds before the end of time. And, 1 move too late. But we will reward the Cuban grandmaster. $25. Tomorrow, new position and accumulation! We cancel the accumulation. After 19 minutes, Arman sent his own solution. After this time, we are not awarding, but here, exceptionally, $50.
Top30-Tuesday27 -       $100 - Nobody solved in given time, and after. Tomorrow new position and accumulation
Top31-Wednesday28 - $125 - Nobody solved. But, there is one solution by Arman, one move earlier! $50. 1st, Armenak, one move later, distinction and $10. Tomorrow new position and the same game.
Top32-Thursday29-      $100 -   there is no authotial solution. Both players sent the same solutions. 1st Armenak $50, 2nd Damian $25. We invite you to come tomorrow.
Top33-Friday30-            $100 - Nobody sent authorial. 6 marked correct solutions, 3 after time, without prize. Award winners: 1st Alex, m34 (!) $50. 2nd Armenak $25. Tomorrow the same task with new position. We will found authorial.
Top34-Saturday31-       $125 - No one has sent our solution. However, Goldchess are other techniques of playing and attacking. Today the players have shown good ingenuity and there are some nice games. Winners: best game, 10th Damian, m36, $55. 11th, Alex, m36, $50. 7th Yuri, m37, $20.

Weekly countries ranking  
1. Armenia 4
2. Poland   2 
3. Cuba     1,5
Editions 23-28 – October
Individual winners:
Top23-Monday 19-       $150 - Nobody submitted our solutions. There are only 2 Yuri solutions, who tried to solve. Mate 34-f6, $25. Mate37, first getting, then sacrifice a queen, conversely, $25. Thanks for all. Tomorrow light task.
Top24-Tuesday20-       $100 - Nobody sent authorial, but - beautifull solutions. We will show them. 1st-best v24, Arman,$50.Next, Armenak v27+get Q, $35. And 4th Sargis, v26, $15. Armenia domination. Great congrat!

Top25-Wednesday21- $100 - Nobody sent author's. 2 the same solutions, Alex $50, Arman's after time.
Top26-Thursday22-     $100 - No one has found the author's ($50). Goldchess, however, are other techniques. Winners: 2nd Yuri, $25, 6th Alex, $25. Games in Winners. 1st solution by Sargis and Arman's - cheated. These are mates. At Arman's mate in 33, so why the draw in 35?
Top27-Friday23-           $125 - Nobody found authorial. Winners: 2nd Arman, m27-$50. 1st Armenak m33-$25. 3rd Sargis, m31-$25. Thanks for all for participation. Tomorrow's surprise

Top28-Saturday24-      $125 - Nobody sent author's. But, there is a lot of nice solutions. Most beautifull, 5.Arman's, $50.  Top best. Damian, Yuri, Alex, $25 each. This task will be on Monday in the Daily, Have a nice weekend for all.

Weekly countries ranking  
1. Armenia 6
2. Cuba      2   
3. Poland   0,5 

Editions 17-22 – October 12-17
Individual winners:
Top17-Monday 12–      $100 - three winners: 1st Yuri, authorial, $50. 2nd Sargis, best-move faster, $35. 3rd Armenak, $15.
Top18-Tuesday13 -      $100 - Nobody sent  a second solution. First, with double sacrifice, only Armenak, $50 prize. We show second solution, with queen's sacrifice, with knight. Brilliant! Black queen and rook can not to kill white knight - hero! :)

Top19-Wednesday14 - $100 - The heart grows as players find our option. 1. Armenak, authorial, $50. 2nd, 3rd, Alex, $30, 4th Yuri $20. Thank you all for your participation.

Top20-Thursday15 -     $100 - Two incredible duals, that is, correct and different from our solution, were sent by Yuri. Congratulations and $50. We still have a v33 with a double queen sacrifice, by Damian, distinction and $10. Second distinction for Alex, $10.
Top21-Friday 16-          $100 - 1st-2nd Yuri, $50. We are moving $50 to Top22 and tomorrow, today's task is also topical. 
Yuri's solutions are efficiency. Goldchess is effectiveness plus poetry.

Top22-Saturday 17-     $150 - Nobody submitted yesterday or today solution. Today was mate 37 with sacrifice a queen.  
There was no Armenak, Yuri had a power failure, that is a pity. The $150 prize goes on Monday.

Weekly countries ranking  
1. Armenia 3
2. Cuba      2 
3. Poland     


Editions 11-16 – October 5-10
Individual winners:
Top11-Monday 5       $100 - Nobody found our variant. Tomorrow the same task with new position. Today wins 3rd solution by Armenak, mate 23, distinction and $20.
Top12-Tuesday 6       $100 - Nobody has solved it, but there are a lot of good solutions. Armenak sent a mate 23, and it is a pity that after a time. Today the best solution is by Yuri, mate 24, and he wins $20. Tomorrow our task continues, with a new position. Tomorrow 13th edition. Who will he be happy for?
Top13-Wednesday 7 $100 ? Only two heroes are fighting today. Armenak and Yuri. Individual Top Daily. They didn't solve it.  

From position after 13 moves we played 14.Nf3 f6, 15.B:f5 ef and then 16.Rfe1 Bc5. It is last, today's position. Yesterday Cuban Grandmaster Vidal reached this position, but played the Grandmaster's move, simple and effective 17.Ng5, after which blacks have no chance to defend their position. From the point of view of practical, tournament chess, the 17.Ng5 movement is stronger than ours. But we were carried away by the Talovian fantasy to finish the game effectively and we played 17.Re5. Of course, if the blacks don't accept the rook's sacrifice, the game will take longer, but after consuming the rook, what the blacks do, the game is childishly easy to win. Check this out. The solution in -Winners-Top.

Top14-Thursday 8     $100 - next brilliant, accumulation (?) game. For chess connoisseurs . ok. Nobody sent authorial. Today 1st Yuri, $50, and 4th Sargis, the same solution, $25. Tomorrow new position and $125!
Top15-Friday 9           $125 - Nobody found our variant. Winners 1. Armenak, m21, $50. Second, Alex 3rd solution m22, $25
Top16-Saturday 10   $150 - Nobody solved. All Saturday's players play free on Monday, they will receive promo codes. On Monday - new position.

Weekly countries ranking 
1. Armenia   3
2. Cuba         3
3. Poland     

Editions 5-10 – September 28 - October 3
Individual winners:
Top5-Monday -       $100 - today mate 58 with sacrifice a queen. Nobody solved. We show solution for $100 in Top-Winners. One solution submitted, by Armenak, normal mate. Distinction $10. See both solutions 

Top6-Tuesday -       $100 - for Armenian players. Task position from the game Aronian - Carlsen. Nobody sent author's.       Best, 2nd by Damian, mate 23, $50. The same solution sent Alex, after time, distinction-$10.
Top7-Wednesday - $100 - Nobody found authorial. 1st, 2nd solution by Alex, best, m35, $60. 3rd, by Armenak, $20. 5th, by Damian, $20 (his first was m37). Thanks for all.
Top8-Thursday -     $100 - All prize for Armenak! He was the only one to send the right solutions. Nobody more. 1st, and 5th-authorial, ours.  He receive $100 and Gold Hero of the Day title. Great congrat!

Top9-Friday -           $100 - The motto of the day: Who will win with Armenak? - It will be difficult. laugh.Today only Armenak sent correct 2 solutions, faster from us. m30 and m28. Prize of $50. $50 we transfer to next Top Daily.
Top10-Saturday -    $150 - Nobody sent authorial. 3rd, by Armenak, m25 - $50. 2nd by Damian $15. Thanks for all.

Weekly countries ranking 
1. Armenia   4,5 
2. Poland     1,5
The rest of the countries - do not exist 

Since 1-4 September 23-26
Individual winners: 
Top Daily1 Wednesday 23 - $100. Winners: 2nd, Sargis Manukyan, $50 + 10 rating points. 3rd-Damarka Migues Cuba, $35 + 5 rating points, bravo!. 5th, Yuri $15 (everyone sent the original, same solution)
Top Daily2 Thursday 24     - $100 - Nobody sent in given time. 2 solutions, both not original, 3rd Sargis, 4th Alex, both distinctions, 2 x $10
Top Daily3 Friday 25          - $100 - Top day of Armenia. 1st Sargis, author's, $50. 2nd Alex, $25, 3rd Armenak, almost author's, $25. Greetings to Armenia!
Top Daily4 Saturday 26     - $100 Task with a small trap smiley. Only 2 solutions submitted. Nobody solved. 1st, Damian m37 with sacrifice - 2 moves late, distinction, $15. 2nd, Armenak m34 without queen sacrifice. 

Weekly countries ranking 
1. Armenia   2,5
2. Cuba        0,5
2. Poland   
4. India      
5. Uzbekistan


Currently in our online tournament Win Faster, Carlsen's game. And a great field for participants in this tournament. You have to win each game a move faster than the given tasks. There are a lot of moves and great chances for the players. Given: there are 14 moves to be made in the first game, as many as 34 moves in the second, 16 moves in the third (2 tasks) and 25 moves in the third (2 tasks). Of course, hidden in this set is a game with a mistake, which has an added move in the body of the task and which can certainly be won faster. An amazing chance for players to knock us off our feet. And we'd love to see it.

Once the tournament has opened, anyone can play any day of the month at any time. You only need to win the items consecutively as given and send their solutions without exceeding the time given for solving them.



Win Faster is about playing to the full and gaining experience. In it, you have to win faster than specified, one or more games.
The games are the work of our amateur analysts, so we do not know if they can be won faster.
All we can say is that in past tournaments players have repeatedly sent solutions faster than ours, using different moves and game plans.
* There is one game in the tournament with an error. This means that it can definitely be won earlier than stated in the task. Check your playing techniques. Even if you don't win 3 games (apart from the error game) faster than us, and you win as much as we do, you will have great satisfaction and satisfaction with your level of play.
You are welcome and we wish you success.




Win Faster Results
Current score: Goldchess - World Players 8:8 (in games 32:32) - great draw!

After pause - Win Faster17 December 19
Who wins?
In Win Faster 17, December 19, there were specific tasks with the last move described. Nobody won any of them a move earlier than us. And that's what Win Faster is all about. It seems that this was the most difficult edition so far. Only Armenak repeated our variant in solution 4. We invite ambitious chess players who want to shorten the amateur's solutions to the January edition of Win Faster.

Win Faster 15,16 May 16 - And again a 2:2 draw... Tasks 1 - 4 were beyond the reach of the players. Pawel won the move earlier 2 games, 2 and 3. As there was no minimum of players, the prize is symbolic, $20. Pawel won the move earlier 2 games, 2 and 3. As there was no minimum of players, the prize is symbolic, $20. Congratulations

Win Faster 14 May 9 - We want to win! No. Today the draw 2:2. Games 1 and 3 nobody won faster. Armenak sent 2 faster solutions.  But, task 2 we do not recognize. He sent mate 36, and we shortened his solution by a move. However, it must be said that he found a beautiful move here Bg8. In task 3 he used a flawless technique and won the move faster. We show his solution and our variant. Prize, entry fee to Win Faster 15

Win Faster 13 May 2 - Last time our amateur lost 0:4. We make no secret that today we want the opposite result. But no. Armenak won by a move faster in tasks 3 and 4. A 2:2 draw. Big applause for the Armenian chess virtuoso. In Goldchess you just have to show that you can play chess. Great news. After tournament Armenak found the solution 1 move faster in 1st task! So a draw, but with Armenak as the winner

Win Faster 12 April 18 - 0:4. Total victory for the players. All 4 games were winnable faster! Yuri didn't play, probably had poor internet, which often happens in Cuba. However, Armenak -Armenia and Damian Poland, provided cosmic emotions today. Task 1: First Armenak, mate 25, already a move earlier. Second Damian, missed mate 23 by playing 20.Q:f6, instead of 20.Qg7. This was discovered by Armenak in the 4th solution and he is the winner here. Ufff, it started badly for Goldchess. Task 2: They both easily found a variant that was a move faster, but Armenak was first. Will Armenak win the main prize today?

Task 3 and 4 from one position will decide. Win and mate, 5 and 7 moves to do. This is handled beautifully by Damian, finding a brilliant move 40.Nd8 in the position. This is followed by a win on 43, a move faster and a mate on 44, 2 moves faster. The amateur is taken away for resuscitation, a heart attack. :)

Armenak did not discover these variants but also sent a good solution as fourth, mate 45, move faster. A great day for the players. Both $75. Congratulations! I called the hospital, the amateur is alive, so the next Win Faster tournament will take place.

Win Faster 11 April 11 - The top 2 Goldchess players failed to beat the amateur today and win the move earlier today. Also no one sent 4 solutions for which we have an extra prize. Task 1, Yuri sent the author's. Bravo! Task 2, Armenak v25, but without winning the queen. However, no one sent task 3, mate30 without getting a queen. However, it was easier to win this position with capturing the queen. With capture we have 2 solutions, Armenak and Yuri, and ours is another. And interestingly, after time Yuri sent mate in 29, with capturing queen, a move earlier. But the solution is highly controversial, because in the test the computer twice played us differently, preventing such a solution as Yuri sent.

So 1:0 (4:0) for the amateur, and from a tie in the overall score we go into the lead. We thank our champions for a great game.

Win Faster 10 April 4 - Today  3:1 in games. Armenak solved 4th task! He receive $30 prize. In task 2 Armenak and Damian did win a move faster, but without fulfilling the condition of capturing the queen. We distinguish Armenak's game in task 4, mate with queen sacrifice. He receive an entry fee to Win Faster 11. Thank you all for the playing.

Win Faster 9 March 21 - We are beginning to believe in our amateur. Only in the second task did he manage to beat him. This was done by Damian Sliwicki and he becomes the hero of today's tournament.

Task 1, nobody sent any solution. After 58 minutes Armenak sent a mate in 26, but without winning a queen. It turns out that this was a very difficult task for the players, although we think that only from level 3-4. In our match 1:0 for Goldchess.

Thank you all for your participation and we invite you to Free Win Faster on Sunday, March 28, exactly one week from today. The prize pool is $5,000, but be warned, it's going to be tough.

Win Faster 8 March 14 - Our amateur said: in win Faster 8 nobody wins any game faster than me. The tournament is today, in an hour, we will see if it is a boast and the players will win 4 games faster like in WF7, or if it is true this time. At this point nobody knows. --------- Results - Powerful emotions.
After the tournament we can say that the truth is in the middle. In the first game of the solution move earlier sent Armenak and Damian, but without getting the queen, so no. The second game, Armenak, move earlier, bravo and $30. The third game no one sent, in the fourth game Damian sent the author, that is in the same number of moves. But, after the tournament Armenak proved that it was possible to win the move earlier fourth game! Big applause for the champion! In view of this, in match points we consider today's 8th edition a draw, 2:2.  

Win Faster 7 March 7. In this tournament the players won all the games faster. Great victory for the players from Armenia! Just a hair away from the top prize $1000. Armenak was first to win 3 games, $250 plus 15 rating points, Alex was first in one game, $30 plus 5 rating points. Big congratulations. 1:0 for players. What will happen in the next edition?

Win Faster 6 - February 21. $1000 prize pool. The great excitement of the 6th edition is behind us. Today the players have won. A big match point for players.
Only in the first game no one managed to win faster.  In game 2, first Armenak, won in 20, second Alex, he won faster, in 19 moves. That's pity, it is late.  In game 3 first Armenak, 4 moves faster than us, in game 4 first Alex. Armenak $73, Alex $30. Congratulations to the winners. 

Win Faster 5 - February 14. $1000 prize pool. Who will win? 5th edition of Win Faster is over. However, it is possible to win faster and Armenak showed that. Armenak won faster in 3 games. However, in the first incorrectly, we do not score, in the third correctly, a move earlier, in the fourth 2 moves earlier, but 5 minutes after the time. Hence the prize for only one correct solution. Only the second game could not have been won faster. After 43 minutes Armenak sent a mate in 32, the same number of moves as we did.

We invite you next week. Today amateur - rest of the world, 1:0. :)

Win Faster 4 - January 17. $1000 prize pool. Goldchess victory. In the required time nobody sent the solutions of winning a move earlier. In task 1 and 3 Armenak won the move earlier. But, after the time (task 1 his time 11:43, it was 10 minutes, task 3, his time 18:56, it was 15 minutes.). However, we will award half of the prize, $30. If he had sent in the time allowed, he would have won $150 today. In task 2 CEEC did not let himself be defeated a move earlier.
2 days after the tournament Armenak found winning move faster in task 2, the tournament Win Faster 4. So it turns out that all tasks could be won move faster and win the top prize, $1000!  A big applause for our best player from Armenia.
Win Faster 3 - January 10 - Tournament postponed to next Sunday, January 17.
Win Faster 2 - January 1st - who will win? There were four moves in the last Daily task. Players won in two, 2 moves earlier. In Top, they also won 1 move earlier, and the mate - 2 moves earlier. We see the future of Win Faster game for Goldchess in black. We think we're gonna go bankrupt. sad A New Year's tasks without conditions. Beat, kill, win as soon as possible. laugh Today positions from the previous Win Faster 1 game. No conditions, just win move faster. Who won faster?. Game 1, 2, 3. WOW! No one has solved any problem. 3:0 for Goldchess, and in big points after two editions, a draw. We are happy, but also sad.
And, because today is the New Year, we give the participants of the tournament a second chance.  The first one who sends in 3 original solutions wins the New Year's prize of $50! Time to resolve, 24 hours.
During the tournament no one sent any solution faster than us. But in overtime, with virtually unlimited time, the players have shown what they can do. $50 was won by Armenak, who sent a task 1 move faster and tasks 2 and 3, two moves faster. If he had sent this set during the tournament, he would have won the main prize of $1000. Great congratulations. The Armenak's solutions in -Winners.

Win Faster 1 - Christmas 2nd Day 2020 year
December 25, Friday - 1 Edition of Win Faster is behind us. Next in the New Year. We were not to open the game for less than 5 players. But for creative chess players from Armenia, the tournament was worthwhile. Game 1 - first and good solution, 3 moves faster, Arman Ghevondyan. Alex, the same solution, 3 seconds later!! Game 2, was later, because was the date fault. Winner - Alex Nurijanyan. A brilliant solution, m32 by Arman, but after time. We show it in Winners.Task 3 at the given time no one sent. After time, the first correct, v37 by Armenak, half the prize. All rest players sent mate. I would like to remind you that the content of task 3 was - winning in 43 with the queen's sacrifice, not mate. In this tournament, Goldchess versus chess players of the whole world, there is 2:1 for  players sad


Tournament suspended until further notice.



FWF 5 April 1
Only one participant Adrian from Cuba sent all 3 solutions. But only one correct one. In task 1 where there was a win in 38-37 he sent a win in 35. But there is no sacrifice of the queen. Also, we know that Adrian plays independently, but such a solution could be done by practically any computer stronger than ours. Task 2, a win of 26, and should have made a mate of 29. Only task 3 correct and beautiful, a move earlier from us with the queen capture. Up to the half Adrian played identically to us, then saw the combination faster by a move. Honorable mention and congratulations for this game.

The rest of the players are just extras. We don't understand why or what they signed up for.


FWF April 1
We look at the people 90% who signed up for this tournament indulgently, with a slight smile. After the question: and have you played in our other tournaments and won there? - everything becomes clear. They haven't played, they haven't won and here they are without a chance, as the FWF is a higher level. Therefore, it should get through to everyone signed up that wanting to win $1,000 and - being able to win $1,000 are two different things.



It's a different world with us. We care about the quality of the games, we don't produce chess spam, we create worthwhile games and enable our participants to do the same. Moreover, our tournaments are for an unlimited number of participants. And they will make sense, start to make sense, when thousands of players play in them. Especially in those in which the entry fee is paid. The power of the chess collective, of thousands of players, is powerful. And this is what we want to use. With us, without sponsors, the prizes can be bigger than in other chess tournaments, or even in tournaments of top players. We have made a swallow, the first free tournament with a $1000 prize pool and for 1000 participants. You are welcome. The date, as we have stated, 1 January 2023. A thousand participants and we are playing.
If we give $1000 for 1000 chess players, there are supposed to be 1000 participants. And until there is, the tournament will not take place.


Free Win Faster Results
The Free Win Faster tournament with a grand prize of $5,000 will be every month. This is our intention. Provided there is always a minimum of 200 chess players. So we appeal to the already registered players, if you see that there are not 200 participants, appeal to your colleagues, let them also register and play.

Free Win Faster tournament-level V with the grand prize of $5000!
Current score: Goldchess - World Players 3:1 (in games 8:4)

4th Edition - December 25 from June 26. We have postponed the tournament to 25 December. Normally it would have been every month but since there are not 200 players (they can't get together for a few months), we postponed to a distant date. Besides, those who have signed up and are on the list are mostly statisticians who have not yet played anywhere with us and are without prize entitlement if they win. And if 200 participants do not gather by December, we will close this tournament.

4th Edition - May 29. You want to play regularly every month, invite your colleagues. In order for a tournament to take place, there must always be a minimum of 200 participants.
Currently we have removed from our list players who signed up "off the street". That is, players who have not played in any of our tournaments or diagrams before, and who have not sent in any solution to prove their level. 

4th Edition - March 27, 2022 (for a minimum of 200 full-fledged players). Tournament postponed until next month due to poor turnout. We set a modest minimum for this tournament, 200 full participants.  There are over 50 million chess players in the online space, so if there aren't 200 here, we think it's not our problem, but the chess players themselves.

3rd Edition - June 27 - On 27 June the tournament will take place regardless of the number of participants. Ufffffff, the great excitement is behind us. However, chess is unpredictable. In the first game, the 13-year-old from Uzbekistan Жавохир Артиков knocked out Goldchess. From the position after 20 moves we were draw in 28, he drew in 24, 4 moves faster. Armenak drew 27, Damian drew 26. After time Armenak also found a draw of 24.

In game 2 only one solution, Damian's, a move later than us and after time. In task 3 Armenak shone. From position 25 we had a win in 29, only 4 moves. It turns out that also here it was possible to win faster. Armenak won in 27, making only 2 moves. In games 3,4 Damian sent both solutions exactly ours. Distinction. Overall in games draw 2:2. Winners Zawo (Жавохир) and Armenak, $25 each. Congratulations and thank you for beautiful solutions.
We invite you to Win Faster, July 4, entry fee $11, prize pool $1000.

May30 - Only 61 players on the list today, so we will move the tournament date to June 27.
At the same time, we do not understand why chess players who have not played and won even in Daily 24, a level II tournament, signed up for the Free Win Faster (level V) tournament. As extras-statisticians?

April 25 - As of April 23 we have 22 participants on the tournament list. Due to this low number of players we will not be running a free tournament with a $5000 prize pool on the scheduled date of 25 April. The tournament will only run when we have 100 players signed up.

2nd Edition - March28

Before the tournament
IN THIS EDITION NO ONE WILL WIN ANY GAME A MOVE EARLIER THAN ME<<< Sorry, this entry was made by our amateur as I stepped away from the computer to brew myself a coffee. But, if he wrote it, I am announcing an extra prize before the tournament. $50 for the player who solves all 4 problems in as many moves as we do, with no condition - move earlier. V level, but this is also fun, so I also increase the time to solve the tasks. 1 game - 15 minutes, 2 - 15, 3+4 - 25 minutes.
Good luck
After the tournament
Great FWF Hero is Damarka who solved correct 3rd problem. $25 and great congrat! 
There was also an additional $50 prize for sending in 4 of our solutions, but no one solved the 4 problems like we did. This prize goes to the next edition in April 25.

Game 1 - 1 solution by Damian, 2 moves later.
Game 2 - 4 solutions, all not correct. Arman and Yuri have sent m32, move faster, but without the queen's capture 
Game 3 - 4 solutions, only Damarka has sent correct, $25!
Game 4 - nobody has sent, nobody solved the 4th problem

In the games 3:1 for Goldchess. However, the Win Faster tournament, level IV, is easier. We will show our solutions, except 4th.
We invite all players on the last Sunday of next month.

1st Edition - February28. A long, hard way to win $5000! Emotion, emotion, emotion. 1 Edition finished.

A beautiful test of players' skills and possibilities of Goldchess.
Task 1.
Only 2 solutions. Arman was the first to send exactly our solution, a truly beautiful variant. The second, Armenak, his own, but without capturing the queen. Nobody sent a move earlier. In this game it was probably impossible to win the move earlier.
Task 2.
First Arman, a move... later. Second Damian, bravo Poland!Another mate, but also a move later, in 25th, so for the prize was 2 moves too many.
Task 3, mate 21.
First, Armenak, mate22, move too late. Second Arman, honorable mention - entry into Saturday's Top24, for a very nice solution, mate 21, in as many moves as we did. Ours is just as beautiful, we'll show.
Task 4 - a breakthrough here. This game was won a move earlier, It is won by Sargis who sent first, before Arman.  
In conclusion, the players have won a move earlier only one game. And only Armenia and Poland. The chess players from India did not breathe at all. All those who did not manage to win any task, we invite them to learn in our tournaments and Training Box.
Goldchess team


Daily tournament 2025

Jan. 26
Tournament concluded. No one has sent a solution. See you next month. We hope to have 1000 playing participants by then. 


Daily - new formula 2025



Challenge 152, April 21.

Challenge 152, March 24

Game 1. Two participants sent two different mats in 35th move. And the task was won in the 31st move. The second task, the solution was sent only by Maciek (at one time he was 8th at the amateur world championship in Italy), but by a move too late. But we must praise, he presented a nice technique in this one. It was from a position after 20 moves. In task 3 the position after 14 moves and the task mate 23 with the capture of the hetman. Everyone here surrendered, only Maciej sent m26, three moves too late. He is good, as he gets more skilled with us, he will win.




In 2024 we are changing the rules. Daily prizes will depend on the number of participants playing. First tournament on 20 January with a $100 prize, but for 1000 participants. Individual players, groups and clubs are welcome.

Daily March 23
One good solution, Paul and a move earlier from us. Paul has a knack for playing effectively, finding other ways. here all he had to do was rearrange the moves. So much so that he makes inaccuracies. His solution mate in move 29, we shortened to 27 moves. And that disqualifies his solution, according to our rules. But congratulations

Daily March 9
Paul was11 seconds late for the train, i.e. he sent the solution 11 seconds after the time. We have therefore increased the time in the next task to 12 minutes.  Thank you for your solution, please join us next week.

Daily March 2
Mate on the 43rd move with the capture of 2 queens. Nobody has solved, we show the solution.

Daily February 24
Only 5 moves. But, sacrificing the bishop was necessary to get a draw. After time, a solution other than ours was sent by Pavel. Thank you.

Daily February 17. After a change of position, Pawel found another draw. Our solution is different. A draw - a stalemate. We show both solutions.

Daily 10 February - There is Pawel Jaworski's first solution. It turns out that after 40...b5 our computer played him differently to us, us 41.Nb7, him 41.Rd2, and still a draw can be achieved.  So we correct the position so that the players can find our solution, which is witty and slightly different.

Daily 27 January. No one resolved.

Daily 20 January. None resolved.

Tournament Daily 23 December

There is no winner. Arman sent 3 solutions. Tied in order, time 1.37 minutes, won with capture of queen in 35, but we shortened on 34 and instead of mat 26 he sent win 26. Pawel Jaworski sent only one solution, but the best of all. He won in 31 move with capturing the queen, 5 moves faster than us. Many thanks, we will show this game.

Tournament Daily 16 December

In Goldchess we have some outstanding chess players, most from Armenia. They are able to send faster game endings than ours. Last week Arman sent a win, a different variant to ours, 2 moves faster than ours, in 43 moves. But it works both ways. It turned out that our analysts shortened his variant by a move. And that's the task in today's Daily tournament. He also plays Arman, will he find a win by a move faster in his variant? --- Another sensation. Pawel Jaworski sent a solution, a win in 42 moves, an even different variant than ours and Arman's, and our analyst shortened his solution for a win in 41 moves!

And here we have an interesting remark. If a player sends a different variant and a faster win than ours, this is a plus, the satisfaction of the player, but also a minus, because the solution is not the author's, and we reward such a solution to a maximum of half the prize. In the event that we shorten a player's solution, this is a disqualification of the solution and we may not recognise and award such a solution. However, we do not practically apply this point of the rules (3.9) and generally reward. See both solutions. It was enough not to make the queen, but to play Kg2 and the computer gave up.

Tournament Daily 9 December
A game from the 2023 Qatar Masters Open tournament
The tournament was won by Yakubboev, without defeat... His 4 beautiful draws turned into beautiful wins. This is how Goldchess techniques work. One by one... 3rd Yakuboyev-Erigaisi, win on move 45. Winner? Arman Ghevondyan.
We have talented analysts who make up our parties. But our players are even more capable. And they often send other solutions, their own concepts and shorter than our solutions a move or two. We are then very pleased. And so it was today, Arman sent a win in 45 which is the way we wanted it, and then a win in 43 moves. Altogether it took him 5, 5 minutes. Congratulations.


Gujrathi-Shirov position



Tournament Daily 2 December
A game from the 2023 Qatar Masters Open tournament
The tournament was won by Yakubboev, without defeat... His 4 beautiful draws turned into beautiful wins. This is how Goldchess techniques work. One by one... 2nd Sindarov-Yakuboyev, won in 45 moves. Arman winner. Winning with black with the capture of the queen.
Daily tournament - November 25
Game from Qatar Masters Open 2023 tournament
The tournament was won by Yakubboev, without defeat... His 4 beautiful draws turned into beautiful wins. This is how Goldchess techniques work. One by one... Fawzy-Yakuboyev, winning in 34 moves. Winner?
Did we already say that to win at our place, you have to play a bit of chess? Nobody won this position in 34 moves. And we gave a concessionary fare, because we have a win from this position already in the 32nd move. The game will be moved to difficult and unresolved, the Genius Test game. There you will be able to try to win it for a symbolic reward.
Daily 18 November. No one managed to send a complete solution. First task, won on move 58, first Arman, different technique but also on move 58.
The second Zawo, shortened our variant, sent a win in 54 move. However, this is not an optimal solution, as we in turn shortened his variant by a move. The second task was a modification of the first, pure fun, win a move later, in 59, but having 2 queens. Nobody found this variant, therefore there is no winner today. Thanks to the players for participating, we show all solutions.

Daily online tournament, 11-12 November

No one has found our solution, but I must say that we have some real virtuosos in this line-up. Yesterday 15-year-old Zawo from Uzbekistan sent a variant that brought us to our knees. Today the hero of the overtime game is Arman. Although there is no queen sacrifice in his game as in Zawo's, the variant is captivatingly beautiful. Armenak tried very hard to give both sacrifice and capture of the queen, but he showed an underplayed variant, winning in move 42, practically with a queens exchange, not a capture.

We corrected it to a win on move 40 with a genuine capture of the queen. In Goldchess we are all learning. We and our players. In this situation, the $10 prize is won by Arman today.


Summing up the games of Zawo (Жавохир Артиков), Arman, Armenak's revised variant and ours, I will say this: Shirov as if he played like that, he would have been world champion long ago. The tournament is over, in -Winners we will show all the outstanding games of our participants and ours.

Daily 303, November 11

The participants sent 3 solutions. Arman the fastest, won on move 39, a strongly played game, Pawel v42, also a strongly played game and Zawo's nicest solution, won on move 40 with a queen sacrifice but after time. However, here we will exceptionally deviate from the rules and award, $10. 
Nobody sent our solution. Therefore, we will give the players a chance to find our solution. The overtime game tomorrow, Sunday 12 November at 5 p.m. CET. We will announce the new content of the task.  New players can sign up and play.

Daily 303, October 29

The original position after 30 moves. With us after 31 we show how to free ourselves from the troublesome 31...f3. This is how Niemann should play.
A dynamic game. The task was solved by all the Armenian chess players. Bravo! Armenak won in a sensational time of 1.21 minute. In the next Daily, Aronian's game from the ongoing Fide Grand Swiss tournament.
Tournament Daily 302
The hero of this tournament is the brilliant and ambitious chess player Arman Ghevondyan from Armenia, Fide ranking 2216, who (in overtime mode) sent both solutions, mate 43 and 42 and a win in the 39th move, different to ours but correct, with the sacrifice of the queen. These games, played on the basis of the game lost by Carlsen, will undoubtedly go down in chess history. Without undermining Carlsen's obvious greatness, we can say that he (as well as all top chess players and millions of others) can learn a lot by watching the variants of this game performed by Arman, Armenak as well as our amateur analysts. Here a big word of praise also to the other chess player from Armenia, Armenak Yeghiazaryan (Goldchess grandmaster, 2377 Fide ranking) who sent one solution, a mate already in the 36th move (!) with a queen sacrifice. What the chess players from Armenia have shown is amazing. We are full of admiration. All the games including the original plus our solutions can be seen here:
In our solutions we have shown 2 more variants when white does not accept the sacrifice of the bishop in the 37th move and plays 38.Kf3 or Kg2.
Daily 302, 15 October.
It promises that this tournament will last a long time. 
They did not even send the correct solutions to the two best Goldchess players from Armenia, who have our Grandmaster title. They did, however, send remarkable solutions, especially the Armenak, a mate in the 30th move. This is a very instructive lesson for all chess players.  Also Carlsen himself can see how black could have been played in this game. The solutions of the chess players from Armenia are very beautiful, we have put them in -Winners-, however, the condition of sacrificing the queen was not fulfilled in them. So the tournament is still open, new chess players can play and we are waiting for the correct solutions.
Another beautiful solution after 2 hours 13 minutes was sent by Paul. With the capture of the queen and although incorrect, we will certainly reward in the end. And it is incorrect because Paul repeated Carlsen's move, a move after which he lost. The position is given to play another move, change the concept and win.

Challlenge 147 May 6. The peculiarity and originality of Goldchess tournaments lies in the fact that a specific solution has to be found, not one that a player manages to get from a given position. This is exactly what happened in this tournament. Instead of a win, the players sent a mate and instead of a mate they won. Therefore, there is no winner. In the next Challenge tournament, please read the content of the tasks carefully.

Challenge 146 April 15.  Feel invited.  Pawel Jaworski did very well with games 2 and 3. Unfortunately he did not solve the first one and did not win the prize. But congratulations, he handled games 2 and 3 in concert.
Challenge 145, March 25. There is no winners.
Challenge 144, 18 March. For amateurs and professionals. Only one solution. No winner.

Challenge 143 - level test
Game 3, 3000 Elo level.
From this position it is possible to give mate on the 27th move, and on the 30th and 31st move (other) with the pawn f4. However, we are looking for a beautiful solution with the sacrifice of 4 pieces. You can see the solutions given in Winners-Tournaments 2023.

Challenge 142, October 29
. A historic Goldchess game that will go down in chess history. Discover the path to victory in Duda's losing game against Keymer. 

Daily 285 October 20-5th November. In Goldchess we discover the logic of the strongest moves. It turns out that in this task it is possible to win in 3 moves. 19.Rf3 and the computer gives up. Such a solution was sent by 4 players: Leszek, Arman, Adrian, Heniekchess. A big applause.

Daily 284 (October 22-29). Our players won the move faster about us. Bravo!

It was won ( again) by Arman with a fantastic time of 1.25 minutes. Pawel Jaworski's solution deserves attention and mention. His queen gives the black king a mate under the nose of the black bishop.
Congratulations to both chess players.

Daily 283-(2) October 15-22. 6 moves only... Start On Sunday at 6 pm CET (after Genius Test). The winner is again Arman Ghevondyan, Armenia. Great congrat. And the title + $5.
Daily 281 October 8-15. Winner... Arman Ghevondyan. The rest - extras.
Daily 280 October 1-8. 
Mate 23 with capture of the queen. There was only one way to win here. And Arman sent a solution exactly like ours. Congratulations.
October 1. Daily 278-9 September 24 - October 1. We teach how to play good chess. In our positions we very often show such a moment in the game when you should make an out-of-the-box move, different from the usual one. And so it is this batch. In the first move you should have sacrificed quality by beating the rook  the bishop on e6. And then bring it to a winning end.

The simple task stopped the players. No one solved it. See our solution

Daily 277 September 17-24. The task was - mate in 23, 4 moves to make. The idea was to play Bb4+. Had CEEC defended more strongly, after 21....c5, 22.N:c5 mate is in the 25th move. This mate would also have been recognised. Arman sent in win and after time. We invite to the next Daily. Open all week.

Daily 276 September 10-17. The winner was once again Arman Ghevondyan Armenia. Congratulations

Daily 275 September 3-10. The undisputed winner is Arman. He sent our solution, and his own by a move faster and a class better (time 1:58). We see and admit, we overlooked a beautiful move (35th B:f7), and chess players who can improve our solutions, and in a brilliant way, are really good chess players. This game will be placed in the Most beautiful games of Goldchess. Congratulations. Plus the prize, $5.

Challenge tournament temporarily suspended.


Challenge 140 October 1 (tournament moved. We are waiting for 20 players)

Challenge 140 - September 10. Tournament postponed from September 3.

Daily 274 September 3. There is only one way to win in this task. Our variant. Found it...Arman!. There were only seven moves to make. Only Arman Ghevondyan solved and he is the winner. His time of 7.5 minutes. Congratulations. See how you should have played -Winners Chess Miracles.

Daily 273 August 20-27. Report: Task - mate in the 38th move. Position after 30 moves, our first move is 31.Kg2. CEEC then plays 31.... g6 or 31... Rd7. In both cases there is a mate in the 38th move. No one has sent a correct solution. Arman mate move later, Pawel sent the win. We invite to next Daily.

Daily 272 August 13-20. The problem was solved only by Pawel Jaworski, but after time. The task was simple. The computer 'took a nap' and white took advantage of this. See the solution.

Daily271. Our variant of the mate in the 34th move is with the capture of the queen and with a knight. But we didn't announce these conditions because the Daily is a fun tournament. Arman was the first to send mate 31, the most played variant, Sahak tried to find our variant in the 34th move. We will therefore divide the prize of $2.5 each between the two players. They are from one country, so they will share. Congratulations

Challenge 140 - August 20.  Tournament postponed 2 times due to lack of players. Or maybe chess players are afraid of the positions from Aronian's games? Unnecessarily, because with us you do not play them with Aronian, but with our educational computer.

Challenge 139 - July 23. Nobody has solved.
Challenge 138-July 2. For technical reasons, the tournament did not take place. Please join us for the next one on 9 July
Challenge 137, June 25. Nobody has solved it. We are showing our solutions, how the game should have been played. Next Challenge 138 - discounted tasks. Please visit

Challenge 136 - June 4. 6, 7, 7 moves to make. Learning to play nicely. One correct solution, Wojciech Filip, two Leszek Kwiatkowski. No 3 solutions in this situation, no winner.

Challenge 135 - May 28.  The players solved only one task. Wojciech Filip, task 1. Shown in -Winners 2 and 3. Please join us on Saturday for another Challenge.

Challenge 134 - May 14.

Challenge 133 - May 7. Nobody solved 3 tasks, no winner.

Challenge 130 - An instructive game with one position after 18 moves. Goldchess games are more interesting than 90% of tournament games, in traditional tournaments. There, the only rule is, to win. In ours, win, but win beautifully. Win 24, (6 moves), mate 26 with capture and sacrifice of the queen, and mate 28, the opposite, with sacrifice and capture. There is no winner, we show our solutions.

Supplementary comment.

Only one person from Poland played in the Challenge 130 tournament (April 2), in support of the struggling Ukraine. One person in the tournament of support is a national and chess defeat. A compromise of the Polish chess world, something very reprehensible.

After this tournament a decision to close the Polish Goldchess website matures in us. Most probably still this year. Polish chess players gave an anti-national stain and we think that they do not deserve to learn and play in our country. The more so as Goldchess is Polish know-how and a Polish product, underestimated by them for 10 years, because this is how long we have existed.

Challenge 130 March 26. The tournament did not take place due to low number of players.
Challenge 129 - March 19. No one has sent the correct solution. We show how it should have been played.
Challenge 129 - March 12. Tournament of support for the fighting Ukraine. Due to low number of players and lack of support for our idea, the tournament was postponed. What is the reason, whether chess players are totally apolitical, insensitive or even fearful, we have no idea. It's a pity, because support here is just a typical, good action, independent of all world views.

Challenge 129 - March 5. Tournament of support for the fighting Ukraine. Special games, created during the on-going war.
We have received virtually no support from chess players for the struggling Ukraine. We cannot believe that this has happened.
We thought and were sure that thousands of chess players would come to declare their support. However, this did not happen.
In this situation the tournament did not take place and is moved to next week, on March 12. You have the chance to change this.

Challenge 128 - February 19 - Lack of correct solutions

Challenge 126 - February 5 - Game 1 nobody has sent a solution.  Armenak was late on the 1st task and started on the 2nd. But he sent the correct solution to task 1 after the time. Games 2 and 3 from one position. Armenak found another way to win and mate, 27.c4. With this the win was achieved a move earlier. Prize, entry fee for Challenge 127.

Challenge125 - January29 - No one has won 3 games in the manner stated. After time Armenak sent a nice solution. We will show it. In task 2 Damian shone, who sent a mate with capturing queen move earlier, and Armenak sent a mate 25 with sacrificing queen. Both solutions were outstanding and we will put them in the folder -the Most Beautiful Goldchess games. 

In task 3 Damian and Armenak sent a draw 3 moves earlier than our variant. Congratulations 

Challenge 124 - January 8-15
Today's winner is Armenak, $10. We will show his mate 23, a move earlier from us. Position after 14 moves. See

Challenge 123 - January 1st

Game 10.

Learning logic.  Only Armenak passed the exam. Author's solution.

Game 11.1

Armenak only. 2 moves earlier from us.

Game 11.2

2 players sent in the solutions. Variant from the 32nd move. In Armenak's solution winning on the 52nd move, the computer plays after 33.Kh1, Nf3. But after 33. ...Rd6 white loses.  Therefore the variant is weak. Pawel Jaworski sent in winning in the 55th move. 33.R:f1. Nepomniachtchi's move. But the idea of Goldchess is different. See.

Today the winner is Armenak, $15 prize. Congrat.

Games 10, 11 comments

Game 10
The idea of queens exchange. In the white game this is almost a mistake (see also game 4). The lack of a queen severely weakens the attack, and white is after all the colour of the first move. Therefore in this game our idea was to protect the white queen from exchange. And it worked out well for white. Winning 22 move with capturing the queen, mate 23 and draw 23. Of course wins are easier to get here, because CEEC doesn't have the playing strength of Carlsen or Nepo, but he plays correctly, according to chess rules. Like 90% of chess players. And for them our games are exemplary.

Game 11.1
After 11 games we can only say: this is no longer a match. It is a slaughter. See how we won the 11th game with white. The key is 15.Sd5! It's a pity Nepo didn't see it and played 15.Wad1, a move without deep sense and concrete plan.

Game 11.2
Second chance for Nepo to win this game.
The game has a so-called second bottom, second face, won by white from the position after black's 32nd move. Nepo plays stiff, hopeless 33.R:f1. We play the fine 33.Kf2. This is a trap. If black now plays the reflexive, mechanical 33...Nc2, saving the knight, he has lost the game, because 34.ec7 follows. See also this our version of game 11.

Challenge 122 - December 25

Game 7. Vitaly won on move 33 because the computer played the other 22 move. Armenak, who sent in his solution after time, won on move 38 in a different way. To us there is a different idea of winning in our solution.

Game 8. Armenak wins the move faster.

Game 9. Other game techniques and Armenak wins in 26th move, 3 moves faster. Vitaly sent v30 (after time).
There is no winner who sent 3 solutions. Armenak 2, Vitaly one. According to the rules, players won only 30% of the prize pool. But as the pool is small, we will deviate from the rules and divide it all. Armenak $15, Vitaly $5. Congrat


Game 7
In the match a draw, in ours a straight win on move 33-38, after exchanging queens.

Nepo did not see the counter chance hidden in this position. He played a seemingly strong 22. de5, which after a series of schematic exchanges gave a draw position. We have a different vision of attacking and winning. Discover it for yourself.

The match between Carlsen and Nepo is a match between two of the best chess players in the world. It might seem that nothing can be improved here. But it turns out that you can. You have concrete examples of this in our versions of the champions' games.

Game 8
A draw game, and Carlsen outplayed Nepo at the end like a kid with a ranking of 1000. 28... Qa5? Qd5 should have been played ruthlessly, still giving a draw chance. In general after this game the match became ridiculous. In our case black won on move 39-40, from the position after move 24.

Game 9

In game 9 we achieved a draw without any problems. A draw at move 31 in the play version, when CEEC makes the mistake of beating the a1 rook, and a draw at move 32 in the serious version.

Could Nepo have won this game? Of course. We have a win in 26-29 and a mate on move 31 with the capture of the queen.




2023 - For amateurs and professionals

Daily 303, 4 October. 
Aronian's position was won by two chess players from Armenia. First Arman, winning in 57 moves (6 moves faster than us), second Armenak, v58. Congratulations to both chess players, Arman is the winner. Prize $10.


Daily Results

*Chess players who cannot win a position in this tournament are advised to change sport for badminton. There you don't have to think, just move your hand.
*To start playing, click on the CEEC -Play-Play White, if you play  white, or Play-Play Black, if you play  black.


Daily268 - Only 4 moves. The idea of Goldchess here is that a rook sacrifice can be followed by a queen sacrifice mate. We have awarded 2 first. Armenak (he sent original) and Arman. Congratulations.

Daily267 - Today's winners are Pawel and Arman. Both $5. Congrats

Daily266 - Two winners today. Arman and Pawel Jaworski. Both $5 each. Congratulations

Daily265 - There was no other way to mat. The problem was solved by all players. Of the professionals the first is Armenak, of the amateurs Vitaly. And they win $5 each today. Thank you all for your participation.

Daily264 - Last edition with entry prizes. From 265th edition $10 prize. Feel invited. 5 winners today. Pawel and Wojtek sent v35, 1 move faster. All they will play in Top. Congratulations

Daily263 - After the first day we already have 2 solutions. Arman and Vitaly, v36, move earlier. Both receive entries into the Top tournament. Next correct, Marei, Armenak and Damian (best time 1.15). They will all play in the Top tournament. Good luck!

Daily262 - Amazing. Only one chess player solved the task in the time given. Pawel Jaworski, one minute 7 seconds (Armenak sent 3 minutes after the time). And there were only 5 moves to do. There were 2 possible solutions.
Ok, easier today, 4 moves. However, due to one player in Top, we are moving the tournament to next week, November 13.
We welcome new players from the entire week of November 6-13.

Daily261 - Only Arman sent the correct solution. Congratulations.

It seems that again the task was too difficult. But without the ability to solve such tasks nobody will become a good chess player. However from today we lower the level in Daily.  There will be light, easy and pleasant tasks. Fun chess. For the real ones you will have to go to Top, Win Faster and Goldchess Immortal tournaments.

Daily 260 - content of the task: get a gueen in the 26th move, position 20. Pawel got it in the 23rd move, in 3 moves and 3 moves earlier than us. Admittedly he got a lost position, but the content of the task was -get a queen, so he fulfilled the condition. Only 3 solutions. Those who could not cope with our task are invited to study at Training Box.
Thank you all for your participation.

Daily259 - This week only one correct solution in the time given. It was sent by Armenak and he is the winner. The correct solution, but after the time limit, was also sent by Pawel. Today the entry fee to Top is won by Armenak. Congratulations

Daily258 - 4 winners. The Goldchess idea in this game is the move 39.Re6+. The rook is untouchable. Only Paul made our move. Congratulations to everyone.

Daily257 - Only 3 players sent in the correct solutions. One after the time limit. The entry fee to the Top was won by: Damian, Arman. Congratulations

Daily256 - Mate in the 21st move. Position after 15 moves, 6 moves to be done, time to solve 12 minutes. A task which we thought was easy, turned out to be difficult. One of the leading Goldchess players, Arman did it correctly, but after the time limit. Arkady also did it after time, he sent a mate only in the 35th move. Vital sent victory 21 instead the mate. Player from Israel sent nothing. They solved the task without any problems: Damian (time one minute 15 seconds) and Armenak and they receive the entry fee for the Top tournament. Thank you to all participants.

Daily255 -  An unusual task this week. Lose in 3 moves. You need to know how to do that too. :). Winners: Damian, Arman, Zawo, Paul, Elina, and of course Armenak. Great congrat to all.

Daily254 - (4-11 September) - This week winners: Pawel, Vitaly. Great congrat and thanks to all participants.


Daily253 (28-4 September) - Today’s winners: Armenak, move faster, Arman, Vitaly. Congrat

Daily252 - Today’s winners: Pawel, Zawo, Vitaly, Adrian Basilgo and Armenak, Damian. They receive the codes to Top. Thanks to all participants.

Daily251 - Today's winners: Zawo, Pawel, Vitaly, Armenak, Jan. They won the entry to the Top97. Bravo!

Daily250 - Jubilee, $10 for the best, and 5 entries to Top for next best. The correct solution was sent only by Vitaly, but 13 minutes after the time. The $10 prize was not won by anyone.

Daily249 - Winners: Pawel, Armenak (they both sent the best solutions, v25 - 1 move faster). And Vitaly, Jan Temel, Zawo.- Жавохир. Congrat to all.

Daily248 - Today there are 3 winners: Vitaly, Armenak, Damian. Great congrat

Daily247 (July 17-24)  Today’s winners: Armenak, Vitaly, Жавохир. Larry from US sent mate 22.Rh8, but it is not a solution.Thanks to all.

Daily246 - (July 10-17) Take a look at the list of Daily246 participants. Various players sign up and do not send solutions. I would like to ask you in general what is your rating, because the tasks in Daily24 are mostly at 10 ELO level. cool
Results: The task is to win in 21 move, from a position after 18 moves. 3 moves to do. It turns out that you can win in 20 moves, making only 2 moves, after which our computer gives up! Paweł did it. And, Armenak won in 1 move, 19.Nc4!  Apart Pawel and Armenak the entry fee was won by: Vitaly, Жавохир (Zawo)

Daily245 The task - mate 22.Qe7, 4 moves. Everyone sent a different variant. We keep saying that Goldchess is a different play techniques. And this game shows it best. See the players' solution and ours. Codes to Top92 were won by: Paweł, Damian, Przemek, Armenak. Good luck in Top!

Daily244 -  Nice solutions and different from ours. The entry fee to Top91 is won by: Vitaly, Paweł Jaworski, Armenak. Congrat

Daily243 - This is the first time in the history of the Daily24 tournament that no one has solved the task. Not even Armenak. Amazing. We did not expect that winning this position would be so difficult. But it's certainly easier in Top. You are welcome

Daily242 - This week the best solutions, mate 29, 3 moves earlier than us, were sent by Arman, Vitaly, Pavel. And they get entry fee to Top 90 tournament. congrat

Daily241 - Three winners. They all solved faster than us. Best Жавохир Артиков (Zawo), 4 moves faster. All receive entry fee to today's Top tournament.
Daily240 - Only two players solved the problem. Arman and Vitaly. Congratulations and entry into the Top tournament.


Daily239 - Only Armenak sent the correct solution. Different from ours. Congratulations.

Daily238 - Hi. Today there are 3 winners: Armenak, Pavel Jaworski, Vitaly. Pavel's best solution, winning in 24 (1 move earlier) with the capture of the quee. All they receive entry fee to Top. The other players did not send any solution. Greetings to all.

Daily237. 2 winners Armenak and Pawel, Armenak sent a draw 2 moves earlier. They receive entry to Top. Vitaly sent 3 solutions, but a draw, not. greetings to all.

Daily235-236. 2 winners only. Armenak and Vitaly. They both receive entry to Top85. Thanks for all.

Daily234 - A beautiful task. Everyone solved it correctly. There was no other way. First Sahak, time 41 seconds, but he won yesterday. Yuri also won, so the winner is Lukasz Luba. Second prize withheld for the time being. Thanks to all.

Daily233 - In draw task Sahak is the winner, $5. Pawel won an entry fee. Thanks to all.

Daily232 - Times… Armenak 3 seconds faster than Damarka. First Armenak, and he is the winner, $5. And, big surprise. There were 4 moves to do, Sahak (3rd) and Pawel (6th) found the solution one move earlier, v22 (Armenak also found this variant in his submitted second solution). Congrat to them, entry fee for Sahak. Thanks to all.

Daily231 - First Damarka, move faster and she is the winner, the prize of $5. Second Armenak has Top entry, so third Arman receive it. Congrat to the winners and thanks to all participants.

Daily230 - Yuri was a winner yesterday, so he receives entry to Top, $5 for Arman. Thanks for all participants.

Daily229 - Level 2, fun so solution times very good. Today Yuri wins, his solution time including download and upload, 36 seconds. Big applause for the Cuban grandmaster. Second Armenak, he has entry, so third, Damarka wins the entry fee to Top84. Thanks to all participants. For players who did not send solutions, we recommend to check in Winners how you should have played.

Daily228 - But a masterful times in this tournament! Armenak, 34 seconds, Yuri 38, Arman 38, Damarka 59, also under a minute. A very special edition. But that's probably because there were only 4 moves to make. Armenak, Yuri, Damarka have already received a prize this week, so today $5 is won by Arman.  Second prize, an entry fee to Top84 for new week receive first, Armenak. Honorable mention/distinction to a new player, Dawid, who played first time and sent a different solution than everyone else. We will show it in - Winners. Dawid is from Silesian Chess Academy, we welcome the Academy on Goldchess. Thanks to all.

Daily227 - Today first is Damarka and she is the winner, $5. Second, Alex, entry fee to Top. First on the list of submitted solutions, Hrachik, sent position. Thanks to all participants. 
Daily226 Thursday - Only Armenak sent  a correct solution, other than ours, with a brilliant c4 move. The task from higher, Top level. This is how to play Goldchess. He receives both prizes, $5 and entry fee to Top83. Great congrat
Ps. Formally in Free Daily one player can win a prize only once in the week. But as there was no second solution, it was given to Armenak for the second time.

Daily225 Wednesday - Today Pawel is the winner, $5 prize. Second Yuri, entry fee to Top83. Distinction for Damarka, who in her second solution sent author’s. Thanks to all.

Daily 224 Tuesday - Today there is only one way to win. And all the players found it. Bravo to all. The winner  is Yuri, $5, an entry fee to Top receives Paweł.

Daily223 Monday -  Of the new players, nobody managed to win this position. See in Winners how the winners played. 1. Armenak, $5. 2. Arman, entry fee to Top.

Daily222 Saturday - virtuoso mate 31. Last Monday’s position. Iron chess logic. Damian, Emin, Damarka, Vitaly, each sent a different solution. The fifth, Sargis, the same as Damarka. Ours is still different. Damian $5, Emin gets entry fee to Top83, Damarka, Vitaly distinction. Thank you all

Daily221 Friday -  The idea of Goldchess was the bravn move 23.R:c6. Vitaly did it, but later and won 2 moves faster! Bravo and $5. Congrat to all.

Daily220 Thursday 1st -  First Arman, second Pavel. Both sent an original solution. Arman has already won this week's prize, so the winner is Pawel. Arman receives an entry fee to the Top82. Congratulations
2021 - March
Daily219 Wednesd.31 -  
Winners: Yuri $5, Armenak entry to Top82. Both sent autorh's solutions. The distinction for Mohamed from Egypt, he send a different solution, without the capture of the queen.

Daily218 Tuesday 30 -  In today's task, there is probably no solution other than the author's. 3 autor’s. Winners: Arman $5, Vitaly entry to Top82. Congrat

Daily217 Monday 29-  Nobody sent authors. Interesting position. We won it in 3 moves, young professionals from Armenia, Robert and Emin in two! But, after this lesson, we found a win after-in one move!!! A win in one move was later found by Przemek, Yuri, Damarka and Armenak. Today mega short solutions win, in one move: Przemek $5, Yuri not, he won entry to Top 82  on Saturday, so receive it the next player, Damarka. We show also our solution, with the idea 27.f4. Thanks to all.

Daily216 Saturd. 27 - $5 + entry fee to Top. Only 2 authors' solutions. The $5 prize wins Przemek, and  since there is no other correct solution the entry to the Top receives Yuri
Daily215 Friday 26 -   Author's: DAmian, Armenak, Przemek. Wins first. Other - Yuri, Arman. Thanks for all.
Daily214 Thursd. 25 -  
Today’s winner is Vitaly, $5. The best solution has sent Yuri, v27 (without the capture of the queen). With the capture, after time best solution sent by Przemek, v28. Thanks for all players.
Daily213 Wedn. 24 -  Today Armenak first. The record, 33 seconds. Second, Yuri 6 seconds later. First 4 players -  our top players. Thanks for all.
Daily212 Tuesday 23 -  Only 4 moves to do. Yesterday winner Yuri, first. His time 37 seconds (!).The winner is Damarka who sent the author. It turns out that with 4 moves it was still possible to win differently. Another solution was found by Armenak and Pawel. Congratulations
Daily211 Monday 22 -   Since Monday, we have been brilliant. Damian and Przemek have sent author’s. Armenak, v28, move earlier. But… a big applause for Yuri. And $5. Cheers to Cuba! Apart from the fact that Yuri Gonzalez Vidal is a grandmaster, which is of little importance in Goldchess, he is a very creative chess player with a lot of imagination. Today's task, winning in 5 moves, he did in 3. An amazing solution. In Goldchess, chess and the chessboard are enchanted. Greetings to all players.
Daily210 Saturday 20 - $10 -  
Damarka and Przemek have sent draw 24. They are the winners, both $5. Congrat and thanks to all for participating.
Daily209 Friday 19 - $5 -  Today wins Damian for solving one of the three author's solutions. Damarka, Armenak and Sargis also have sent author’s. The best solution was sent by Yuri, winning with the capture of the queen. Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone for participating.
Daily208 Thursday 18 - $5 - Today the best solution was sent by Armenak, v32 and he is the winner. Damarka sent the author, we will show, Pawel a draw instead of the winning. The draw was in yesterday's task. Thank you all for your participation.

Daily207 Wednesday 17 - $5- We have changed the rules in Free Daily. Read on the website. Today the winner is Sargis, who sent our original solution. But the best was sent by our top players, Armenak and Damarka, a draw 2 moves faster than us. This position is also possible to win in 34, Vitaly sent. Congratulations for all players.

Daily206 Tuesday 16 - $5 - Yesterday's position. Today's win with the capture of the queen.  The first to send the correct solution was Arman and he is the winner today.
Daily205 Monday 15 - $5 - Only 4 moves to make. A parade of top players today. Yuri wins, we still show Armenak's solution different from all the others. Thank you all for your participation

Daily 204 Saturday-$10 - Today 2 winners. 1st Armenak and 4th Arman. Congrat. We invite all players on Monday.
Daily 203 Friday-$5 - Today everyone has sent in the correct solutions, but there can only be one winner. Today, Armenak, his time 43 seconds. If we count downloading, saving the solution and submitting, the pure time is about 30 seconds. Bravo!

Daily 202 Thursday-$5- 4 moves to do. Time for solve – 10 minutes. The task - get the queen in 29th move. The task proved difficult for the players. Nobody sent our solution. Armenak surrendered, made an exchange of queens. Paweł captured the queen in the 29th move, but got a losing position. Vitaly sent interesting variant, but after time. A new, good chess player from Russia, Sergey, has appeared and he is winning today.
Daily 201 Wednesday-$5 - Today Arman is the winner. 4 seconds faster than Yuri!
Daily 200 Tuesday9- $25 - Up to 5 players will be rewarded. Jubilee edition, 5 winners: Armenak, Sargis, Damian, Sergey, Arman. Armenia comes out on top. Sergey sent the solution v31without the CEEC resigns, but interesting and we accepted. Great congrat
Daily 199 Monday8 $5 - training before tomorrow’s jubilee game. Today the winner is Damarka, Юлия Челюскина receives a distinction.
Daily 198 Saturday6-$5 - First Sargis $5 and third Yuri - distinction for sending different solutions. Vitaly sent the author's and he is the winner today. Also $5.
Daily 197 Friday5-$5 - Won in 5. No one sent an author, although the players tried, for example Yuri, which we appreciate. Armenak, Damarka and others (they are marked on the screen) won in two moves. We draw. Of course, in the draw the woman always wins and today the winner is Damarka. We will repeat the task with a new position, so that players can find a Goldchess variant, in next Daily, 198.
Daily 196 Thursday4-$5 - Today Sargis is the winner, mate 29, move faster, with the time 1:29
Daily195 Wednesday3-$5 -  today Yuri is first, but the winner is Damian, he has sent authorial.
Daily194 Tuesday 2-$5 - Today Yuri is the Winner, he sent mate29. Congrat
Daily193 Monday March1-$5. New, new emotions... The mate in 20 is done easily, we show in -Winners. But winning in 22 is more difficult. Today were 12 participants and no one has sent a solution. We show it. Thanks to all participants
Daily 192 Saturday 27 - 
Sargis won. 2 minutes faster than Damian. Distinction for Yuri, he submitted the mate without capture of the queen, but our variant, Goldchess style.  This was to be the next task. Congrat for winners. 
Daily 191 Friday 26 - Today no one has made a move before. Everyone has sent original other solutions, and ours is still different. Different ideas and concepts of attack. First Sargis and he is the winner today.

Daily190 Thursday 25 - Everyone played the correct variant. Today the PC played two ways, 18...e4, a weaker move, and 18... Qg8, the stronger one. In the first case the solution is simple. V23 was sent by Damian and Arman. But the best is Armenak's solution, v25, our variant shortened by a move. Exceptionally 2 prizes, for Damian and Armenak. Congratulations

Daily 189 Wednes.24 - Today the winner is Damian. Mate 34.Qh4, a move earlier from us. Yuri sent better mate 3 moves earlier, but 32.Qg3, field next to. Congrat to the winner.

Daily188 Tuesday 23 - Chess knockout by Sargis. He sent the author in a time of 0:53, and won the position in the 24th move, 3 moves faster than us. What will be in Free WinFaster on Sunday?? Second, Arman, also v24. 3rd Armenak, 4th Yuri, they both sent fine solutions,v27. The prize receive first, Sargis. Thanks for all.
Daily187 Monday 22 - Mate in 22. Beautiful solutions. Damarka and Yuri are competing (in chess) even in marriage. Same time today, 1:25 and different solutions. Bravo! The winner, Damian, was only 4 seconds faster than them.  Fourth Arman, m21, move faster! But, fifth solution, by Yuri, mate 20! By way of exception, we will award this top solution. Mate 20 was still sent by our top players, Alex, and Armenak, but both after time. Debutant pro, Calvin Claasen sent mate 23, a move later. As you can see, Goldchess techniques simply have to be learned. Our computer is not a dangerous opponent. Thanks to all participants and welcome to the next Daily tournament.
Daily186 Saturday 20,
the best, fastest solution was submitted by Alex, 3 moves erlier! So he wins today's prize, $10. $5 for Sargis, who was first..
Daily185 - Friday - Today in the Daily Armenak out of reach. He solved the task in 43 seconds. Great congrat
Daily184 - Thursday - That has not happened before. We cannot believe it. 5 moves faster than us! Sargis Manukyan. A big round of applause!
Daily183 - Wednesday - Damian wins today. Only 9 seconds ahead of Sargis. Champions, Armenak and Arman sent the mates in 23 moves, a move earlier. Learn from them.
Daily182 - Tuesday16 - Precise technique, bravo to the 2 masters. Armenak and Alex won in 19 moves, 2 moves earlier. Bravo! The winner is Armenak, who sent the solution earlier. Thank you all for your participation.
Daily181-Monday15 - Damarka has advanced to the top players. Hence, today the award goes to Vitaly. Thank you all for your participation.
Daily180 - 
Today the winner is Damarka Miguez - Cuba, first and 3 moves earlier than us! Great congrat!
Daily179 - Today we will exceptionally reward two players, Arman and Vitaly (Виталий). 2 x $5. They both sent correct and other solutions.
Daily178 - A difficult task, for the best. Yesterday Sargis did mate in 30. Today find our variant of mate in 30. Of the great ones only Armenak sent the correct solution, and he is the winner. In time 10:57. Great congrat

Daily177 - Sargis Manukyan, 3 moves faster than us. Great congrat
Daily176 - 3 moves faster than us. A brilliant game by Arman

Daily175 - The next time the winner is Armenak. 2 minutes 8 seconds. Congrat

Daily174 - Surprise...the same position. The great class of the master from Armenia. He sent the solution in 35 seconds. Armenak Yeghiazaryan, Fide IM, Goldchess GM. Bravo! Correct solutions were also sent by Pawel (author) and Alex. We show them in Winners.

Daily173 - Today Armenak wins, with the time 1:32. Congrat

Daily172 - 6 moves only. Amazing! Paweł Jaworski wins before Arman. Only 2 seconds difference! Both sent solutions 2 moves faster than us. Big applause and we invite you to Win Faster on 28th February.

Daily171 - Today won Paweł Jaworski, Poland. Gratulacje

Daily170 - 7 moves. Only one way to solve. Today's winner is Armenak. Congrat

Daily169 - February 1 - Today's winner is Sahak Petrosyan, Armenia. Congrat

Daily168 - for Titans of Brain. 4 moves. Saturdays winners: 1.Armenak, $10, 2.Arman $5, 3.Alex $5.

Daily167 - Arman solved in too long time. Who will win? The winner is Виталий Яковлев! Russia

Daily166 - Nobody has sent our solution. But there is some about the move earlier. But the winner is Arman again!

Daily165 - One way to win today, our variant. .... And it is not true. In addition to our solution, Armenak and Arman sent 2 others. Author's solutions were sent by Arman, Armenak and Alex, all of Armenia. In this round the winner is ...Arman again.

Daily164 - Yesterday's task, in position 2 moves more. We are looking for a Goldchess variant. For the second time, Arman is the winner. His time, one minute, 57 seconds. Congratulations

Daily 163 - new formula. Arman's brilliant solution wins, time 1:15. This style is missing for Carlsen.
Arman sent a second still, a mate in 31 with pawn. It was also sent by Yuri, Vitaly and Alex. We show in -Winners- both solutions.
Daily 162 - $50. 
First Armenak. He won cleverly. He lured the active black figures to the left corner of the chessboard and won the move early. $20. Second Damian, our, author's solution. Bravo! $15. Third Arman, also author's. $10. 

After time sent Paylak, we'll award a token, $5. Cuba failed all the way. I suppose Yuri and Damarka didn't play, or they would have sent a solution. The task was simple. From Monday, a new Daily formula. The tournament will be open 24 hours a day and every day. There was a mistake. Paylak did not send the correct solution. $5 to the next player who send in the correct solution. GM Isan Ortiz, Cuba!

Daily 161 - January 16. Today in the Daily players from Russia, Armenia and India. Only 6 moves in the task. The first solution, time 6 minutes, 32 seconds, Armenak. He won even in 30, but there is no capture of the queen. Second solution already correct, time 9 minutes 13 seconds, also Armenak. Congratulations and $20! Today one King!
Daily 160 - January 9 - $20 - Ours - v32. Winners: first Alex, v31, 5th Armenak, v29. Both at $10 each.
Daily159 - January 2nd - $20 - Wh
o will win? You can win this position in 26 move. But, Goldchess teaches you how to play it effectively. Sacrifice the queen. We rewarded the first three. Armenak, the original solution, $10. And two interesting games. Vitaly sent a win in ... in one move, $5. Жавохир, mate in 46, also $5. 
Thank you all for your participation.

Christmas Free Daily 158, December 26
Saurday - $20. Christmas fun. Only 4 moves to do! 
It turns out that when we give the task in 4 moves, the players won in two, 2 moves faster.  Our solution is witty. Who will send our original solution? There is, fourthly, by Alex. OK. The solution won in two moves was sent by 5 players 1, 2, Alex, Damian and Klaudia, but she after time. Klaudia is playing for the first time today and it took her almost 17 minutes to find 2 moves.  She will improve the time, she will win. Today Alex wins, $10. The second $10 we draw among 2 players, first and second. We drew Vitali, $10. Thank you all for your participation.

Free Daily 152-157 - November 23-28

Individual winners: 
Monday –       $20 - Nobody sent authorial. Tomorrow the same task with new position. Today the best 2 wins, 1st Damian, m30, 8 moves earlier!, $10, and 7th, Armenak, m30, $10.
Tuesday -       $20  Today 3 winners. 1st and best, m31 by Arman, $10. Damarka m32 $5, Alex m32 $5.
Wednesday - $20  Winners: 1st Yuri, $1-, 2nd Arman, $5, 6th Жавохир, $5.
Thursday -     $20  The content of the task was not - win in 2 moves. We will show you the solution, you will understand. Only Armenak discovered the idea of the untouchable g6 pawn. $10 for him.

Friday -           $20 Nobody fund authorial. Winner: Paweł Jaworski $10
Saturday -      $20 1st Damarka, $10, 2nd Alex $10. 

Weekly countries ranking       
1. Armenia  2
2. Poland    2
3. Cuba       1,5

Free Daily 146-151 –  November 16-21
146-Monday –      $20 - Today: a simple game... in Capablanca style... 17.Nf6 - top brilliant move. Award winners: 1st Damian $10. Yuri, Sahak, Armenak 3 x $5. thanks for finding the correct variant.
147-Tuesday -       $20  Today's winners: 1st Damian, $10, 2nd Sahak $5, and 5th Arman, v27, 1 move earlier, $5.
148-Wednesday - $20  Today 4th Sargis, m28 $10. 2nd Arman, $5, 3rd Damian $5
149-Thursday -      $20  Only 2 correct solutions. Armenak, m24, $10, and Yuri, m25, $10
150-Friday -           $50  - The first solution, a new player with talent, but sent a win instead of a mate. Second, Sargis nicely cheated our computer. Mate22, $20. And, the 5th solution, the original one, sent Yuri! Big applause and $30!

151-Saturday -      $20 - Position21, 8 moves to do. In solution 1 brilliant move. Nobody solved. All the players have sent mate 30, on move later. Today without prize.

Weekly countries ranking       
1. Armenia  3,5
2. Poland    2,5
3. Cuba       2 

Free Daily 141-145 –  November 9-14
Individual winners: 
141-Monday –       $20 The best solutions win today. 1st Armenak, draw31, $10, and 14th Damarka, mate 31, $10. Great congrat
142-Tuesday -       $20  Today 5 best solutions, v30. Winners: Sargis, $10, Damarka $10.
     Wednesday -  $20  We celebrate in Poland. In the Daily tournament - rest day
143-Thursday -     $20 - Today winner is 9th Arman, m29, $10, 11th, Armenak, mate30, $5, 3rd Damian m31, $5. Asia sends a m29, but after time.
144-Friday -           $20 -  Yesterday position... Today mate28. A beautiful combination. Those who don't see it must seriously study in our Training Box. Who saw? Only Arman. Today we are awarding with great pleasure. All $20.
145-Saturday -      $20 - 4 author's solutions. win two first. Yuri and Arman, 2 x $10

Weekly countries ranking       
1. Armenia  5,5
2. Cuba       3
3. Poland    
4. Uzbekistan 
5. India           
6. US  

Free Daily 135-140 –  November 2-7

Individual winners: 
Monday –       $20  - The first four sent in original solutions. 4 x $5. Arman, Sahak, Damian, Alex. Thanks for all.
Tuesday -       $20  - Wow! 18 solutions! 10 under a minute. We rewarded 4, under 50 seconds. 4 x $5. Let's hear it for everyone. Best Yuri, v26, move faster. 
Wednesday - $20  -  Today only the top Goldchess players have sent solutions in the allowed time. Daily is fun. Starting tomorrow, the top Goldchess players play as guests, can only be rewarded for the best solution or the author's own and in the second place.Today Armenak showed the best solution, m30, so he won $10. That is why Arman and Yuri (Both sent mate m31) without awards. Second prize $10 for12-year-old chess player from Uzbekistan. We show also our solution.

Thursday -     $20  - Winners: 1st Damarka, draw23,-best, $10. Yury and Armenak author's. 2 x $5.  
Friday -           $20  - 2 heroes of the day. Yuri top brilliant solution and Damian - authors. 2 x $10. You are great!
Saturday -      $20 - Saturday briliant fun. Yesterday's task for an encore. Win-get-capture 2 queens. Today 2 winners. 2nd Sahak, m41, $10, and Arman m43, $10. Hane a nice weekend for all participants. In Country Rank, the first Armenia. 

Weekly countries ranking       
1. Armenia  5,5
2. Poland    2 
3. Cuba      1,5
4. Uzbekistan 
5. India           
6. US  

Free Daily 129-134 –  October 26-31
Individual winners: 
Monday –       $20 - 2 author's solutions. 1st Arman, $10, 2nd Alex, $10. Thanks for all/
Tuesday -       $20 - All marked players sent the same solution. Winners: Arman, $10, Sahak, $5, Damarka $5.
Wednesday - $20 - Nobody solved. Tomorrow the same game with new position. One move more.
Thursday -     $20 - 1st  Sahak, m31, $5. Only Armenak sent the correct solution. $15. Thanks for all.
Friday -           $20 - Game cancelled. All participants downloaded yesterday's item.
Saturday -     $40 - Today we opened the Daily tournament 3 minutes later. We are sorry. OK, who won today? 1st traditionally Arman, m50, not brilliant, $10. Best solution, 10th, m48 by Pawel, $15. And 12th by Asia - authorial! $15.
We wish you all a pleasant weekend. Goldchess team.

Weekly countries ranking       
1. Armenia  5,0   
2. Poland      1 
3. Cuba        0,5 
4. Uzbekistan 
5. India           
6. US  

Free Daily 123-128 –  October 19-24 

Individual winners: 

Monday –       $20 - 3 first solutions - authorial. Bravo! 1.Arman-$10, 2.Alex-$5, 3. Жавохир-$5
Tuesday -       $20 - Only 2 solution. Both authorial! Great Alicja and great Arman! 2 x $10. Great congrats!
Wednesday - $20 - Nobody sent author's. Three best solutions (v23), 1. Arman-$10, 5.Joshi-$5, 7. Alex-$5.
Thursday -     $20 - 1st Emin,correct v25, $10. 3rd Damarka and 4th Armenak, both authorial, 2 x $5.
Friday -           $20  3 winners. 2nd Sargis draw32, $10. 4th Damian draw35, $5, 5th Arman, draw34, $5.
Saturday -     $20 - Just like in the Screen. Today, champions pause, women win. 2.Damarka, $10, 4.Joanna $10.

Weekly countries ranking       
1. Armenia     4
2. Poland       2
3. Cuba          1
4. Uzbekistan 0,5
5. India           0,5
6. US  

Free Daily 117-122 –  October 12-17 
A week of draws
Individual winners:
Monday –       $20 - Nobody sent our solution. Winners: 3rd-Emin Ohanyan, $10, and 5th-Damian Śliwicki, $10
Tuesday -       $20  - All players sent correct solutions. Winners: 3rd Жавохир Артиков, $10 and 4th Damarka, $10.
Wednesday - $20  -Winners: 1st Yuri-authorial, $10, 4th Armenak - 1 move faster, draw 25, $10.
Thursday -     $20 - First solution by Emin, draw28, no. The formal winners are 2 Paweł Jaworski and 3 Alex Nurijanyan, but today we are rewarding the young people, solution 8 by Robert Piliposyan $10, and 12th ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΗΣ ΣΤΥΛΙΑΝΟΥ $10. 
Friday -          $20  - Today the all players have sent correct solutions. We award 2 women, 4th Alicja Sliwicka-Poland $10 (other draw), and 7th, Damarka Miguez, Cuba, authorial, $10. Great thans for rest men for participation. You are great!
Saturday -      $20 -  All players sent correct solutions. Three first win. Sargis $10, Damian $5, Robert $5. For all - have a nice weekend!

Weekly countries ranking 
1. Cuba        2,5
2. Armenia   1,5 
3. Poland     1,5 
4. Uzbekistan 1
5. India   
6. US  


Editions 111-116 – October 5-10
Individual winners:
Monday 5-      D111  $20 - All the players have sent in the right solutions. In the 1st Daily fun edition we will award the two youngest ones. Жавохир Артиков from Uzbekistan, $10, and Emin Ohanyan from Armenia, $10. Thanks for all participants
Tuesday 6-     D112  $20  Today 2 winners, Sargis and Emin, both $10, for draw 1 move earlier (in 27)
Wednesday 7-D113 $20 - Only 3 correct solutions. Winners: 1st – Damarka, $10.  Time under a minute. A big applause for the woman, the Cuban chess player! 2nd Armenak, $10. Thanks to all participants.

Thursday 8-   D114  $20 - today's childishly easy task. 1st-Damarka, authorial, $10. Today were 4 moves to do. Can win earlier it. Of course! 8th-Arman, v22 $10. Great thanks for participation to all!
Friday 9-         D115  $20 - Winners: 1st Damarka, draw 34, $10. 7th Armenak, draw 32, $10.  All players sent correct solutions. Thanks.
Saturday 10- D116  $20 - simple task. Winnners: 1st Armenak, $10, 4th Sargis, draw 29, $10. We invite to next week. 

Weekly countries ranking 
1. Armenia     5
2. Uzbekistan 1
3. Cuba          2
5. India   
6. US  
Editions 105-110, September 28 – October 3

Individual winners:
Monday –105      $50 - Winners: 1st Arman $25, 2nd Armenak $15, 3rd Narayan Joshi - India, $10.

Tuesday -106      $50  - 29 solutions. But, it is written clearly at the top that one player can send only 2 solutions. From tomorrow's tournament, anyone who sends more than two will be disqualified. Today, we award the top 3 winnings, in 30 moves (5 moves faster from us). 1. Armenak, $25, 2. Arman, $15, 8.Yuri, $10. No one has found our variant. Today one player sent mate 25, but, our computer won. :)

Wednesday -107 $50 - 1st, 2nd-best solution by Armenak, v32, $25. Next 3rd Жавохир Артиков, $15. He is 12 years old, bravo! 4th correct solution by Sargis, $10. Thanks for all.

Thursday - 108    $50 - 16 solutions. All correct! The first three win: 1st Armenak $25, 2nd Lukasz $15. 3rd Yuri $10. Thanks all for participation.
Friday - 109         $50 - In the given time, one correct solution, by Alex, $25 and congrat. The first, win on  move 20 with the queen's sacrifice, by Vahram Mezhlumyan, and the second, m23 with sacrifice, but a move too late. We will award the second, by Жавохир Артиков, $15 and exceptionally the first, $10. The correct solution was also sent by Armenak, but after time, so without prize. Nobody sent authorial.

Saturday - 110    $50 - The last day of old Free Daily edition. From Monday - Free Daily fun, for younger and less experienced players, with prize $20 every day. Today... 2 draws. There were 23 solutions submitted. Winners: Arman $25 (2nd and 4th), Armenak, $15 (1st and 10th), Yuri $10 (3rd and 5th). Thanks for all participants. 

Weekly countries ranking 
1. Armenia     4,5 knockout of the rest of the countries
2. Uzbekistan 0,5
3. Cuba          0,5
4.Poland        0,5
5. India   
6. US  


Editions 99-104, from 21-26 September
Individual winners:
Monday –      $50 - For the prize. 3rd solution, by Armenak, v28, $20. 6th, Damian, half original, best, v27, $30.

Tuesday -      $100 Jubilee Edition... Nobody solved. We distinguish the first one, by Arman, mate 21 with the queen's getting and sacrifice, $15. Overtime shall be cancelled. 2 players have sent the correct solutions after time. See the screen. We reward them with half the prize. 1. Armenak $35, 2. Arman $15... Tomorrow's next task.

Wednesday - $50 with sacrifice a queen... First and best, v20 -Armenak, $30. Next best awarded: 10th Alex, v22, $10, and 3rd, Arman, v24, $10
Thursday -    $50  Today:1st and 2nd solution by Yuri, $25, best  4th, by Pawel Jaworski m34-f9, and 9th, m35-f10, $25.
Friday -          $50 - very many brilliant solutions. Awarded: 1st-new leader, Sargis Manukyan, author's, $25 prize. 4th solution by Yuri, best, v29 with sacrifice, $15, and 3rd, by Жавохир Артиков, 12 years old, without sacrifice, but most beautiful, $10. Thanks for all today's players.
Saturday -     $50 - All those marked have sent the correct solutions (see screen). But we only reward the first three. 2nd Yuri, $25. 3rd Arman, $15. 4th, Sahak, $10. First, Armenak, Vahram and Przemek sent mate 22. It is not a solution.

Weekly countries ranking 
1. Armenia   4
2. Cuba        1,5
3.Poland      1
4. India   
5. US  
6. Uzbekistan

Free Daily 93-98. From 14 to 19 September - WIM Alicja Śliwicka Week.

A talented and titled Polish junior. World vice-champion and European champion in fast chess. Alicja and her games in Daily.

Free Daily 93-98 – September 14-19. One-game week. We show in 6 ways how to win this party.
Individual winners:

Monday 14th–       $50 - Two first authorial. 1st Armenak $35, 2nd Alex $15. 9 solutions, nobody more sent original.
Tuesday 15th -      $50  - Nobody sent authorial. 9 solutions in given time. In descritpion of the task was not getting a queen. 1st by Arman, with getting, not. Fifh correct, by Arman, $25, and best, 7th, m24 by Armenak, $25. Thanks for all participants. Tomorrow also day of win. 
Wednesday 16th -$50 - Today 2 correct solutions. 1st and authorial, Arman, $35. 7th, Alex, also auth. $15. Thanks for all
Thursday 17th -    $50 - 19 solutions. 1st Yuri, $20. 5th Armenak, m26-best, $15. 10th, Arman, m27-second best, $15
Friday 18th -         $50 - Here was our fault, not changed yesterday position. All players downloaded it. We are cancelling this tournament, but 3 prizes-distinctions of $10 each are awarded: 1. Armenak, 5. Yuri-v26, 6. Paweł Jaworski-v26 also.
Saturday 19th -    $50 - 2 heroes. 1st Arman, v40, our first move and idea, $25. 3rd, Armenak-best v36, 6 moves earlier from us! $25.

Weekly countries ranking 
1. Armenia   6
2. Cuba        1
2. Poland   
4. India   
5. US  
6. Uzbekistan

Free Daily 87-92 – September 7-12
Individual winners:

Monday –      $50 - a little surprise...Saturday's position. Today, victory 26 with getting a queen. The task proved difficult. No one sent the original solution.  The players sent the 26th mate. Dear players, the task with mate was on Saturday. Third solution by Arman, correct, but weak. After 25. Bd5 the computer gives up. $15 prize only. The second, by Alex, better, but after time. Distinction and $5.
Tuesday -      $50 - First + authorial, Arman, $25. Bravo! 2nd Damian-best, $15. The same sent 3rd Yuri, $5, and Alex, $5.
Wednesday - $50 - A task with a trap. You can easily get the queen by playing Bc4+, but then the mate is only in 31 moves. 
Results: nobody solved in given time. First, Sahak, v28, not mate. After time, Armenak, best m28 with the conditions met, instead $25, $10. Second after time solution, Arman, m30. He could give mate in 28 with Q, but he wanted  to meet the conditions and give the mate with a rook, that is why m30. $5. Tomorrow great surprise!
Thursday -     $50 - Goldchess Top. A beautiful variant. All prize, $50, for the first. Nooooobody solved. 4th solution, by Arman, m33, 3 moves later, but with the conditions met, distinction and $10. Also a ditinction and $10 for 1st, Yuri, he proposed a sacrifice on c5. Tomorrow ACCUMULATION!

Friday -          $75 for the first winner, new position. Three first solutions are correct. So 1st Armenak $50, 2nd Arman $15, 3rd Alex $10. Great congrat!
Saturday -     $50. Report: First correct, and 4th almost original, Yuri, $30. Second correct, Shakuni- India, $10. And 5th-best, m26-Жавохир Артиков 12 years old, Uzbekistan. Thanks for all participants.

Weekly countries ranking - Domination of Armenia
1. Armenia 3,5
2. Cuba      1,5
2. Poland   1
4. India       0,5

Free Daily81-86 August 31 – September 5.

Individual winners:
Monday –       $50- solve time - 5 minutes. Only 2 correct solution in given time. 1. Arman, $25, second Armenak, $15.
Tuesday -       $50 All players sent correct solutions. 1.Yuri $20. 2.Arman $10. 3.Armenak $10. 4.Damian $5. 5 Alex $5.
Wednesday - $50 - 3 correct solutions awarded. 1.Damian $25. 2. Armenak $15. 4.Arman $10
Thursday -     $50 - 1.Arman $25, 3rd Alex $15, 5th Artikow $10-distinction
Friday -          $50 - Nobody sent original. First and best - 1 move faster - Armenak, $25 prize.
Saturday -      $50 + $50 extra prize for player who will solve 1 move faster. Nobody sent 1 move faster.
It is a difficult decision. All the players have sent the same solutions. Except of the 5th one. Yuri sent our original solution here. So 1. Arman $15, 2. Armenak $5, 4. Alex $5. 5th Yuri -original solution, $25.

Weekly countries ranking
1. Armenia 5,5
2. Cuba      2
3. Poland   1
4. India     

Free Daily74-79, August 24-29
Individual winners:
Monday –      $100 - Nobody solved. Best, 4th solution, v28 by Sahak, $25 prize.
Tuesday -      $125 - nobody sent original. 1st correct v34, Damian, $25. Best-7th solution by Armenak, v29, $15. Second best, Damarka, v30, $10. Tomorrow we  will add 2 more moves, plus a hint in the task content.

Wednesday - $150 -  Accumulation! We add 2 next moves + a hint. This is the last day of this task. Only 2 solutions in a given time. There was a hint, but nobody solved it.
So today without rewards. We show our solution for $150.

Thursday -     $50 - Nobody solved in given time. A 12-year-old chess player from Uzbekistan was the first to send two solutions, but he mistakenly included an item file in the solution column and sent twice an item instead of a solution.
2 solution author's, 3rd Sahak, 5th - Arman. 1 distinction for Sahak, $10.
Friday -          $50. Nobody sent original. The winner is 4th-Arman, $25..Distinction for 8th-Damian, v29. $10. A player from Uzbekistan today sent a solution in which he lost to CEEC, mate on move 23, 0-1. We do not reward losers games. smiley 
Saturday -      $50- the first correct - 3rd by Yuri, $25. The best, 5th solution by Armenak, $25.

Weekly countries ranking
1. Armenia 3
2. Cuba      1,3
3. Poland   1
4. India      0


Free Daily 67-72, August 17-22.

Individual winners:
Monday –      $50 - 1. Isan Ortiz Suarez $25. Original solution Alicja Śliwicka $25. big congrat
Tuesday -      $50 - three first solutions - our thinking. :). 1. Yuri-$30, 2.Arman-$10, 3.Sahak-$10
Wednesday - $50 - 1st and best, Arman, $25. Fourth -Yuri Gonzalez Vidal, author's $25.
Thursday -     $50 - First Pawel Jaworski, m28 - $25. The same sent 3.Pawel, 5.Alex. 6th solution author's, by Yuri, $25
Friday -          $50 - the game from the Polish Women's Championship 2020. Alicja vs WGM Jolanta Zawadzka.

No one found our variants. We'll come back to this party next week, with a new position.
Today, 10 solutions in the time allowed. Best third solution, m26 by Arman, $25. 2 distinction for Isan, m28 with exchange queens, and Alex, sacrifice queen instead getting.

Saturday -     $100 - Chess hit, Goldchess diamond... Alicja Sliwicka - WGM Klaudia Kulon, $100.

17 solutions submitted. Nobody sent a win 34 in Goldchess style. Best of best (faster from us) 7th solution by Alex, v29, $25. And, 2 more distinctions, 5th-Paweł, $15 for v30, also 8th-Yuri, $10 for v30,
Monday still a win in 34, with a new position.

Weekly countries ranking
1. Cuba      4
2. Armenia 3,8
3. Poland   1
4. India       0

Free Daily 61-66, August 10-15
. Winners:
Monday – $75 - nobody sent author's. Best - Damarka solution, $25
Tuesday - $100  Nobody solved. Alex, a semi-authentic solution. $35

Alex spoiled the variant. After 31.Qh7, the blacks give up.
Armenak, fastest win v32, $15. We also show our solution.
In our solution after accepting the bishop's sacrifice, not even Carlsen will defend it. 

Wednesday - $50  First Arman-one check less, $10. 2nd Armenak-best, $15, and solution sent after time by Alex, m28, $10.
Thursday - $50 No one sent the author. There are many beautiful solutions, but the king is one today. Arman for mate 25. Great congrat!
Friday -      $50- wow! 5 correct-author's solutions. 1. Arman $30, 2. Armenak $10, 3. Yuri Gonzalez $10
Saturday - $50 - The king is one. Paweł Weichhold, Poland. 2nd correct, after time, Alex, $10

Free Daily August 3 - 8
Monday 3rd -      $75 nobody solved
Tuesday 4th -     $100 big fanfare! 2 correct solutions! 1st Yuri Gonzalez Vidal $70, 2nd Arman Ghevondyan $30
Wednesday 5th- $50 - no one has solved it in the given time. After time Armenak sent author's, distinction $15.
Thursday 6th -    $50 - nobody sent author's. The first correct - Pawel Weichhold $25  Tomorrow draw.
Friday 7th -         $50 - a heavy draw... no one solved. Best- draw27, one move later, Yuri Gonzalez Vidal, $10.
Saturday 8th -     $50 - nobody solved, accumulation on Monday, distinction - Damian Śliwicki
Free Daily July 27 - August 1
Monday -        $275 - Big fanfare! Armenak Yeghizaryan has solved!
                      The $275 prize goes to Armenia!
Tuesday -       $100 Daily 50, Jubilee edition. Nobody sent our variant.  Today the winners are: Armenak,                                      $15, Przemek Skrzypczyński $15. Distinction - Isan Ortiz Suarez, Cuba
Wednesday - $70 - Wow! A lot of solutions, but no one sent the author! Winners: first Alice Sliwicka, $20,                                best Isan Ortiz Suarez $35, third Armenak, $15. The distinction - Sahak Petrosyan, one
                            move later.
Thursday -     $50 - nobody sent author's! Winners: 1st Sahak Petrosyan $15, 2nd Yuri Gonzalez Vidal $15,
                             3rd Arman Ghevondyan (he sent both solutions) $15. Great congrat for all.  
Friday -          $25 - the same problem, new position. Nobody solved. All players sent yesterday solutions.
Saturday -      $50 - on weekend Goldchess cosmic game. Nobody solved. One solution, the mate 31.




Goldchess Challenge - May 23
Edition 5. 3 mates in 33 moves from one position. Simple tasks.
Task 1. First Damian, second Alex. They both sent the same solution, mates to get all the figures. We don't recognize it, because it's solution number 3. Here, of course, it's possible to get mat 32, but not Qg7, just the Rg8. We'll show you it in the Winner. The third solution, Alicia Sliwicka and she wins here.

Task 2. 33.Hd8#. Nobody sent it. $0. We'll show it in Winners.

Task 3. Mate 33, to get the all black pieces (except pawns of course). Damian and Alex did this solution in first task. But here's where Paweł Jaworski first sent in and he wins. And, record, his time 48 seconds.
Congratulations to the winners and welcome to the next edition.

Goldchess Challenge, May 16
Today, three tasks and in each only 5 moves to do. 
Task 1. Here we have 2 of our variants. Spectacular, for $50 and normal, $25. 
First Alex, $25, second Alice. Same solutions and different from ours. We'll show our for $50.
Task 2, only one of our options. But maybe somebody will send another option won in 5 moves.
There is! First Alex, $25, second Alice. Both v27, two moves faster. Nobody sent the original. Fifth, another one, v29, Asia, honorable mention.
Task 3. Here we have five of our own solutions. Winning in 31 and 30, both $50, and 3 weaker solutions, $25. Which our players will discover today?
First ALICIA, our solution, second Damian, second our solution. We share the prize, 2 x $25.
We invite you on 23rd May.

Goldchess Challenge, May 9
Task 1, first Damian and only Damian. Exactly our original solution. The winner. $25.
Task 2, Damian again. Task not original, but a Goldchess record! 47 seconds! There were three moves to make, he's got a computer to give up in two! Second Armenak, 100% authorial. We have to split the prize. 2x$25.
Task 3 again, first Damian. But not that solution. He sent a mate in 25, and we had to make a win, getting the hetman. Second Armenak again, but he's got class! Move by move, it duplicated our thinking. The original solution. We're happy to award, $75. Total Damian $50, Armenak $25 + $75=$100.
Congratulations. We invite you on 16 May
Goldchess Challenge, May 2
Repeat the previous edition. 
In Tasks 1 and 2 we added 2 solution moves each. Will it be harder or easier?
There were 30 chess players in the tournament. 6 from the list and 24 unregistered wild players.
Task 1, win in 20 moves. No one sent a solution.
Task 2, mate 22, same position. First Alice Sliwicka, time 1:28. Correct solution and she wins here. Congratulations.
Second good solution by Damian, time 7:27.
Task 3, no change of position. No one sent a solution. 
We'll change the tactics. From the next edition of Goldchess Challenge there will be only easy tasks. We will reward the winner and the first player with a low ranking who will also send the right solution.
We invite a wide range of chess players. 
Poland Challenge - free, April 25th, 16:00

A strange thing happened in the Poland Challenge tournament. A lot of players were taking positions from the previous tournament by inattention. Arman, a talented player from Armenia, who sent the first 2 solutions in task 1.  The correct solution, winning in 20 moves, was not sent by anyone.

Task 2, First Damian, sent a position instead of a solution. Second Alicja Śliwicka, correct solution, only... another variant and mate 3 moves faster than us! And she wins here. Congratulations. Solution 3 and 4, Arman, positions and solutions from the previous tournament. But, there is still a solution 5, Veronica, 12 years old, also mate in the 19th. We will reward the 12-year-old with an additional prize of 100 PLN. Big applause!

Task 3. one solution after the time, 10:23, sent by Arman Gevondyan , but incorrect, from a bad position from the previous tournament.

We do not understand how players could download from -My account, positions from previous tournament. We checked, the positions from the Poland Challenge are displayed correctly.
We invite you to the free Goldchess Challenge next Saturday, this time at 16:00.
The prize pool is always the same, $150.


Gold World Challenge free - April 20

Task 1. First Arman Gevondyan, Armenia. All right, $50. Congratulations.
Task 2. Only 2 solutions, both by Arman. But 2 moves too late. There is no winner.
Task 3. One solution, but sent out after time. 10:29. Arman found the right way, the correct variant, but he didn't beat the computer in 63 moves. 
We show solutions in Winner-Tournaments
We invite you to the next tournament


Goldchess Challenge April 18

Tasks from the Skawiński - Łukasz Luba game. Lukasz tried to use the Goldchess style, but he confused the order of moves and lost. Here we show the winning variants.  We play blacks.
Task 1 - win in 35, position after 30 moves. Only 6 moves to go. The exact author's solution was sent by Damian Śliwicki. Time 6 minutes. Congratulations.
Task 2, mate 39 from the same position.  
Task 3, win on  move 39.
Tasks 2 and 3, no one sent a solution.
We show 3 solutions in Winners-Tournaments-Challenges.

In our tournaments, you play from a given position vs. the educational CEEC computer.
Specially for chess-playing friends of Patricia Claros Aguilar. Start April 20 at 16:00 CET. 
It is the year 1894. Steinitz, playing as White, loses a game to Lasker. At Goldchess we have won it. In the Tournament we have presented 3 instructive tasks showing how to win this game. Of course, the participants are expected to win in the way specified by us.

Gold World Challenge Tournament rules. Registration until 11 April - sign up today, on April 11-17th pay entry fee

The basic prize pool is US$ 1,000. Its amount depends on the number of participants and may be higher. If there are 500 contenders, the prize pool will amount to US$5,000. The Tournament includes three chess problems that need to be solved, and the prizes from the basic pool are as follows: US$ 250 for problem No. 1, US$ 250 for problem No. 2, and US$500 for problem No. 3.
50% of each prize goes to the winner who is the first to submit a correct solution to a problem. As it is Patricia Claros Aguilar Tournament, the other 50% of each prize is earmarked for 1-3 winners from Latin American countries who are the first representatives of their countries to send in correct solutions within the specified time limit. (The time limits for solving the problems are as follows: 9 minutes for problem No. 1, 9 minutes for problem No. 2 and 10 minutes for the problem No. 3). The first problem is the easiest one, as it requires only 7 moves. The amounts of prizes reflect the difficulty levels of particular problems.

Apart from the rules specified above, the relevant provisions of the Goldchess Rules, as well as regulations applicable to other Goldchess tournaments apply to the Gold World Challenge Tournament.
The Gold World Challenge tournament will be held as a guest event in the National Challenge tournament. And for this tournament you have to pay an entry fee.
Goldchess team


 In our tournaments, you play from a given position vs. the educational CEEC computer.

Goldchess is a game of equal chances and anyone can win. Ranking and title do not matter. The winner is the player who wins the position first in the way we have specified. Example: In the Goldchess tournament in India there were 50 participants and 3 international masters. Look who won:




Goldchess Challenge 9! *Winners
Free players
Task 1 -
Task 2 -
Task 3 -
Players with paid entry fee
Game 1. There is no winner. one correct solution sent after time (Armenak) -see in Winner
Game 2. there is no winner. no one made a win with getting a queen.
Game 3. only Armenak sent the correct solution, winning in 31st move.



Easy Edition - Goldchess Challenge 8! is over
*Free players
*Task 1 Hayk Yeritsyan - prize an entry fee for Challenge 9.
*Task 2 there is no free winner
* Task 3 - Przemek Skrzypczyński - entry fee for Challenge 9
*Players with paid entry fee
*Task1 there is no winner
*Task 2 - (6 moves faster!) Armenak Yeghiazaryan $25
*Task 3 - Armenak Yeghiazaryan $25


Challenge 7
Task 1 - this brilliant Armenak ... a draw with the queen's sacrifice played concertly. Applause!
Task 2 - it turns out that Duda's position could have been won 2 moves earlier than us. Alex Nurijanyan did it
and he wins here.
Task 3, the most difficult. It was necessary to give a mate in 30th move, with the getting and sacrifice of the queen.
No one could do it.
There were no minimum players, so symbolic rewards, a $ 100 prize pool, Armenak $ 60, and Alex $ 40.
Armenak's solution



Goldchess Challenge 4 - February 2

An extraordinary, brilliant edition. 2 and 3 are tasks from the game of JK Duda, lost by him white, at the Tata Steel 2019 tournament. At Goldchess you can win them in a beautiful style.
Feel invited


26-01-2019 Goldchess Challenge 3
Game 1-winner Armenak Yeghiazaryan,  he solved in 1:26 minutes. Games 2, 3, transferred on February 2


Goldchess Crazy 18
We solve on the diagram


Challenge 1

A sensational beginning! In our Challenge, the second game of Carlsen - Caruana 2018 match in the Goldchess version. A brilliant task 3, $ 600 prize and the title Goldchess Capablanka! Win a prize and title!

Un comienzo sensacional! En nuestro Challenge, el segundo juego de Carlsen - Caruana en la versión Goldchess. Una tarea brillante 3, ¡Premio de $ 600 y título de Capablanka Goldchess!
¡Gana un premio y un título!


If you don't win a position in this tournament, and in traditional tournaments you are mostly at the bottom of the tables, then you have confirmation with us that you are in the right place and it is no coincidence. But, by training and learning with us, you can quickly move up the leaderboard.


The winner was Pawel Jaworski, with a time of 3.45. There was only one way to win. Congratulations and prize

Well there you go, it was possible to win this position in 4 moves, as shown by Jan Temel. It's just a pity that he sent the solution after time, after 12 minutes. But congratulations.

Traditional time of 5 minutes. One correct solution, but time 9 minutes. Distinction for Wojciech Filip.

One correct solution submitted by Wojciech Filip, but 2 minutes behind schedule. Commendation and congratulations

The winner is Pawel, his time solve 2 minutes. Congrat

The winner is Pawel, the time solution 3 minutes. Congrat

2 correct solutions and 2 good times. Paul one minute 19 seconds, Wojciech 2.09. For Paul the prize for both titles Level Hero.

Jan Temel sent the correct solution, but only after 10 minutes. Prize - honorable mention

The winner was Pawel Jaworski. His solution time was 2 minutes. Congratulations

In the December Level we encountered a big surprise. Two of the tournament's uzcesters sent solutions not after 5 moves, but after three, and each different. There are amazing possibilities in chess. The winner was Wojciech Filip, who sent his solution one minute faster than Paweł. Congratulations to both.


In the December Level we encountered a big surprise. Two of the tournament's uzcesters sent solutions not after 5 moves, but after three, and each different. There are amazing possibilities in chess. The winner was Wojciech Filip, who sent his solution one minute faster than Paweł. Congratulations to both.


3x5 tournament. $5, five moves and 5 minutes to solve. 

Amazing that in 5 moves there could have been another continuation like ours. But there it is. See
Paul wins. Exactly our solution, a sensational time, one minute 34 seconds.
The correct solutions were sent in late by Jan Temel and Wojciech Filip. Thanks and congratulations
5 moves. Paul won in 4 moves! Congratulations! We show both solutions.
Win on move 20. After time, Arman sent a solution. He won in the 18th move, 2 moves faster. Of course it was possible to win this way, we have a similar variant. We show both solutions.
4 moves today. The winner was Paul in a time of 1 minute 47 seconds. Congratulations
8 participants and nobody won this position in 5 moves. All beginners? We show how the game should have been played.

No one has solved. See solution

Level 31-07
Immortal Paul. Solved in 2 minutes.

Level 24-07
2 correct solutions, Wojtek after time. Winner
Paul, time 1.5 minutes. Thanks to both players

Only 5 moves. For the second week no one has solved this task. We show the solution. Sorry, we overlooked Paul's solution. Time 2 minutes, correct, so he is the winner.

Level December 13
Arman was the winner. Winner's time 3.25 minutes. Exactly our variant. Otherwise it was impossible to win from this position. Congratulations. As of today, the Level tournament is suspended until further notice.

Level December 6. No one has solved. Pawel sent m30, our is on 25 move.
Level 29 November.
Only 3 moves. First and correctly, Pawel Jaworski. Prize - entry fee to Top.


Level November 22. No one sent the correct solution. Zawo sent a mate on move 32 and the mate is under 30 moves.
Next week an easier task.


Level 50, November 15. Only 3 moves!. First Pawel Jaworski. But, he hurried and sent the solution without getting the queen. Second Zawo, captured the queen and he wins the code to Top. Congratulations


Level November 8 Only 3 moves! The winner was Armenak in a time of 1.40. Bravo!.. But, Armenak has already purchased the entry fee for the Top tournament. Therefore, the prize goes to the second one, Sahak. All players sent in correct solutions. Congratulations.

Level 51, October 25
3 solutions, all played in concert and sent the correct solutions. See the table. The winner was Arman Ghevondyan, the second Armenian. Congratulations

Level 50 - Jubilee
Arman was the first to send in a solution, time one minute 32 seconds. But he did a strange thing. He made 5 correct moves and when he should have played 24...Q:g2, after which we have a second sacrifice and the computer gives up, he played 24...Qf5. The winner was the second in the table, Damian. Correct solutions were still sent by Armenak (fourth), Wojciech Filip (sixth) and Arman (7th and 8th).

Congratulations to the winner and thanks to everyone for their participation.


Level52 (50), November 4.


Level 50, Octobber 18. A brilliant task. Winning with a double queen sacrifice

Level 49, September 20. Win as soon as possible... From this position the win is in move 22, after 4 moves. Wojciech sent a mate on the 23rd, Paul a win on the 24th move. It was only after time that he sent the correct solution. We reward him nevertheless, for his ambition.

Level 48, September 13. We teach the game of chess. Also in a tournament for amateurs, Level 1. Today's task is to mate in the 23rd move with the capture of the queen. However, no one solved it. The players sent a mate on the 26th and 27th move. In the given position you should have played 19.... Be3!!! rather than Qg4. And that is the whole philosophy of this task. But thank you for your solutions and welcome to the next Level 49. In Level 50 there will be a special task.


Level 47, September 6. Only 3 moves. The first two solutions incorrect, (mate 20), as this was the task in the previous Level tournament. Today it was to be won. The third solution, sent by Paul, is correct and he is the winner of Level 47. Congratulations. 

Level 46. The winner is Wojciech Filip. congrat

Level 45, August 23. The draw was a matter of one move. Paul was the winner, with a time of 4 minutes and 23 seconds. Congratulations and entry into the Top tournament.

Level 44, August 16. No one solved, and the task was not difficult. 6 moves. Mat 32 with capture and sacrifice of the queen. The solution is shown. 


Level41, July 26. Both players sent in the correct solutions. The winner was Pawel Jaworski, his time 3.28 minutes. Congratulations
Level40, July 12. The content of the task is to win, in this case on the 31st move. Wojciech sent mate 33. We show the solution
Level 37, June 28, the winner is Wojciech Filip, congrat. 
Our opinions
Quick chess - carriage chess
Blitz - chess spam - lost time
Armagedon - stupid chess - total spam
Despite the obvious accuracy of these assessments, this is a popular chess games and is often played by chess players for fun and to pass the time. Free choice.
At Goldchess we prefer intellectual chess, creating beautiful and innovative games.

Level 36 There were 4 moves to be made. No one solved. We show the solution.

Level 35: Sorry, there was a wrong position. We will repeat the task.

Level 34, 7 June. No one solved. Paul sent mate 30, we have in 29 move.

Level 33, 31 May. The winner is Wojciech Filip, he sent the fastest mate in 28 moves.... Congratulations plus entry fee to Top.

Level 32, May 24. 2 solutions have been submitted, neither of which is correct. Win as soon as possible means in the case of this game a mate on the 30th move and this is the variant we have. Paul sent a mate in the 31st, Wojciech in the 32nd. There is no winner, welcome to the next Level 33.

Level 31, 17 May. 2 players sent correct solutions, other than ours. The first is Paweł Jaworski. Congratulations


Level 30, May 10. 
The first solution from position after 28 moves was sent by Paweł, he won in 33 moves. Badly. The second one sent by Wojciech is correct. Only 4 moves needed to be made. Checkmate on move 32 with capturing and sacrificing a queen. That's how it was supposed to be played. Wojciech Filip wins participation in the Top tournament. Congratulations.

*In the Chessable Masters Div 1 tournament Artemiev eliminated Carlsen by winning 3:2. We check his 3 game winning streak to see if Artemiev is really that good. We do not confirm. We found winning variants for Carlsen. All these 3 games he could have easily won. They will appear as tasks in our tournaments.

Level 26, April 5
We do not know how to comment on the fact that the players did not win a position in which only 4 moves had to be made. We show the solution.
Level 25, March 22
No one has solved? The solution is witty. Since black has "caught" 2 rooks in the fork, one must be given away. We also know that the computer is a player of Korchnoy's nature, he likes to take pawns and figures for free. And if that's the case, we'll give him 2 rooks! The PC takes the second rook with a checkmate and "thinks" he will manage to defend himself. It won't. See the solution.


Level1-28, April 26. We had a win in 3 moves. Pavel found a win in 2 moves. Congratulations. 
Level1-27, 19 April. The winner is Paweł Jaworski.
Level1-26, 12 April
In every tournament and in every game we teach how to play chess. The opponent evaluating our moves is our educational computer with its excellent chess logic. It is as sensitive as a barometer and shows whether you are playing well or badly. In today's task, on 12 April, there was a disposition - win as quickly as possible. From this position we have a win after two moves. The first move with the king makes black threaten to mate and after a desperate attempt to defend with the rook, black surrenders. Unfortunately none of the players sent us this solution. The quickest is to win 42, after 4 moves. Welcome to the next Level 27.


Level1-24, The Polish-German duo of players failed. And the solution was simple. Just always remember that sacrificing of the queen may or may not be accepted by your opponent.

Level1-22. 3 moves... Winner's time 1.24 minutes. A round of applause for Cuba and Cuban chess player Adrian. 



There is a winner, Adrian from Cuba. congratulations>.
Other. Players who signed up and did not play please do not sign up again, we do not need extras.


There were 6 moves to be made and a time limit of 10 minutes to solve. Only Henry sent in the winning 40 and 39 moves after time, and after 56 minutes the correct solution, mate 39.
ps. in the next Level 1 tournament we will increase the time to solve the task. Other tournament participants can see the solution as it should have been played.



The future of chess
In Goldchess you have to win a position with a CEEC computer (1500-1800 Elo) which is very weak compared to Stockfish and similar programs with a playing strength of 3500 ELO. And if you can't win our position it means that you have major gaps in your chess education. As a consolation we can only tell you that the great Stockfish also does not win our positions in the required number of moves playing directly vs CEEC. The big conundrum? No, Stockfish can't play chess well yet either. He is just a hero of our time and will remain so unless he develops. The future of chess is Goldchess.


Through the eyes of Goldchess
In Goldchess, neither playing strength nor ranking is important. But, Goldchess is for the intelligent. You are with us, it is known. You are not here, also known. That''s right.
Our tasks educate, create a beautiful brain that will be able to do anything in chess. This is how Goldchess works. We are a complete training, educational novelty.
There is a saying, show me your games and I will tell you who you are. Go ahead, we show ours, see and judge for yourself who we are. In Chess Miracles you can see the losing games of the champions and the same games fixed by us and won. Compare.  Heaven and earth. And this is what you will learn with us and do yourself. In the section Most beautiful Goldchess games, highlighted ours and the players. In the Traing Box... the best chess course in the world. Check it out. Would you like to play like this?
We welcome new, real chess players, ambitious, with fresh, receptive minds who want to achieve something in chess.
We are the vanguard and the future of chess.
Our games and tournaments are open to you.
Goldchess - skill tester
Goldchess is for chess players with ratings plus capable and intelligent amateurs.
In Goldchess you play from the given position. To win it with our educational computer you have to find the correct game plan and concept. If you don't find it and you don't win, it means that you don't know how to play chess, no matter if you are an amateur or a grandmaster. Check it out. Goldchess will reveal the truth to you.
Learn and improve your level. We will show you how to turn a loss into a win, based on the Nepo-Carlsen 2021 match, the Tata Steel 2022, Candidates tournament 2022 and others..


NEWS Archive

September 3 
Out of more than 30 participants in the recent Chess Wonders Competition, only two sent in solutions. What does that mean? That the tasks are difficult? No, our tasks are not difficult because they are made by an amateur chess player with no ranking. Only that he uses techniques unknown to modern chess. So chess knowledge doesn't help, Stockfish with his 3500 ELO, worthless here, won't help either. The problem, I think, is that it does not occur to those playing with us at all that it is possible to play chess like this. Our ways of playing, of running an attack, are different from today's chess as performed by modern chess players, even the best ones. That's why you have to get to know them, play and train with us. This will have good results. You will raise your level.

August 27 (postponed)

Mechanical chess
We were taken aback by the number of losses Duda lost at FTX Miami, but it turns out there's nothing to worry about. It's a fast and instant chess tournament where you have to make a move faster than you think. Robot chess. We are strong opponents of such tournaments, undermining the level of chess, where emotion reigns and reflexes decide. The games are worthless (most of this is chess spam), and such tournaments and games are simply a waste of time and a weakening of the intellect for chess players. We are only surprised that the best take part in them, who should show good chess to the little ones. Such chess games of 3-5 minutes may be good if two want to play for money. Which we also strongly disapprove of. Chess is not gambling.

August 22

Duda's playing has stopped impressing us. After his fourth loss at FTX Miami he was promoted to international punching boy with us. In his losing games we found better game plans and winning continuations. So the losses are a matter not only of form but also of style, of the way he plays, of his thinking on the chessboard. All this is up for a big improvement. We are extending a helping hand. Come to our Training Box to complete your chess education.
ps. As of today (20-08), Duda has 12 games lost but, 4 wins against Carlsen alone.

News August 11

At Goldchess, we focus on beauty. We also try to make our solutions the fastest, so that a position cannot be won faster than us, but that comes second. Therefore, it can always happen that a player sends a faster solution other than ours. Perhaps he made it himself, or perhaps a strong computer helped him. This is why we approach such solutions with caution and may not reward them at all, as we do not reward computers. As a rule, however, we reward such parties with a prize of up to 50% of the predicted one. But only when we know the player and are not so much sure as slightly convinced that he played independently.
And as for the computers, the player who bets on playing Goldchess with their help will very quickly find that he will not win. Strong computers will not help him because they cannot see our solutions. It is not yet this generation of chess computers. Goldchess is, in a sense, in the 22nd century.

News June 22

The relativity of chess, winning losing
In Goldchess we take chess seriously. But to the games themselves more playfully, because we recognise that sometimes the defending position of our educational computer will play weaker, so that we can win, and at the same time there is a downside, because the game is not so-called "rigid", i.e. without mistake. But this is not the end of the world, because the same thing happens in tournament games and that includes top chess players. We have examples and evidence of this from tournaments where the best play and also from world championship matches. All it takes is to take a winning game back a dozen moves, change a move and it can turn from a win into a loss. And this is what we do in Goldchess. Using examples of losing games of great champions, we show in Goldchess how they could have been won.
News - July 22
If Carlsen does not defend his title, there will be a Nepomniachtchi - Ding Liren world championship match.
Should Ding Liren become world champion ...
It would indeed be an intellectual breakthrough, (second only to breaking the Russian hegemony) if a Chinese player became world champion. And he would undoubtedly have contributed to the great development of chess in the world and among the Chinese. We evaluate positively.
News - July 20
Through the eyes of Goldchess
Magnus Carlsen has announced that he will not defend his world title because he has no motivation. This decision by the world champion should be respected. However, the question is - why? Is there a dispute with FIDE, or is the prize money not high enough, a few million dollars? If so, then Carlsen is of course right, the prize pool must be satisfactory for the world champion.
But it is probably the case that he considered only Firousia as a worthy opponent. After all, he announced earlier that if Firousia did not win the candidates' match, he would not defend the title.
If FIDE, for lack of other options, makes a world championship match between Nepomniachtchi and Ding Liren, then in the history of chess the winner will only be the alternate world champion, or the candidate champion.


Grandmaster Corner competition
Every Sunday at 4 pm CET.
The chess player's task in this competition is to win from a given position, a game lost by the master.
For a solution sent after the deadline, for the first one, a token prize, $5-$10 (only on Sunday)

The contest continues with Gukesh's party losing to Erigaisi. Today the bar higher, mate in the 33rd move. Nobody sent a solution in the given time. We are waiting for this game to be sent in overtime. The task is valid until it is solved.

Draw 28 and win 41, Paul sent faster. Draw 27 and win 39 Congratulations.

Task unsolved since 10 November. Caruana-Ding Liren 1-0, played by black. Draw on move 38 with the sacrifice of the queen. 
Prize $10, try. Position in -Winners-Grandmaster Corner.

10 November. Caruana-Ding Liren 1-0. You play black. Draw on move 38 with queen sacrifice. Winner?

Sinquefield Cup August 19-28
Lagrave-Ding Liren 1-0
Win by playing black. The winner is Pawel.Jaworski. He sent a solution after time, but a shot at the 10. Exactly our solution. Congratulations

So far Pavel is the best player. Although he didn't send a second solution, he sent 4 challenging solutions instead, including a mate with a hetman sacrifice. Congratulations. All solutions in -Winners.
Competition 13 October

Sinquefield Cup August 19-28
Firous-Ding Liren 1-0

We got a draw, Paul made a draw different, in a simple way. How this game could have been lost, we do not understand. Here Quang Liem's win is absolutely undeserved. But a point in the tournament was won. There are no such point fictions in Goldchess.

Our solution was a win in 74 moves. Pavel sent another, on move 70, 4 moves earlier than ours, but there is no prize, because we in turn shortened his solution by 3 moves, which disqualifies it. We show our solution and Pavel's, shortened, winning in 67 moves.


First Arman, time 10 minutes, second Pavel time 14 minutes. Arman sent brilliant solutions.
The only hope in these variants is that Aronian might not have played 30.B:g4. Our computer played and a pogrom of white ensued. Our computer does not always respond at a high level. However, this is to the players' advantage. In our variants it is a bit different, the computer plays at a decent level and such slip-ups rarely happen to it. In Arman's games, he played like a chess player who is having a weak day today.

Nobody solved


A very interesting and even unusual situation occurred in the Grandmaster Corner competition. All three players who sent solutions started them, each with a different move. I would add that ours started with yet another. So 4 different moves led to the same goal. This made many of the solutions sent by the contestants faster than ours. Evaluation.
Arman, second time after Armenak. Failure to solve the mate with the capture of all the figures, which formally disqualifies the set.
But, solving mate 47 and winning 42 are big games. In our opinion, in both games the game and the combination - at the level of chess players from the top ten. Here, too, congratulations to our computer for co-creating these extraordinary games.
Armenak time 26 minutes and also 4 great solutions. Mate 52 deserves a special mention, with the capture of all the figures (ours in 54). Further, mate 46, win 44 and draw 46. Armenak is formally entitled to a $25 prize for non-author solutions. But his win on move 44 is undermined by Armenak's faster win, on move 42. In addition, we can undermine the mates of both players, because in another non-author solution here we have a mate in move 41. Therefore, with a Solomon verdict we will divide the prize, Armenak $15, Arman $10. We will show the best solutions of both players and ours.




A great Goldchess show based on the Firousia-Ding Liren game, lost by the world champion in the Norway Chess tournament.
The Goldchess competition must be won with black, according to the content of the task.
The competition runs until 4 August, with a $10-$25 prize task every week. 
From 7 July onwards, mega brilliant games. Only for the best, but anyone can try their hand at our competition.
You are welcome to enter (for chess players with computers, laptops only)

August 4th
Solved by Pawel. A minute behind schedule and different as ours, but we pass. Congratulations
July 28
We have 2 solutions that deserve a mention. Both after time, an hour and a half. Wojciech sent the faster mate, in 32 moves, forceful in 5, with the queen. This is the fastest variant from this position and interesting in that you can mate in 32 moves with as many as three pieces. Queen, bishop or knight. The second solution, by Paul, is exactly our variant. An honorable mention plus a symbolic $5, as it is well after the time. Thanks and congratulations. See both games in -Winners. 
21 July
This is what our players are capable of. Pawel sent a variant mate with a pawn 2 moves faster than our solution and also very brilliant. In a time of 7 minutes. A full reward and huge congratulations. Both games go into the collection of the most beautiful Goldchess games (Information Centre - Most beautiful Goldchess games). See in -Winners both solutions.
14 July - task not solved

Competition July 7
Firousia-Ding Liren 1-0
There has been a warm-up so far. 3 games, mate 37, draw 30, two mates in 40.
Next will be the diamond games themselves.
The position from the previous task (mate 40), here the bar is higher.
Content of the task: mate in the 38th move with capture of the queen.
Prize $25 (original variant only), time to solve 15 minutes.
One of the most beautiful games...
Today's competition was won by Pawel Jaworski who sent another solution.


We are always happy when someone sends in our original variant. Our joy is doubled when it turns out that there was only one way to win or draw, and that is our variant. This is exactly the case with the draw in this competition. The winner is Paweł Jaworski. Congratulations


The Praggna-Ding Liren game from Norway Chess 2024.
The double prize came off because it was for shortening our original variant. Also, we shortened the Armenak task by a move, which according to the rules disqualifies it, but we won't be so harsh. It is worth rewarding. Admittedly a sacrifice not accepted, but a double one! Paul sent 12 minutes after the time, but technically perfect in terms of composition and adaptation to the content of the task. And the task was to win on the 37th move with a sacrifice and gain the queen. Both players' games a masterpiece. See in the Winner both plus ours.

There is the first solution, Pawel Jaworski, winning in 38, 6 moves faster than us! That's why we changed the position.



Ding Liren show 2024

February 25
There is a first solution, after time. Pawel Jaworski changed move 29 and won in 45 with the capture of the queen. Bravo and thank you. A solution different to ours and we shortened it by a move.

February 11

Our task is a draw in the 48th move. Paul was the first to send a draw in the 47th move, a move earlier than us and formally he is the winner. We will give a special mention to another very ingenious way to draw and that was in the 46th move, which Arman sent after time. Congratulations to both players
A reminder that there is still a task waiting to be solved in the Chess Wonders competition.
28 January. Winner?
21 January. Winner Pawel Jaworski, $10. Congratulations.

January 14, game 14, task 11

Won on move 19. The task was solved by 2 players. They found a simple and better way to win than our analysts who overlooked this continuation. And a move earlier, on the 18th move. Congratulations to. Arman (2 minutes) And Pawel Jaworski, time 29 minutes. The winner was Arman Ghevondyan, Armenia.

Game 14, task 10. Winner Pawel Jaworski 08-01. Congrat

GC6, June 11. Adrian is the winner, congratulations

GC4, May 28. The fourth game of the competition was won by Pawel Jaworski. Pawel showed his own original variant. He won in 7 moves from the given original position. Congratulations.
In a week's time, another game of Ding Liren.

GC3 - May 21. Alireza-Ding 1-0, at home 0-1 (v47+v53 with capture of the queen). Game from the Superbet Chess Classic Romania tournament (May 5-16)
In extra time, Pawel Jaworski sent in both solutions. Different from ours. Congratulations

GC2 - May 14. More difficult task. Mate on move 29 with the capture of the queen. WInner Pawel Jaworski. Congrat

GC1 May 7
A different thought, a different concept from our.... But an original game and worth presenting. Only one solution and overall turnout meagre, and these are after all the games of a world champion... The prize is won by Wojciech Filip, time 10 minutes.



16 April, 16:00 CET (New York 10:00 a.m., New Delhi 19:30). 
FIDE World Chess Championship - win by playing white!


Competition decided. The position from the Ding-Nepomniachtchi game, lost by white. Pawel Jaworski sent a solution of mate in 38 with capture of the queen, which can be liked. It has only one shortcoming because our analyst shortened it by 3 moves and we have mate in 35. But this is just a question of technique in the ending. On the other hand, the concept itself is Paul's and the solution is beautiful. We show all the solutions.

Grandmaster Corner Competition 9 April
In general, there are no pretty games in the submitted solutions. The players did not discover any of the three beautiful variants we have, so the competition remains unresolved. 


GC March 5
Content of the competition, 2 tasks, mate 43 and 44. Wojciech Filip was the first to send his solution, mate 44, after time. A different method, but a really nice variant. We are waiting for further ones.

Adrian Rodriguez Dosina.
An unusual Cuban chess player and his unusual solutions. Original mate 43 and mate 44, a beautiful, concert modification of variant 43. This is how our chess player Maciej Czopor could play. These games and our solutions are a lesson and a fascination for many generations of chess players to come. This is what Goldchess and our players bring to the chess heritage. 
Congratulations and an award to Adrian.

GC February
There is a winner! In the overtime, Adrian of Cuba sent a mate in the 45th move and a different solution to ours. In -Winners we show both variants.


Giri-Carlsen game.
Chess players from the USA, Cuba and Poland tried today, but no one solved the task. Carlsen's magic paralyses?
So, extra time, half the prize will be awarded to the player who first sends the solution.



Competition based on the Duda-Carlsen game
, lost by Carlsen. With us Carlsen wins and such a black variant should have been found from the given position. The winner is Pawel Jaworski, Poland. Congratulations!
Capablanca competition

Competition - Become the new Capablanca   

There is a Big Three. The third winner in the Capablanca competition is Arman Ghevondyan from Armenia. A slightly different solution to ours, but we recognise. $10 and the N Capablanca title for Arman. Competition concluded. Congratulations to the winners.

Position from a game lost by Capablanca.
Task: mate in the 32nd move with capture of the queen
Win and earn the title of New Capablanca and a prize of $10.

The first solution was sent in by GM Yuri Gonzalez Vidal from Cuba.
There is a second winner, Adrian Rodríguez Dosina from Cuba. He receives a $10 prize and the title New Capablanca. A fresh new take on chess. Mate 31, a move faster than us. Such chess players are welcomed into Goldchess with open arms. They give us hope that thanks to such chess players as GMs Yuri Gonzalez Vidal and Adrian Rodríguez Dosina from Cuba, Armenak Yeghiazaryan, Alex Nurijanyan or Arman Ghevondyan from Armenia (Polish chess players are at the tail end here) the main idea of Goldchess, of creating beautiful games and new ideas in chess, will have effective successors and continuators. We are yet to discover our variant and, of course, the prize of $10 plus the title of New Capablanca. For the sake of simplicity we will state that it begins with the move 20.Nh2 R:h2. These are the variants and continuations that the great Capablanca missed and overlooked. Win and get a taste of greatness.





Capablanka's Contest - winner GM Yuri Gonzalez Vidal. Prize $10 and title New Capablanca. Great congrat.


Games Results from the Grandmaster Corner diagram.


Batumi 4 - Alex Nurijanyan - $30
Ding Liren - Duda

solution- position31, play black



Batumi 4- Hayk Yeritsyan - $20



Batumi 3- Armenak Yeghiazaryan - $100
Duda vs Caruana 
solution, position 22



Batumi 2- Armenak Yeghiazaryan - $75
Duda vs Mamediarow

solution, position16



Batumi 1
Vachier Lagrave -Duda
Goldchess solution, position14



GC July, no one has solved, see
position after 11 moves from the game GM Timur Gareyev



GC June
m32, interesting, Paweł Jaworski, Poland




GC June, not author's, distinction, $50. Lukasz Luba, Poland



GC June - there is no correct solution yet. But there is one interesting, Lukasz Luba Poland,



Great Chess Masters Games

Gareyev - Jobava 
by Hayk Yeritsyan Armenia,
position 12



Great Chess Masters Games

Gareyev vs Jobava
by Armenak Yeghiazaryan (Goldchess solution)
position 12



Puzzle GC

Kasparov vs Petrosyan 
Lukasz Luba Poland solution - mate 32



Puzzle GC

Kasparov vs Petrosyan
Armenak Yehiazaryan solution - mate 34



Puzzle GC
Aronian - Caruana
Goldchess solution



Aronian-Caruana, solution 2

Lukasz Luba PL



Aronian - Caruana solution 1. Armenak Yeghiazaryan, Armenia
Author’s solution, 21.Qg7 mate. solve



GC October
solved by Alex Nurijanyan 
After the first solution the game is over.



GC September


No checkmate in 20th move. No Grandmaster has sent in one. There are many checkmates in 21st move, good-looking ones, but this month we award an off-contest solution (the player is not a Grandmaster) by Tigran Petrosyan from Armenia (IM). Victory in 18th move. Just have a look.



GM Corner June. There is no winner. 3 distinctions, 1.Alex Nurijanyan + $50, 2.Tigran Petrosyan, 3.Lukasz Luba.
Alex game



GCorner July - the task solved FM Sargis Manukyan Armenia




GC May. There is no winner. 2 distinctions, Alex Nurijanyan, Tigran Petrosyan.
Alex game



GCorner June-starts on Wednesday 5.00 pm CET


There is a winner! Tigran Petrosyan of Armenia solved a problem at Grandmaster Corner April ! Award plus Goldchess Grandmaster title!



Two players made the task of Grandmaster corner. Received Goldchess Grandmaster titles. / see-List of Winners /
Reward: $ 1000 for Grandmaster which will make mate move faster, still waiting.


Nothing is impossible for the players!
Player Grosmaster in the game Grandmaster Corner gave mat in 23 move and won the title
Goldchess Grandmaster!






GT 26 December. Winner?

GT 25 February
Winner Pawel Jaworski. Different concept, different solution as ours. Congratulations
GT 21 January
Mate on the 27th move with the sacrifice of the queen. This is how to play Goldchess. If you do not know how to play Goldchess, you can learn it here. You are welcome. The task was solved by Paweł Jaworski, Poland. Congratulations. The solution in -Winners-Genius Test and in our window on FB.

GT December

The winner is Arman Ghevonyan. Great congrat


GT June. Nobody has solved. From the position after 39 moves won on the 45th move with the sacrifice of the queen (not accepted). In -The winner is shown the solution.

GT May - no one has solved. Sarana-Kuzubov 1-0 game, from the 2023 European Championship, showing the winning variant for black. Kuzubov played 25...Nf8.The move seems correct, fully justified and... the only one. But, is it really? See for yourself. In Goldchess we look at chess through the logic of multidimensional space. We played 25... Ng5! And after a possible 26.h4 we threaten a draw with 26...Be6, 27.Qg6 Bf7 etc., if white does not retire the queen-bishop battery. See the final for how Kuzubov could win this game. Goldchess original.

GT April
Defeat of players in the first game. The $150 prize for winning consecutively in GT April, May, June is forfeited. We show the solution of how this position should have been won.

GT March
No one sent a solution. In -Winners GT we show how the game should have been played.

GT February
No one sent a solution. Noteworthy is the win of Jan, in 4 moves. See.

GT January 2023
No one solved the first task. Everyone lost the chance to win the additional $100 prize. See the solution. Difficult?

In the December competition a chess player from India showed up, but probably a beginner, as he sent nothing. First Arman (see Screens). He played his, a different variant and sent 2 solutions, but both the opposite of what we required, first is the capture of the queen, then the sacrifice. But because they are beautiful, we reward. The second half of the prize is won by Adrian from Cuba. Adrian played our variant, we will show our variation of his continuation. Congratulations to the winners. The position after 12 moves. 

GT November 20 - A very nice solution was sent after time by the Cuban master, Adrian Rodriguez Dosina. The computer does not accept the queen sacrifice and there is a mate on the 20th move. Had the sacrifice been accepted there is a beautiful mate on the 19th move.
We show in the Winners-Genius Test both variants. By way of exception, we will award half the prize. The other half prize awaits our original solution.
Congratulations. This is the way to play Goldchess.

Missing among the participants today was Grandmaster Yuri Gonzalez Vidal, who was the only one with a chance to win an extra $100. There were some good chess players today, from Armenia, Cuba and Poland, but no one solved the task in the time given. If anyone wins later, please send in a solution, we will always reward you somehow, because the variant is beautiful, just Genius Test. After the time, he sent his own variant Arman, mate in the 21st move additionally with the capture of the hetman. It receives an honourable mention.

GT October 16 - $10 prize. For 3 winning in months October-November-December extra prize for the winner - $100!
There were 20 minutes ... Only grandmaster Yuri Gonzalez Vidal sent a solution according to the conditions. The sacrifice is a bit artificial, as there is a mate of 20 in this variant, but the grandmaster is a virtuoso and since the content said - mate with capture and sacrifice of the queen, he did it. Therefore, we recognise and Yuri passes on without losing the right to the additional prize of $100. Of course, today he wins $10. The others can also play in the next edition of GT for the monthly prize, today's chess players as well as new ones. Congratulations to the virtuoso. We will also show what our solution was based on. The solution of mate 21, with capture of the queen but no sacrifice was sent by our Polish amateur Wojciech Filip. Also congratulations. We would also add that Yuri sent his solution 12 seconds before the 20-minute time limit!

GT September 11 - $25 prize. No one has solved

GT August 14. Genius Test August competition $10 prize

In the August Goldchess - Genius Test competition on 14 August, a position from the Rapport-Nepomniachtchi game from the Candidates Tournament, lost by white. 
Task from the position after 22 moves when CEEC played 22...Na6. The solution is not exactly of the "genius" type, but certainly interesting. Only 4 moves to do, but it's not that super easy or super simple. 
Report from today's Genius Test competition: as I wrote earlier, only 4 moves to do, but it wasn't that easy. Out of 10 solutions submitted only one was correct, winning in the 26th move. The others in 27, in 28 etc. And another peculiarity. A win in the 26th move was sent by Sahak Petrosyan from Armenia. There were only 4 moves and his solution is different to ours. That is, with 4 moves there are 2 solutions. This is amazing. We thought our solution was the only possible way to win in 26 moves. Congratulations to the winner and thanks to the others for participating in our competition.
In the 'live'diagram our solution.
GT July 17. The task was win on move 45, prize $10. Time to solve 10 minutes. No one has solved our task. Although we didn't write exactly what it was about, but as it's a genius contest, it's clear that it's either about sacrificing the queen or a brilliant move after which the computer gives up. 
Today was a two-in-one, because both a brilliant move and a queen sacrifice. See our solution.

GT June 12 - There were only 5 moves to make in the competition. Armenak sent his solution, but it lacks the genius style, the brilliant move. Therefore there is no winner. We show both solutions, Armenak's and ours. Naext. Today, June 17, Armenak sent in solution in 3 moves!
GT May 15 - with capture and sacrifice the queen. 2 solutions, both after time.

GT April 24. No one has solved. We show the correct solution. (in -Winners-)

Nobody sent in the time given. Armenak sent 2 (effective) mats in 28 and even in 27, but neither of them is a genius solution. Who will find our variant? Besides, we have a feeling that apart from Armenak and literally a few other chess players we are surrounded by thousands of chess weaklings who can't do anything in chess. There is a Training box, you are welcome to learn, and if not, by the end of the year the inactive ones will be banned and removed from the list of registered users. In their place we will invite thousands of real, live chess players. Goldchess is great fun, but not for beginners.

GT March. 2 virtuosos from Armenia and Poland have sent in their solutions. Both after time. Armenak correctly, Pawel inversely, first capturing and then sacrificing the hetman. We divided the prize though, Armenak $15, Pawel $10. Congratulations

GT February. 2 winners: Armenak, $15, Pawel Jaworski $5. Congrat

GT January

We have two winners. First Arman, a witty solution, because the mate was already in the 29th move and white did not have to sacrifice the queen. But they sacrificed fancifully, according to the content of the task. Second Hayk, capture, sacrifice and mate with a pawn. Both $10. Congratulations. We also show our solution.


GT November (open)
Check your possibilities. The solution is in Winners-Genius Test.

GT December 5 (next) 

GT November (7-11-2021)- The emotions of the November Genius Test competition are behind us. The winner was Damian Sliwicki, who sent the first correct solution, his time, 2 minutes. Second Hayk Yeritsyan, Armenia, time 8 minutes, also original solution. Third Armenak. Prizes: Damian $50, Hayk $25, Armenak, $25. Plus all three, Goldchess Genius titles. Congratulations.


September 2021
Only one player solved. Arman Ghevondyan, Armenia. He is great! See the solution in Winners.

Genius Test - July. Here is the solution. Pay attention to its style and quality. Goldchess involves iron logic of chess and playing identical with or very similar to tournament chess. This game, starting from the given position, could be played in any chess tournament. Mate in 26 moves, with the queen sacrificed and captured. We present also our solution No. 2, which is reverse mate in 27 moves, with the queen captured and sacrificed.  Take a look.

Comments. Position after 15 moves.

Goldchess is an outstanding form of chess, ideal for learning how to play. You can freely undo moves and look for other possibilities, choosing the best ones. In this game, you can play several variants and quickly work out that in this position the key black piece is the knight well positioned on g4, which defends e5 and the f4-b8 diagonal. So, how can it be eliminated? In a very straightforward way,

16.h3 Nh6 –  the knight can move only in one way, after 15… Ne5, 16.Bf4 the black would lose a pawn. But how should the black queen be attacked now with tempo? This is the         Genius variant, so the solution is also simple. Sacrifice the knight.

17.N:d4 ed4

18.Bf4! Qa5  continued attack with tempo

19.b4! Q:a2

20.b5 N:f5     Black captures the pawn in order to subsequently shield itself with the knight on d6

21.bc6            Wb8# mate is imminent

21…. Nd6

22.c5 Rde8    the computer defends e7 against white pawn marching after knight capture on d6.

                        And here is the brilliant point of this combination.

23.Qb5!!! N:b5 a beautiful sacrifice of the queen. Black must capture. Mate on b8 was imminent

24.R:b4          inevitable mate on b8 , with the rook

24…. Qb2      an act of despair

26.R:b2 Rd8




Genius Test July - Game 2



GT December
Winner Armenak Yeghiazaryan
great congrat!



July - won the first solution. Armenak Yeghiazaryan, Armenia
position 21, see the first move



GT May
Hayk Yeritsyan - a brilliant solution



GT February, March - winner Armenak Yeghiazaryan, Armenia

GT January 2018 - winner Alex Nurijanyan, Armenia


GT December 2 - winner Sargis Manukyan, Armenia
GT December 1 - nobody solved. In the test, Stockfish won in 33 moves, 9 moves too late :)


GT November

The contest was annulled because one uninitiated player sent 6 solutions from fictional accounts.


GT October - US$200
In October a double prize worth of US$ 200 in the Genius Test game is awaiting a player who figures out what is the contents of the problem (in 26th move) and sends in a correct solution.

Nobody solved.
Goldchess solution




Łukasz’s Happy Day

If somebody does not believe in life’s happy days. A chess player from Poland. Łukasz Łuba has been awarded with a distinction in the August Beauty Contests for the most beautiful game of the month and received US$ 50 and today he has won in the Non34 Tournament by solving the second problem to receive US$125 + US$50 for the ranking and for the IM Goldchess tile. But the day did not end there. In the drawing for the US$ 100 prize among 10 correct solutions of the August Genius Test the winning number was 5. Whose number was that? Łukasz Łuba’s, of course.

An awesome day and incredible lucky series of Łukasz. We wish all our players had a day like that!


GT July, Tal style - $100 prize wins first
Winner - Alex Nurijanyan Armenia !

GT June - winner Lukasz Luba



GT May. Not submitted 10 solutions. In this case wins first - Sargis Manukyan Armenia- author’s solution.



Genius Test, March 2-there are two winners, Sargis Manukyan and Hayk Yeritsyan, - distinction, see in -Winners


2 winners.
1. Sammed Shete, India, sent first, original - prize $ 30.
2. Manukyan, 3 solution. Author's solution, plus two prettiest - prize $ 70.


Genius Test February 2
Goldchess Author performed a checkmate with a dark-squared bishop. However, it came out that one may mate with the dark-squared bishop as well as with the light-squared one. Both solutions were sent in by Hayk Yeritsyan from Armenia and therefore he is the winner.


I do not see solutions from India

Genius Test February - Winner is only one!
Great... Hayk Yeritsyan! Armenia!



Genius Test January2 - winner? - GM Gianni PL



Genius Test January - Gianni



GT December - GM Artur Jakubiec



In Genius Test we help Carlsen to win game 8. $250 prize
see: Featured solutions


Genius Test-solution other than the author's, S. Manukyan



There is a problem which may even require an arbitration. A player has submitted a beautiful solution for the Genius Test. Yet, it is not a proper solution, as it is a checkmate and not a victory, and a wrong variant, although the conditions, which included first capturing and then sacrificing the queen, have been met. Furthermore, to put it mildly, CEEC's 27th move in our test is 27. ...Rxf6, and not 27. ...Kg7, as in the player's version. So, the solution cannot be acknowledged, but let's examine it closely.



Task for October is extremely tricky. I could not find the solution in 28 movements but only 29 movements. Yet I think my solution is nice and that is why I am sharing it with you by mail.
I spend quite a long time to come up with the solution... Thanks for the interesting game..
Chris Lau China



Genius Test October, we are fighting for US $ 300
Goldchess and Genius Test it is beauty, beauty and beauty.
Starting from this position it is possible to mate on move 24, or victory on move 22.
see v22 by Piotr Niedbał



Genius Test September
Because we haven't received 10 correct solutions, we have not performed the draw and the first solution sent to us wins the contest.




Genius Test October, brilliant game, $300 prize
The task-position from the game Carlsen-Ivanchuk 2007



Winner GT August
Chris 洋刘· - China




Genius Test, 1 August, 17:00 hrs CET
Genius Test - learn how to play beautifully.
If nobody manages to solve the problem, on 15 July at 5:00 p.m. CET the prize will be lowered and another 7 moves will be presented. That will be the position after 29 moves.
Position from 15th game of Anand-Gelfand match.
US$ 200 prize. Only own solutions.
In the 14th round of the Rosija-America tournament the problem has not been solved


The next contest Genius Test August 1st, 5 p.m. CET, $200 prize
solution of July



Genius Test July - $200! - winner Piotr Niedbał UK

Two from among the best Goldchess IM players, Paweł Weichhold and Krystian Jacek, 
sent in 2 solutions of Genius Test June edition, each of them a different one. 
We show you both of them, take a look and admire. The two winners shared the prize. 
However, nobody has sent a solution identical with the one proposed by the author. 
Therefore we double the prize to US$ 200 and give the same task in Genius Test edition for July. 
As an exception, the winner shall be the player who first sends in the author’s solution. 
There is a tip to make it easier for you: the author’s solution starts with a different move than the two solutions we show you. 
Current information indicating that the proper solution has already been sent and the US$ 200 prize has already been won will be available at Hot line. 
We invite chess players from the whole world to participate. Win US$ 200 and the title of Goldchess Genius. 
IM Paweł Weichhold-solution



Krystian Jacek solution



IM Paweł Weichhold 2



IM Paweł Weichhold 3



Genius Test - one brilliant move (last)
Additional contest on May 22, 5 p.m. CET, prize $100
victory on 39 move, position 33
2016-06-19 NOBODY SOLVED - only 6 moves - we show solution



This is what the winner of May version of Genius Test, Kristian Jacek, who is very talented chess player with an official ranking of 2165  (due to not playing too much), but in reality with a ranking 2400, had to say about us: portal offers a variety of interesting chess games and problems. One of them is Genius Test, which is free with a large prize fund. The problem that was posted in May was nothing that I expected. Wb1 move was a beautiful move that used an overload motive, which shows the beautiful, deep nature of Chess. It is very nice to discover this nature. The best examples of this tactics are known people in chess community, such as Michaił Tal who gave up half of his figures just mate with the last ones! There is also Robert Fischer who is known as „Wonderful Child” because of his chess talent by which he outran his times.
I recommend for you to get to know those people and watch their best chess games, they are simply amazing. They will also bring your skills up, so it will be easier for you to solve chess problems in Genius test and Goldchess problems in general, as we admire beauty in chess.
In the end, I would like to thank portal that it arise for us - chess players, and for opportunity to solve such a beautiful chess problems.
Krystian Jacek, rank 2165


Genius Test May
It's a winner! Super Genius Goldchess! Prize $150!

Krystian Jacek PL
see the solution /35.Rb1!!/



Genius Test, May 2nd - task free-today – start today 4pm CET - play
..................only one a brilliant move-play from the given position

Prize $150, title –Super Genius Goldchess
Win on 40 move. There are 2 ways to solve. The move 31.Nc6 prohibited.
position of task




Free game
Test of Genius 3rd – April

Task3 -23.Qh7checkmate, with a brilliant sacrifice 3 figures

Nobody solved. We show solution-see
position after 14 moves – 18.Rd7!



Test of Genius 2nd - March 

19-03 at 4 pm CET - polish time 

Solutions in the file CEEC / extension .png / send email updates, with -Genius test- in the subject


1.       $100 - author variant only- there is no Winner
2.       $50 - Krystian Jacek
3.       $25 - Paweł Wiechhold

Task 2

Mate In 31- sacfifice Queen-author solution



See if you can make a brilliant move and send the solution.
For the first three, title - Genius Goldchess and 3x$100
mate in 55
We have 3 winners
1. Pawel Weichhold,
2. Krystian Jacek
3. Michal Stolarski
All receive prizes of $ 100, and the titles of Genius Goldchess
Solution Pawel’s, position after 43 moves.



Chess Miracles Competition - (weekly, Saturdays, at 4 pm CET - 10 am New York time).
It is a great art to find a draw or a win in a game that has been lost.
With us, we do it and teach it using the examples of masters' games.
Try to do it yourself in our competition. 
*In games of champions, in the position given, you should always make a different move than in the original game.

Chess Olympiad Budapest 2024 in Chess Miracles!
Olympic slip-ups of the best
For the next few months, here we will be playing with losing games from the Olympics and winning them.
We start with the Polish grandmasters


not solved in given time
12 October
Budapest Olympics 2024
Toni Lazov-Piorun 1-0
Prize $50, time to solve 20 minutes.
Content of the task: win on the 43rd move (with exchange of queens) and mate on the 40th move with capture and double queen sacrifice. 
GM Piorun's defeat of IM Lazov has a taste of the sensational. Formally more than 200 ranking points advantage, but... IM Lazov played exceptionally well at this Olympiad. This is evidenced by his result, a silver medal on the 2nd chessboard.
Right after his debut, Bolt found himself in a complicated and difficult situation. All the game plans were wrong. Almost all of them. Our analysts performed chess virtuosity to find a position from which to get an equaliser, catch their breath and launch a counter-attack. Boa constrictor style. Exactly. Black imperceptibly seized the initiative and won.
But the real gem of this game is the mate with a queen sacrifice (not accepted), followed by the capture of the white queen and another queen sacrifice, this time accepted. This is what could have been done in this game. If Piorun had played like this... he would have been world champion.

The winner was Pawel Jaworski who sent a win in 49 moves and a defeat in 59. Congrat

Chess is magical. Unusual. And in our case it is exactly and clearly visible.  Paul sent a solution different to ours and also exactly mate on the 50th move. A different game plan, a different, different variant, and the number of moves the same. Before showing our solution, we are still waiting, maybe someone will find it. Hint: mate the queen on the field h5.

The draw was seamless. This was also confirmed by the contestants. Pavel won the game, a draw in 40 moves.

Pawel was the winner, he sent an unoriginal solution, but 3 moves faster, in 42 moves. Congratulations.

In the Chess Miracles competition, Armenak only sent in his solutions on Sunday. But they are outstanding and let's award the full prize that is available for solutions sent in late.

Caruana-Firouzia. No one sent in the correct solutions. Everyone played from the wrong position, even though the wording of the task clearly stated: position after 64 moves. And nobody won a prize. We show the solutions for $100.

Reliable Paul. A different solution to ours, but est won equally in 49 moves. Congratulations


Altynbek-Li 0-1. 
It is necessary to win with white.
In this game white's chance was in the complexity of the game. This we can do. Goldchess is the genius of our analysts! The turning point in this game is when black put their vigilance to sleep and did not even try to prevent white's possible sacrifice of quality. Sacrificing a rook, queen or any other piece is always welcome in chess, provided it does not lead in a straight line to a loss. The computer does not deviate from the chess canons, it plays correctly and according to the chess rules. Like a solid chess player. Only that it is not enough to defend against a Goldchess-style attack.
Winner. We are full of admiration for Paul and his solutions and full of admiration for chess that it is so magical And you could send and win and mate, different as ours, and in exactly the same number of moves. It seems as if there are 2 ways out of the maze and in exactly as many moves. Almost impossible, and yet. Paul sent in his solutions after 6 hours, so according to the rules half prize, although his solutions deserve much more. Many congratulations.
Our variants, however, remained undiscovered.


To us, the computer played the 43 move differently as players. We will therefore split the prize today. Pawel Jaworski tied at 54, Wojciech Filip at 59, congratulations to both.

Superbet ROM Clasic
Firousia-Caruana 0-1

Pavel is unrivalled so far. He wins all the prizes in our competitions. Today he was also the first to send in a solution. Congratulations

Competition 06-07-2024 - winner?

Chess Olympiad 1960
Fischer-Najdorf draw

Out of sentiment for our compatriot Mieczyslaw and then Miguel Najdorf, who had been playing in the colours of Argentina since 1944, we took his draw with Fischer from the 1960 Olympics. These were not yet Fischer's great years because, let's recall, up to the 1960s Tal was winning against Fischer, after 1960 no longer. But Fischer was already in form and in this game it was he who dictated the conditions by playing white. However, Najdorf could have won this game. In Goldchess we have a win in the 56th move, but this is only because our computer makes a mistake that Fischer would not have made. A sure win is only in the 60th move. And that is the task in our Chess Wonders Competition, this Saturday , 6 July. Our plan to play and win is to... we won't say. Try to find it yourselves.
It really is a lot of fun to win a Fischer position, which is replaced by our educational computer.
Reminder, Saturday 6 July, $10 prize. Time to solve 15 minutes.
All who know how to play chess are welcome.


Praggna-Carlsen game
Winner Pavel Jaworski. 4 moves faster than us. Congratulations

Superbet Warsaw, May 2024

Wei Yi-Carlsen 0-1
We showed a second winning variant for black in the Wei Yi-Carlsen game. Our mate is in the 45th move, but it turns out that it could have been faster. Pawel Jaworski sent a mate in the 42nd move, 3 moves faster than us. Pity it was 4 minutes after the time. The prize got away.

Previous (2023)

We finished our competition based on games lost by the grand masters from this year's Candidates Tournament.
In Goldchess we won these games and showed in them, together with the contestants, different visions and game plans. Effective ones, leading to success. The kind that the champions missed or overlooked.
The games (lost originals and our wins) are available at:

See, compare, judge for yourself. The lost games of the masters are cautions, -How not to play, our variants are signposts to new paths in chess and tips on -How to play, and indeed, instructive lessons for the masters.

We invite you to join us.





Current coverage of this year's Pretenders Tournament. Coverage of the tournament on the blog (3 articles in succession), games in Winners Chess Miracles



Chess Miracles Competition

Wei Yi - Vidit Gujrathi 1-0 Win in black, mate in 8 moves.
Uncharted are the possibilities of chess. There is another solution, by Pawel Jaworski, mate in 8 moves (bravo!), change in 26 moves. He will take part in the prize draw. And a big surprise! Our analyst has shortened this variant to 7 moves! We show it. And we keep looking for our original variant.

Chess Miracles 4 November, position from the Predke-Duda game. Winner Pawel Jaworski, Poland. Congratulations

Daily 302, 15 October.
It promises that this tournament will last a long time. 
They did not even send the correct solutions to the two best Goldchess players from Armenia, who have our Grandmaster title. They did, however, send remarkable solutions, especially the Armenak, a mate in the 30th move. This is a very instructive lesson for all chess players.  Also Carlsen himself can see how black could have been played in this game. The solutions of the chess players from Armenia are very beautiful, we have put them in -Winners-, however, the condition of sacrificing the queen was not fulfilled in them. So the tournament is still open, new chess players can play and we are waiting for the correct solutions.


Champions games. We have been playing in the Challenge tournament since September.

Daily 300, August 26. Carlsen. FIDE World Cup Tournament, Baku 2023.

Daily 299, August 19. FIDE World Cup Women Tournament, Baku 2023 - Nurgyul Salimova

It is worth paying attention to this 20-year-old Bulgarian chess player. After playing 16 games, she is second in the table and has an impressive record of nine wins, one loss and six draws. We took on her only loss. A misunderstanding. This game she could have won easily. And that is the task of the competition. A win on move 48. Prize $10.

Daily 298, August 12. Gelfand. No one sent our solution, the competition is over. The chess players showed 3 ways to win this game with white. See the players' games and our own.

The great Goldchess competition! Prize $25. Saturday 12 August, 16:00 CET
A game from the currently ongoing Fide World Cup tournament in Baku. Gelfand-Berkes 0-1.
The experienced grandmaster, a participant in the world championship match (93, lost to Karpov in the final), playing white against the Hungarian Berkes already in the 30th move found himself in a situation where there is no defence against the mate! We rehabilitate the Israeli grandmaster in a manner worthy of a world champion. Whoever finds our variant, mate in the 40th move, will feel as if he is playing at 3000 Elo level. 

Gelfand-Berkes game. Keep looking for our variant, the 40 forcing mate in 7 moves (the last 7 checks!). Participants Damian and Wojciech sent 2 mates in 40 moves, we shortened Wojciech's solution to 35 moves. See them.

Daily 296, July 29. In Wojtaszek's game, two players sent a mate in the 37th move. One after 19 minutes, Damian, the other after 51, Paul. The time to solve was 15 minutes, so both after time. However, that is not what is important here. We will say this: chess is amazing. They both sent different variants, and ours is even different. The winner was Damian Sliwicki. Congratulations to both chess players. The competition is over.


In Chess Miracles the winner is the first player, or we draw, or the best solution wins. Solutions are in -Winners-Chess Miracles.
Here we present the losing games of the champions and show how they could have been won.  
It's a learning and experience you won't get anywhere else.

Your sparring partner who defends the match positions is our CEEC computer. The participants' task is to win each game according to the given conditions. If no one solves in the time given, the whole weekend (of CET time) goes into overtime. No time limit and with a smaller prize. 

From 17 June 2023 new edition
Solved. 02-06 to 22-07-2023
Dzagnidze-Kosteniuk 1-0. In Goldchess 0-1.
2 tasks. Mate 44 and win 49-50. Pawel Jaworski sent mate 43. We show our win.

Chess Miracles - December 10
The only candidate for the prize did not win the third game with the sacrifice of the hetman. Early on he won 2 games with one variant, 11.0-0-0. In this case this variant is no longer effective. We would like to draw the chess players' attention to one thing. If there are 3 tasks from one position, it is often the case that each starts with a different move. It is therefore necessary to learn versatility in the handling of the attack. Only in Goldchess.
See in -Winners-Chess Miracles-, how the game should have been played

Sicilian defense fun. Prize of $10 for the best who first sends 3 correct solutions in 3 consecutive weeks. 
Adrian Gonzalez Dosina won today, time 6 minutes. And he is the only one playing on for $10. Adrian showed that this position can be won in 4 moves, 2 moves faster than us. Congratulations!

 Candidates Tournament in brilliant Goldchess version (from July 2)
November 26. We will return to the game of champions, currently there will be single game games. We will show the pogrom variants in the Sicilian defence. The PC has won a pawn, but there is a cost of this. He has lost the castling right and the pieces are totally undeveloped. Black's defeat hangs in the air. 

November 5, Nakamura-Duda 1-0. Win playing black.

Octoberber.29. Duda-Caruana. Same game, different position. Nobody sent a solution. But, a new chess player appeared, an amateur from Cuba, Adrian Rodríguez Dosina, who understands chess. He sent a win in Duda's game in the 39th move. In training mode, after the competition, so no prize, but he won the position.

October 22 - Duda-Caruana. Duda won against Caruana in the 57th move. A tired game. We will show possible faster wins in this game. In move 32, and in move 40. In the contest a win in the 32nd move with the capture of the queen.

October 15 - Ding Liren - Radjabov. No one has solved.

October 8 Rapport-Radjabow (0-1). Win playing white. The winner (in overtime) is Wojciech Filip Poland. Congratulations

October 1 Caruana-Firouzia (0-1). There were mate 42, win playing white. Nobody has solved it, we are a bit puzzled. That's why, just in case, we remind you, in our house you play chess, not checkers.

September 24. Rapport-Duda game (1-0). No one sent a solution.

September 17. Chess Miracles Contest in the Challenge tournament. The position from the Nepomniachtchi-Firouzia game, which Firouzia lost. In the competition it should have been won in the 40th move playing black. No one solved it.

Setember 10. From Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz 2022. Position from the Shankland-Xiong game. A very beautiful Goldchess win, a $50 prize task. No one won this position with our computer or the prize.

September 3. The Firouzia-Caruana game (0-1) from the Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz (2022). From this position the winning variant can be played with a weaker chess player, the draw variant with a stronger one. 3 tasks. Level 5, winning in 28 moves. At level 23 there are 3 possible draw options. A 33 (weak) draw, no. Only a draw on move 35, forceful in 10 moves, plus a draw on move 40 (41), forceful in 10 moves. For the draw task, switch CEEC to level 23. (Play-Option-Strengh-23 Level).
Report: No one has sent 3 correct solutions. We are moving the prize in full to the next competition. So on 10 September the Shankland-Xiong game with a prize of $50!

August 27 Task from Carlsen-Niemann game. We always associate the world chess champion with a king and a crown. After the loss in this game, the crown has faded slightly. We restore its shine. In Goldchess Carlsen wins and in beautiful style. 
Report: Chess problem from the Carlsen-Niemann game, Carlsen's loss. The result should have been changed and won with white. Only two chess players out of more than 30 playing sent solutions in overtime.  Chessstart from the US and Arman from Armenia. Our variant was discovered by Chessstart. In the position after the 30th move we played 31.Bg3, sacrificing the bishop (Carlsen played 31.h3xg4). He also played this way, and at the same time mated 4 moves earlier, and won a move earlier. Arman repeated Carlsen's move and sent only one solution, a win in the 41st move (we added a mate in this variant in the 44th move). A faster win was possible here because CEEC played a weaker move than Niemann, 31...Q:g4 (Niemann 31...B:g4). However, the repetition in the given position of the move from the original game is incorrect. One should always see what move was played in the original game and play a different one before solving. Chessstart sent in the overtime, so half the prize. Congratulations.
To the other chess players who did not send anything, let them study diligently and improve their level to send next time.

August 20  Report: We wrote that this competition for good chess players. A mate in the 27th move and a draw in the 37th. No one solved in the given time of 15 minutes. Two players sent only draws, both in 34 move, but both incorrect. Arman (Armenia) sent from a bad position, Pawel (Poland) from a good one, but both played the first move 26... Kf8. This is the way Kashlinska played and if we show this position it is to change this move, not to repeat it. Our solution is witty, it's whites fighting for a draw and they can't beat the f7 pawn because they get a mate. After time we only have Arman winning on move 25. Here Arman was close to our variant, but the mate did not send. So the $25 prize remained untouched. We'll see how the players do with the Carlsen game next week. Also the $25 prize.
The chess players' honour was saved by Chessstart from the US, sending a correct mat 27 after overtime and an effective draw in the 33rd move. A great distinction. Pity he did not fit in time to win the prize

Earlier text
Task from the game Muzyczuk-Kashlinskaya lost by black. Win playing black. 2 beautiful tasks. This competition for really good chess players.

Polish women at the Olympics. The decisive match against Ukraine. Muzyczuk-Kashlinskaya 1-0, Uszenina-Kiolbasa 1-0. Black day for black pieces. A match and games on which the medal depended for the Polish women.

Could it have been better? Of course. The game Marija Muzyczuk - Alina Kashlinskaya. Polish grandmaster had a 100% winning game. However, at one point she made a move which we would call - putting her head under the guillotine (19... R:g2). After that move, it was no longer possible to win. But a draw was possible. (We're straightening up. We found a win here too). 

August 13 - Rapport-Nepomniachtchi game 0-1. Win by playing white. Draw 23, win 24. Brilliant Goldchess chess...

Goldchess is great!
 Armenak did not play and an equally good chess player from the US, Chessstart probably on holiday and nobody solved the problem either in the allotted time or in overtime. Our other chess players are kind of 2nd league.
Arman from Armenia, also a young good chess player sent only a draw, a win in the 24th move was not found. Had black played 22.... Na6 instead of 22... Rc8, there is also a nice win on the 31st move. We will show both variants.
After the overtime, the Polish chess player Wojciech Filip sent us a draw in 19, as many as 4 moves faster! Congratulations!
ps. After move 22... Na6 we also have a beautiful win on move 26.

August 6 - Nepomniachtchi-Alireza Firouzia 1-0

Played by black, should be won in the 40th move. A beautiful variant. Prize $10, time to solve 10 minutes.
Today we show how Alireza could win against Nepo. We offer white the f7 pawn. Would Nepo have played the way our computer did? Maybe not, if he saw the trap here. But most chess players would have played identically to our computer. Discover the beauty of chess in this variant.

July 31 - game Shirov-Toczek 1-0. The Shirov-Toczek game from the current Chess Olympiad is a brilliant ending performed by Shirov. Could the Polish (Welsh) player have won it? Very possibly. In Goldchess, we rematch Shirov with a black win on move 34 and an equally brilliant variant. Even such brilliant games as that of Shirov have their mirror images in the black game. Diamonds vs black diamonds.
No one solved. And all you had to do was beat our educational computer, not Shirov. See our solutions.

July 30 - Game 5 Ding Liren- Radjabov 0-1. $15 prize. (postponed)

July 23 - Game 4 Firouzia-Nepomniachtchi 0-1. $25. Firouzia played 20.Kg2 and lost. And it was won by a simple 20.Rf2 (the winner's idea) or 20.Rg1 (our variant). Another set of chess beauty. See all the solutions here. The winner is Chessstart from the US. We'll let the secret out. He is the FIDE international champion.

July 16 - Game 3 brilliant game, $50 prize. Competition over! Chessstart from the US wins! See in -Winners- 8 our versions of the Caruana-Ding Liren game from the Candidates tournament. To have Caruana play like that in this game...

July 9 - Game 2 Duda-Ding Liren, draw. Win by playing white. Nobody has solved. Competition ended. There were 3 tasks. Win on move 45, win 45 with queen capture (level 5) and win on move 59 at level 23 (change level here: CEEC face-Play-Options-Strengh-23 level -ok). We showcase our solutions. Learn. Duda played the amateur move, 30th Rb3, we played the 30th Reb2 with a sacrifice of quality. The move 30.Reb2 opens the way for an attack on the black king by the queen, the bishop and the two knights. See our solution in -Winners-Chess Miracles.

July 2. Game-task from the Candidates Tournament 2022. Ding Liren-Nepomniachtchi  0-1. Win with white.
The weekend competition is over. No one found our variants and there is no winner. One player sent one correct solution, winning in 34 moves, others like ours. 

June 25
Game from Summer Chess Clasic 2022, Sevian-Smirin 0-1. Prize $15.
Win by playing white. 3 tasks: mate in the 40th move, mate in the 41st with capture of the queen and in the 42nd with capture of all pieces. Time to solve 15 minutes. Nobody has solved in given time. We made the overtime.

Overtime complete. The winner is the American player, Chessstart (ChessStar). He sent 3 solutions, including one brilliant one. In the mate 40 (31) variant CEEC plays on the 22nd move ed3 or g6. In the first variant the moves 24.Ra4 and 25.Qg6 are noteworthy. Both moves Carlsen himself or any of the contenders would not be ashamed of. See all the solutions, how it should have been played. It's a learning and experience you won't get anywhere else.

June 18
Carlsen-Shevchenko 0-1.
The position had to be won by white in the 36th move. Only 2 players have sent in solutions. Both not authored, but a move and 2 earlier. Chessstart wins, a nice, pure chess win. The Goldchess concept was slightly different, we present both solutions. And this comment. There were 36 chess players in the competition. Two only sent solutions. We wonder if the others have some kind of brain defect? Congrat for the winner, Chessstart player (US). In competition US - Europe 2:0

Norway Chess May-June 2022

Contest is over
Player from US, nick Chessstart, sent in our contest (game So-Carlsen) mate 30 with queen capture and victory 28. He thus won the competition and the $15 prize. Great congrat! Currently. US - Europe 1:0. see all solutions

June 17 news. Armenak discovered mate in 33 move, 2 moves faster than us! But there is no win in 28 to win the prize.

Starting June 11. (a prize of $15 valid until someone sends in 2 correct solutions)
So - Carlsen 0-1. First prize $50. ($15 in overtime), Win playing black.
We win it in beautiful style in two different variants. Win 28 and mate 35 with capture of the queen. Discover them for yourself and win the prize.

This game will go down in chess history as one of the world champion's biggest mistakes. Carlsen created a winning position, played the wrong 23 move with black and... lost. It is worth seeing all the winning variants from this position, ours and our players. As of today (June 17) no 2 solutions and the prize stands.

It was  up to June 11. Solidarity NOR-UKR match - $20 prize. 
Game 2, Carlsen-Shewchenko. Plau white.
White win in 36th move, position after 22 moves (original position after 17 moves, we added 5 moves of solution for ease). Nobody has solved this problem from the Carlsen-Shewchenko game.

Game 1, Ivanchuk-Carlsen, 2 winners. Wojciech Filip, Poland, v27 (from position 21), and Nico (US) v33 (original)> Solutions in -Winners-Chess MIracles

Charity Cup 2022
Solutions in -Winners-Chess miracles

20-04-2022. Duda-Carlsen (3) 0-1. WIth us 1-0. After 15 moves black's position is lost. It can be won in many ways. 16.Be3, 16.R:e5, or even 16.Ne4. But Duda found a way to lose it (16.Bb4).
See our variants. From  the position after the 15th move. In Winners-Chess miracles.


09-04-2022. Duda_Carlsen (2). Pawel Jaworski sent in a dual, v35, we awarded $5. Armenak sent his own variant, of course, with the capture of two queens, fine-v34, $10 prize. We show also our solution. Game over.

29-03-2022. $25 prize. Duda-Carlsen (2), April 3. Armenak (again) sent the 2 fastest solutions. Mate 31 we could acknowledge and win 29 we could not. The condition of winning two queens is not met. But here the question arises. Are thousands of our other users some flawed pseudo chess players with a level below zero?
$10 prize
Ding Liren – Carlsen 1-0
Carlsen played 28...B:b2. He regained quality, but did not fully predict the consequences of white's move, 31.R:b7+. Therefore we changed black's 28th move and won on the 44th move. However, the win was very difficult. Therefore we will not show it for now, it is as a task for our chess players. Position after white's 28th move, won in 44th. Prize $10 for the first player of course.
Armenak is the winner. He sent mate 39 and win 42, 2 moves earlier than we.
Great congrat

Carlsen – Navara 0-1

Navarra won with a simple trick, eliminating the bishop defending the f3 field. But from the 40th move the game was already practically lost for white. We show 2 possible draws (41...Qf6, 41...Qf8). A simple win we found from the position after the 30th move. It turns out that Carlsen's move 31.Kg1 was a weak move.

Le Quang Liem - Duda 1-0

A very strong and virtuoso game played by the winner of the tournament. After 23rd weak move of Duda it was practically unwinnable for black. From the position after the 23rd move (we change Duda's 23rd move) a draw position was reached already in the 51st move. For black the draw is 100%, while white with inaccurate play can lose the position. In Goldchess version draw plus win.



The big losers and their games - Tata Steel 2022
The 13 most instructive games. In this series we show how the games lost by the great champions, participants in the Tata Steel 2022 tournament in January, could have been won. See in -Winners-

***Game 13 and now the absolute highlight, the game Praggnanandhaa - Carlsen lost by white. Deservedly, I might add. To win with Carlsen, you have to show something in chess. Normal, correct play is not enough, because he is the best in such a game. That's why we show something different, our style. It is universal. Anyone, at any level, can assimilate it and win, achieve success. And if a chess player from the top, from among the best chess players in the world understands it and masters it, he will have no equal and will be unbeatable. 
In the game, Praggnanandhaa playing against Carlsen in white played 15.a4 and lost. We played 15.e4 and showed a remarkable winning variant. The position built by Carlsen also has its weaknesses and we showed them, sacrificing quality. We do not insist that with this variant Praggna would win with the world champion, but we claim that with the rest of the chess players of this tournament, yes. The position after 14 moves. Mate 37 and won 31, and 33 with capture of the queen.

*Game 12 Carlsen-Mamedyarov 1-0. 
From the position after white's 16th move we needed only 13 moves to win with black. Our educational computer does not play as strongly as Carlsen, of course, but our idea in this game is very interesting and if Mamedyarov had pursued it, it would have had a chance of success.

Game 11. Esipenko-Giri 0-1. In our game white mate in 42nd move. The position we have chosen is a draw, with an indication for white. However in such equivalent positions always the one who plays better during the game wins. Position after 22 moves.

*Game 10 - Shankland, US champion. He lost playing black to Vidit. And the white king stands badly, the castling position is not well defended, just take advantage of that. See how we did it.  In our case, win 29 and mate 34. Position after white's 14th move.

Game 9 - Duda for an encore. Losing to Caruana. A game like military manoeuvres. Mate 35. Position after 18 moves.

Game 8. Foreest lost in white to Mamedyarov. And the win was so easy... In our case a win in 44 and a mate in 33, remarkable I might add. There is a finesse trap in the game with a sacrifice of quality. Position after 15 moves. Winning 44 with the capture of 2 queens.

*Game 7. Karjakin played the routine 25. ... g6. We 25. ... Re5. A seemingly meaningless move, but, after 26.f4 it exposes the g1-h7 diagonal on which the white king and knight stand. And if white had now played 27.e5, then after 27... Bf5, 28.Q:f5 Q:d4+, they would have won in a dynamic variant on move 39.  But the PC played 27.Qc3, wanting to exchange queens and free the d4 knight from being tied.  Logical, but allowing black to carry out their combination. In chess the most important thing is to confuse the opponent. So that he doesn't know what we want to play and can't predict our moves and our concept. Here you have a position from the game. Download it and try to win by yourself. We have a win 41 and a defeat 45, black of course.
We will also show a variant - winning with white after 27.e5. Position after white's 25th move.

Game 6 Dubov-Vidit Gujrathi 0-1 A loss for Dubov, who makes up for it with us. ... In our variant after 27....B:e6 there is a draw, but the computer calculates, has a rook more and does not want a draw. In us mate 34 with the capture the queen.
Game 5. Caruana lost to Giri, playing white. We definitely did not like his 16th move, 16.Nf1. We played stronger and more effectively. We present mate 32.

Game 4. Rapport lost to Carlsen, playing black and to Foreest, playing white. Here we already disliked Rapport's 10th move. 10.Nhf3. We played 10.N:e4. And this is probably how we should have played to win the game. In Winners/Puzzle Pop/Gold0 we present mate 34.

Game 3, Vidit Gujrathi, our 2017 patron lost to Foreest. We have a win on move 38 and a mate on move 41.
In this game the computer playing white exchanged queens on move 29. In contrast, we discovered that 28.Qh8+ Kf7, 29.Rd8 or 29.Rc1 was winning. But this is a general, common shortcoming of chess. In many tournament games later analysis shows that one could have played stronger and not lost, or played stronger and won. It happens with us too. The computer plays at a certain level, lowered additionally in our case from 23 to 5, so that it is fun and the players can win. Nevertheless, our reality is close to the level of 90% of the world's chess population.

2. Today's second game, Carlsen-Giri, lost by black. The position after white's 18th move.

We obtained a draw on move 29, and wins on moves 39 and 55. 
Would any of our variants have brought victory for Giri? No one knows...

1. Mamedyarov-Duda 1-0, Tata Steel January 2022. In our case black wins (v45 and mate 51).


The match between Carlsen and Nepomniachtchi in the Goldchess version

In our version of the match we show different chess than that presented to us by the two best chess players in the world. First of all it is spectacular, full of new concepts and techniques that both masters would be proud of. We extracted everything, or almost everything, from the same positions, and certainly what the masters who presented the style of mathematical chess logic could not show.

The match between Carlsen and Nepo is a match between two of the best chess players in the world. It might seem that nothing can be improved here. But it turns out that you can. You have concrete examples of this in our versions of the champions' games.

Of course our match is on a much weaker level than the official one, but this makes our games more spectacular.  We agree that it is possible to play differently or stronger in specific positions, but... it is the same in the games of both champions, as you will see further on.
All games of our match are here:

Comments to them:

Game 1.
Mate 31, by Lukasz Luba, a fun game, because CEEC plays 24... B:c1, and after 24... Rd6 white loses. The second our variant is won on the 34th move, a less impressive but already more strongly played game. A small note, in this game the version of the Spanish game performed by white does not impress.

Game 2.1
We rate our move 20.Bg5 as stronger than Carlsen's forced and barren move 20.Rb1.
After our move we gain tempo and countermoves. In this game being at a loss of quality Carlsen fights white for a draw.

Game 2.2
In variant 2, from the position after 30 moves instead of the return 31.Nd6 played by Carlsen, we play the much stronger 31.Sf6, which is the beginning of a brilliant combination worthy of the level of the world champion. With us is win 41 and mate 45 with the capture of all figures.

Black is helpless... One of the most beautiful Goldchess combinations in this match.

In general Nepo played inaccurately here. After 30.N:e4 he played 30... Kh8, making possible our second truly remarkable combination. Our educational computer played more strongly, 30...Qc6. (a7 pawn untouchable, because Rb1#).

Game 3
We changed white's 13th move. 13.Ne3 is unacceptable even for our amateur. It's an insult to the professional Nepo and a slap in the face to Carlsen, who was put in a situation where he can't cope with an opponent making moves at amateur level. Comparatively, Korchnoi's unconventional, historic move, after 1. e4 e5, 2, Nf3 Nf6, 3.Bd3, in a game which he incidentally won, seems to be a brilliant move. But that was at the beginning of Korchnoi's game. In this game, the move 13.Ne3 is a nightmare in the underbidding position. Besides, it moves white's activity to the queen's wing, which ends up as in the game. Mr. Pretender, the king to mate is on the king's wing.

In our case, mate 27 and a virtuoso, very strong attack. Cuban grandmaster Yuri Gonzalez Vidal gave mate here in 25 moves, see

Game 4
Position after 14 moves. Carlsen's move 15.Qb5, after black's easily predictable reply 15...Qd7 with exchange of queens is not good. Carlsen practically eliminates the attacking power and the white attack itself. To himself.Our conception of the game and attack according to Goldchess is different. Our variant is winning in 28th move. In this game we rub shoulders with Capablanca's genius. Everyone who discovers our solution will feel the same. Black surrenders in the 28th move, because after 28... Kh8 there is a threat of 29.Qf7! Here I will add that after 24...Q:a2 black also loses. In our variant, it is possible to win less impressive on the 27th move.

Game 5
A difficult win because in this game, unlike the previous ones, both greats played well, accurately and precisely. But it worked. We changed move 16, we have win on move 32 (31) or mate on move 32.

Game 6
At last a resultant game. Carlsen bravely exchanged his queen for 2 black rooks and won on move 136. Nepo defended for a long time. We of course perversely found a draw and a win for black, winning with our CEEC. A draw Nepo could realistically achieve, while with a win it would be rather difficult.Carlsen is not CEEC and would probably play stronger, differently.  Today's task is a draw in move 60.

Game 7
In the match a draw, in ours a straight win on move 38, after exchanging queens, and 33-38 (by Vitaly and Armenak). To us, the computer played the 22nd move differently.

Nepo did not see the counter chance hidden in this position. He played a seemingly strong 22. de5, which after a series of schematic exchanges gave a draw position. We have a different vision of attacking and winning. Discover it for yourself.

Game 8: A draw game, and Carlsen outplayed Nepo at the end like a kid with a ranking of 1000. 28... Qa5? Qd5 should have been played ruthlessly, still giving a draw chance. In general after this game the match became ridiculous. In our case black won on move 39-40, from the position after move 24.

Game 9
In game 9 we achieved a draw without any problems. A draw at move 31 in the play version, when CEEC makes the mistake of beating the a1 rook, and a draw at move 32 in the serious version.

Could Nepo have won this game? Of course. We have a win in 26-29 and a mate on move 31 with the capture of the queen.

Game 10
The idea of queens exchange. In the white game this is almost a mistake (see also game 4). The lack of a queen severely weakens the attack, and white is after all the colour of the first move. Therefore in this game our idea was to protect the white queen from exchange. And it worked out well for white. Winning 22 move with capturing the queen, mate 23 and draw 23. Of course wins are easier to get here, because CEEC doesn't have the playing strength of Carlsen or Nepo, but he plays correctly, according to chess rules. Like 90% of chess players. And for them our games are exemplary.

Game 11.1
After 11 games we can only say: this is no longer a match. It is a slaughter. See how we won the 11th game with white. The key is 15.Sd5! It's a pity Nepo didn't see it and played 15.Wad1, a move without deep sense and concrete plan.

Game 11.2
Second chance for Nepo to win this game.
The game has a so-called second bottom, second face, won by white from the position after black's 32nd move. Nepo plays stiff, hopeless 33.R:f1. We play the fine 33.Kf2. This is a trap. If black now plays the reflexive, mechanical 33...Nc2, saving the knight, he has lost the game, because 34.ec7 follows. See also this our version of game 11.



Gold 0 - only for chess players up to 16 years
Task 10
Winner Konrad Jasiński, position from the game Fier-Warakomski rewarded by Goldchess.


US$50 Prize in Gold 0 – task 9 - 30.07.2016
If you are one move faster, the prize will rise to US$ 500!*
*That option is available only for the participants of our tournaments


Goldchess website founded prizes for the most beautiful game of the Mieczysław Najdorf Tournament Warsaw 2016. 
Below are the winners and the awarded games /2x500PLN/
GM Alex  Fier, Fier-Warakomski, Tournament A



Czopor-Mościcka, Tournament B



Gold 0 task 8
-position 25, of the chess game Czopor-Mościcka, Najdorf Tournament, Warsaw-July 2016.
The game awarded for the beauty of by the Goldchess portal.
winner Rafał Siwik


Task 7 - Saturday 2 p.m CET
Winner Rafał Siwik - title Brilliant Player



Task 6, Saturday 2 p.m. CET
winner Rafał Siwik-$50-Brilliant Player



Task 5 - winner Piotr Niedbał - double prize $100 - title Brilliant Player

victory on 22 move, from position 7
position from the chess game Jan Kujawski-Adrian Kurz-winning by black
Piotr solution - currently in the UK



Gold 0 - task 3 
no one solved, we show solution
position after 29 moves



It seems there are only poor players in Gold 0. And the poorest are from India; hundreds of them visit our website but none of them has submitted a good solution in either Gold 0 or Genius Test. Also, none of them has played in Rosija-America or Independent.
It appears that Anand is the only one out there who knows how to play chess. And reportedly in India there are over 100 million chess players… If it’s true, then show us your skills.
Apart from Chess Department China, we intended to open Chess Department India, but probably it won't be necessary. 

Goldchess team


task 2 

mate in 25 - there is no Winner, solved the task only Professional



Gold 0 - game only for amateurs, $50 prize

Task1-winner Piotr Niedbał
Solution-from position after 24 moves




Accumulation! - Prize $250

Task 41 currently on – 135 weeks nobody solved task

From the position of the task 41 is possible mate in 26 - we will show it in the film: "How to solve the task of Goldchess"

We want only mate in the 29th. Hint: walking around in circles King

mate 29.Qh6-forcefull in 5




Michał Stolarski sent the next solution. It is not appropriate, but beautiful. And it would be even more beautiful if played 29.gf3 mate.





Task 40 - winner Grosmaster
author's and player's solutions



Now - Task 40
Task 39 – winner Puchaaa
player’s solution



Task 38
winner Puchaa



Winner Puchaaa - master solution



Task 36 - winner Pepe



Task 35 - winner Gelu



Task 34
Winner - Grosmaster. One move faster



Task 32-33
Draw by perpetual check in 33 -7 checks
No one has done the task 31-32-33, draw in 33, by perpetual check in 7 moves
Best player’s solution- draw in 35 –player Puchaaa16



Task31-author's solution-18. Bh6



Winner - Grosmaster. Mate in 25, forceful in 5!
Featured game.



-mate in 41, forceful in 8
Winner - Grosmaster. Mate in 40, forceful in 9!
Featured game.



-mate in 37, forceful in the sixth
Task copyright from The Best, of the III Round. Additionally in Gold0, we show five author’s moves.


Game 28 won the player Gelu. Here's his solution.



Other interesting solution-Grosmaster



Solution Copyright Goldchess



Game 27-Mate in 25
Prize $50
Winner Grosmaster
The same solution as the author. See



Game 26-mate in 20
Prize $50
Winner - Grosmaster. Player's solution



Task 25
Winner Grosmaster - 2 moves faster than the author



Game 23-rd-
winner Gelu 1001-prize $100
-author's solution



Game 24
player's solution




Who first, this better

Game 22-Victory in 34

$50 prize


Player Gelu1001 done and sent task 22 after 3 minutes!
Title - Quick Brain Titan


Who first, this better Game 21st – checkmate in 19 $50 prize

The 20-game victory 33, won the prize Grosmaster, but the best solution to send Pepe, the 27th victory



Game 21 ended.
Prize won Puchaaa 16, but the most beautiful solution with dedication Queen sent Pepe. Look



Who first, this better
Game 20th – victory in 33
$50 prize


Who first, this better
Game 19th – Mate in 34- a little difficult
$50 prize


Who first, this better
Game 18th – Victory in 26 move
$50 prize


17 Task was not difficult. Player Grossmaster sent solution after 7 minutes, about 2.07p.m.
Player’s solution



Who first, this better
Game 17th – Victory in 27 move
$50 prize


Player Grosmaster did task 16 one move earlier than author.
Player’s solution



Who first, this better
Game 16th – Mate in 25moves
$50 prize

Game 15
Player’s solution



Who first, this better
Game 15th – 20victory
$50 prize

Game 14
Player’s solution



Game 14th – 25checkmate
$50 prize

Game 13
Author's and player's solution



Player Grosmaster checkmated in 32 pawn, but in a different way than the author.
Receives $ 150 prize.
We show the solution to the player and author

Currently, we have a new task, nr.13
Reward: $ 100!



Game no. 12
Eighth week, no one has done the job.
Mat 32, a pawn.
Prize $ 250!


Game no.11
Seventh week, no one has done the job.
Mat 32, a pawn.
Prize $ 250!


Game no.10

Another accumulation in Gold0!
Sixth week, no one has done the job.

Mate 32, a pawn.

Prize $ 250!


Accumulation x 5!

Fifth week, no one has done the job.

Mate 32, a pawn.

Prize x 5 = $ 250

We present batch entry submitted by the player gelu1001-mate in 34, due to its precise beauty.



Fourth week, no one has done the job.

Mate 32, a pawn.

Prize x 4 = $ 200



Third week, no one has done the job.

Mate 32, a pawn.

Prize x 3 - $ 150


Nobody solved the problem, mate in 32 with a pawn.

Cumulation, prize $100


The same player Pepe gave a 30-mate pawn move. Here's the solution.

$100 as a reward and in addition the Brain Titan Class I title.



Cuu-muuu-lation at Gold0!
Doubled prize in Gold0!
$ 100

Last task
A different solution than the author's one was provided for the last week's task. A player won the game one move earlier than the author and they were awarded the title of Class I Brain Titan.

Accumulated prize: $ 100.

Moreover, the unsolved author's task is not canceled, however, the solution to be provided has to match the author's one.



Cumulation! Prize x 2!

Nobody has resolved last week's task, that's why we have now prize cumulation in Gold0.

Good luck!


Third task has been resolved by gelu1001 player in another way than author did it. In the archive of Gold0 game you can find ready to download: starting position, player's solution and author solution.

For the fourth week we have prepared new, sensational task.



Today, at 17.38 we have received solution of task 2 from GoldChess 0 game, sent by gelu1001. As we know, he resolved this task in 10 minutes! Congratulations! Another prize and title goes to him - see in our Winners section.
gelu1001's solution, as well as the starting position, are enclosed.



First task has been resolved. $50 prize.
Winner - gelu1001 was the first one who has sent solution. Nobody is faster?


Task 32
Draw by perpetual check in 33 - 7 checks


Download the chess programme 

Weekend's Chess Crazy  

Check if you can play chess. 3 different moves and 3 wins. Win in 3 moves, mate in 6 and mate in 7 moves. Win in the given way with our computer. If you win in the stated way 3 times, you are great!

Comprueba si sabes jugar al ajedrez. 3 movimientos diferentes y 3 victorias. Gana en 3 jugadas, da mate en 6 y da mate en 7 jugadas. Ganar de la manera dada con nuestro ordenador. Si ganas de la manera indicada 3 veces, ¡eres genial!

Sprawdź, czy umiesz grać. 3 różne ruchy i 3 wygrane. Wygrana w 3 ruchach, mat w 6 i mat w 7 ruchach. Wygraj w podany sposób z naszym komputerem. Jeśli wygrasz w podany sposób 3 razy, jesteś wielki!

3 разных хода и 3 выигрыша. Выигрыш за 3 хода, мат за 6 и мат за 7 ходов. Выиграйте заявленным способом с помощью нашего компьютера. Если вы выиграете указанным способом 3 раза, вы молодец!


Regarde si tu peux jouer aux échecs. 3 mouvements différents et 3 victoires. Gagner en 3 coups, faire mat en 6 et faire mat en 7 coups. Gagnez de la manière donnée avec notre ordinateur. Si vous gagnez de la manière donnée 3 fois, vous êtes grand !

SC1-March 27
Play Black. Position 23, mate on move 27



Diagram 4. Test 1 - basic. If you solve this task, you have a predisposition to play chess and you can also play at Goldchess. If not, we recommend that you change the sport, for example on badminton, where you do not have to think, just move your hand. Solve, mate on move 28. (The solution at -Winners-Goldchess Crazy)



Crazy 38

Solutions/ Soluciones/ Решения/解決方案
Mate 31 - 1.Rd8 Qg4, 2. B:g4 R:d8, 3.Qg7#
Mate 32 - 1.Bg6 R:g6, 2.Rd8+ Qe8, 3.R:e8 Rg8, 4. Qg7#
Mate 32 bis. 1.Bg6 R:g6, 2.fg6 Q:g6, 3.Rd8+ Qg8, 4.Qg7#
Mate 33 - 1.Bg6 R:g6, 2.Qf8+ Rg8, 3.Q:g8 K:g8.4. Rd8+ Qe8, 5.R:e8#







Crazy32 position



Crazy 31




Crazy 29













Crazy20 position



Crazy19 position



Goldchess Crazy 17A
mate on move 20, play black,



Crazy16 - Diagram4 Test 1 - basic.
If you solve this task, you have a predisposition to play chess and you can also play at Goldchess. If not, we recommend that you change the sport, for example on badminton, where you do not have to think, just move your hand.




Goldchess Crazy15 position



Crazy14 position



Goldchess Crazy11



Goldchess Crazy10



Goldchess Crazy 9
victory on move 29, play black (after opening position, click -Play-Play Black)




Goldchess Crazy 8 - 2 moves



Goldchess Crazy7… victory on move 37-solve.



Chess Crazy 5 position
